The Anthonys Read Here

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Ok, I wasn't going to say this BUT now I am so mad after NG tonight, somewhere around 7-20 I emailed Cindy on her My Space and told her to come here and see what people were saying because I was so mad at what people were accusing the Anthonys of (especially the incest talk) and I got a message back (I didn't copy it, saved it in my inbox) now that she deleted her My Space the message is gone BUT in the reply signed "An Anthony Family Friend" it said they were reading here and the confusion about the case is because they can't tell the public everything they know.

When you mentioned incest are you talking about Casey and George?
Casey and Cindy?
Do you have a link?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Cindy needs to take the cotton out of her ears and put it in her mouth. Of course, I believe we all need to take it out of our mouths and put it in our ears and not listen to all this BS any more. By starting threads regarding the Anthonys, what Cindy did or didn't say, etc etc etc is just adding fuel to her fire. The more chaos she can stir up the more the focus is off of what it needs to be on and that is finding Caylee.

Our focus should be on finding Caylee and the HELL with what the Anthony's say or think!!! It is all nonsense and we are getting sucked right in -

I am going to chose to take the cotton out of my mouth and put it in my ears - I am tired of listening to this BS!!!

CA and GA have several choices but only 2 real choices that they can see clearly...
choice # 1 - admit that their daughter is a murderer

choice # 2 - deny she is a murderer

the safe choice is denial. the harsh reality is choice # 1

they simply have not been able to come to terms with choice # 1

they may never be able to...although i have an inkling of a feeling that GA
is coming to the realization sooner

its a ferris wheel ride with a giant hippo at the controls, she is laughing
and torturing her whole family
CA and GA have several choices but only 2 real choices that they can see clearly...
choice # 1 - admit that their daughter is a murderer

choice # 2 - deny she is a murderer

the safe choice is denial. the harsh reality is choice # 1

they simply have not been able to come to terms with choice # 1

they may never be able to...although i have an inkling of a feeling that GA
is coming to the realization sooner

its a ferris wheel ride with a giant hippo at the controls, she is laughing
and torturing her whole family

Lee has been very quiet for a long time. I remember him saying something to the effect of If he felt Casey was lying he would not be fooling with her.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Cindy needs to take the cotton out of her ears and put it in her mouth. Of course, I believe we all need to take it out of our mouths and put it in our ears and not listen to all this BS any more. By starting threads regarding the Anthonys, what Cindy did or didn't say, etc etc etc is just adding fuel to her fire. The more chaos she can stir up the more the focus is off of what it needs to be on and that is finding Caylee.

Our focus should be on finding Caylee and the HELL with what the Anthony's say or think!!! It is all nonsense and we are getting sucked right in -

I am going to chose to take the cotton out of my mouth and put it in my ears - I am tired of listening to this BS!!!

A message to Cindy if she happens to be reading here on WS

If you want the support of the public and you want us to believe that Caylee is alive and with someone your daughter trusted...THEN CHANGE YOUR NASTY ATTITUDE AND GIVE US SOME RELIABLE INFORMATION ABOUT WHO YOU BELIEVE HAS HER!
Give us a description, age, kind of car she drives, who she hung out with, a working phone number, someone...anyone who has ever seen her, talked to her or known her. Give us possible relatives, actual places where this woman has lived and actual places where you think she might go. Quit being so vague!
You want help in finding your granddaughter? Then give us something solid to try to help you find her!
All I hear coming out of your mouth is "Find Caylee, she's alive, Find her!" Well tell us where to start Cindy. Answer these questions please and it will be a start.
1. Have you ever met this Zenaida? If so when & where.
2. If so what does she look like? Appx weight, height, hair color, eye color, long, med or short hair?
3. Does she have a vehicle? What is the color, make and model?
4. Does she have family, who and where are they?
5. Was she married?
6. Did she have children of her own?
If this woman exists then tell us the name of just one individual who knows her, just one person who might be a little more informative about her than you have been.
I would love for your Granddaughter to be found alive but you are doing nothing to help us believe that she is. LE on the other hand is doing telling us everything to prove she is not alive.
When all the drama stops and all the media is gone you will be alone with your thoughts and your guilt. I fear you will never forgive yourself for what you didn't say. Come on Cindy give us something concrete or just shut up and stay out of the way and out of the lime light.
A message to Cindy if she happens to be reading here on WS

If you want the support of the public and you want us to believe that Caylee is alive and with someone your daughter trusted...THEN CHANGE YOUR NASTY ATTITUDE AND GIVE US SOME RELIABLE INFORMATION ABOUT WHO YOU BELIEVE HAS HER!
Give us a description, age, kind of car she drives, who she hung out with, a working phone number, someone...anyone who has ever seen her, talked to her or known her. Give us possible relatives, actual places where this woman has lived and actual places where you think she might go. Quit being so vague!
You want help in finding your granddaughter? Then give us something solid to try to help you find her!
All I hear coming out of your mouth is "Find Caylee, she's alive, Find her!" Well tell us where to start Cindy. Answer these questions please and it will be a start.
1. Have you ever met this Zenaida? If so when & where.
2. If so what does she look like? Appx weight, height, hair color, eye color, long, med or short hair?
3. Does she have a vehicle? What is the color, make and model?
4. Does she have family, who and where are they?
5. Was she married?
6. Did she have children of her own?
If this woman exists then tell us the name of just one individual who knows her, just one person who might be a little more informative about her than you have been.
I would love for your Granddaughter to be found alive but you are doing nothing to help us believe that she is. LE on the other hand is doing telling us everything to prove she is not alive.
When all the drama stops and all the media is gone you will be alone with your thoughts and your guilt. I fear you will never forgive yourself for what you didn't say. Come on Cindy give us something concrete or just shut up and stay out of the way and out of the lime light.

BUT, BUT, BUT, we were told not to answer these questions, we were told there are some things we should talk about..... BY WHO CINDY?? - THE POLICE WHO AREN'T DOING ANYTHING TO HELP YOU FIND CAYLEE????

Shoot, and I said I was going to stay out of this, lol...... :bang:
A message to Cindy if she happens to be reading here on WS

If you want the support of the public and you want us to believe that Caylee is alive and with someone your daughter trusted...THEN CHANGE YOUR NASTY ATTITUDE AND GIVE US SOME RELIABLE INFORMATION ABOUT WHO YOU BELIEVE HAS HER!
Give us a description, age, kind of car she drives, who she hung out with, a working phone number, someone...anyone who has ever seen her, talked to her or known her. Give us possible relatives, actual places where this woman has lived and actual places where you think she might go. Quit being so vague!
You want help in finding your granddaughter? Then give us something solid to try to help you find her!
All I hear coming out of your mouth is "Find Caylee, she's alive, Find her!" Well tell us where to start Cindy. Answer these questions please and it will be a start.
1. Have you ever met this Zenaida? If so when & where.
2. If so what does she look like? Appx weight, height, hair color, eye color, long, med or short hair?
3. Does she have a vehicle? What is the color, make and model?
4. Does she have family, who and where are they?
5. Was she married?
6. Did she have children of her own?
If this woman exists then tell us the name of just one individual who knows her, just one person who might be a little more informative about her than you have been.
I would love for your Granddaughter to be found alive but you are doing nothing to help us believe that she is. LE on the other hand is doing telling us everything to prove she is not alive.
When all the drama stops and all the media is gone you will be alone with your thoughts and your guilt. I fear you will never forgive yourself for what you didn't say. Come on Cindy give us something concrete or just shut up and stay out of the way and out of the lime light.

I would add-how much per hour did "Zenaida" charge for 24 hour care? Was Casey current in paying her "babysitting" bill? What was the tax/social security payment status on the "full time babysitting" situation?
Please compare Casey's income with the average charges in Florida for 24 hour care. Did Casey's job situation warrant 24 hour care? Were you willing to provide care for Caylee? Why did it take so many weeks to finally decide it's time to put some serious effort into finding a little 2 year old?

How does it feel to know your daughter is remaining silent while her baby could be crying for her mother or grandma?

How does it feel to know eyes are peering at your family because of your daughter?

How does it feel to know that compassion and sympathy is going out the window every time you open your mouth?

How does it feel to know you are now just as suspious as your daughter?

How does it feel to have people you don't even know care enough to want to bring your grandbaby home no matter what?

How does it feel to now have someone other then your daughter stealing from you? (since the ID thing)

How does it feel to know you have had an advantage many families with missing children do not and yet you treat them horribly?

How does it feel to know that now instead of a college fund for Caylee may need a memorial fund?

How does it feel to lie to the world and feel like your getting away with it?

How does it feel to make a gentle man like Tim Miller be ready to give up?

How does it feel to be a RN ....yet you don't know the smell of death?

How does it feel to bully the media when you can stay away from a camera?

How does it feel to in such big denial ??????

How did feel to celebrate that baby's BDAY With out her.....because of your daughter?

How does it feel to know your daughter was busy curling up in bed with a few "boys" while her "girl" may not have even had a pillow
to lay her head on?

How did it feel to bring LP and TM here under false motives?

How does it feel to know your daughter gave your grandbaby to someone she has no phone # for , no picture of or no one else to say she even is real?

How does it feel to know hundreds of people including some that have truely "lost " a loved one are climbing thru the brush and streets looking for YOUR GRANBABY and you have the nerve to critize them???

HOw does it feel to tell the world to get off their A____ and find YOUR GRANDBABY and you just sit there comforting the person who "lost" her??

How does it feel to know that baby loved you unconditonally yet you sit back claiming your support for the one person who holds the answers to what happened?

How does it feel to see your daughters bond is set higher then the reward to bring YOUR GRANDBABY home???
Just an addtl thought of mine, not sticking up for the family, but I don't think for a moment that if / and when Casey may have been asked or forced to leave that they would not have kept / or wanted to keep Caylee there. They obviously loved her and at that time were not stupid as to what Casey was up to. Their denail now, IMO, is from pain of not being able to accept what they may know to be true in their heart. No parent/grandparent would want to have to face the fact their own child could kill their grandchild.. JMO Maybe they will reach that point in their time which I think from some of their actions they may already have just not publicly...... Dont beat me up cause didnt say I agree with them or decisions just as a parent that would be a hard pill to swallow..

Good post. :)
I would add-how much per hour did "Zenaida" charge for 24 hour care? Was Casey current in paying her "babysitting" bill? What was the tax/social security payment status on the "full time babysitting" situation?
Please compare Casey's income with the average charges in Florida for 24 hour care. Did Casey's job situation warrant 24 hour care? Were you willing to provide care for Caylee? Why did it take so many weeks to finally decide it's time to put some serious effort into finding a little 2 year old?

I personally don't give a rats butt who paid the woman, how much they paid her, if she was legal or illegal. I just want to know if ANYBODY knows her. If she exists then surely SOMEONE knows her. She was keeping Cindy's granddaughter and SHE should have known her and should be able to answer the questions I posed. :furious:
I personally don't give a rats butt who paid the woman, how much they paid her, if she was legal or illegal. I just want to know if ANYBODY knows her. If she exists then surely SOMEONE knows her. She was keeping Cindy's granddaughter and SHE should have known her and should be able to answer the questions I posed. :furious:

I don't care about the actual money, either, but I'd like to hear the attempts at answers. It goes to the heart of what they were all thinking while a tiny one's safety was a very low priority.
A message to Cindy if she happens to be reading here on WS

If you want the support of the public and you want us to believe that Caylee is alive and with someone your daughter trusted...THEN CHANGE YOUR NASTY ATTITUDE AND GIVE US SOME RELIABLE INFORMATION ABOUT WHO YOU BELIEVE HAS HER!
Give us a description, age, kind of car she drives, who she hung out with, a working phone number, someone...anyone who has ever seen her, talked to her or known her. Give us possible relatives, actual places where this woman has lived and actual places where you think she might go. Quit being so vague!
You want help in finding your granddaughter? Then give us something solid to try to help you find her!
All I hear coming out of your mouth is "Find Caylee, she's alive, Find her!" Well tell us where to start Cindy. Answer these questions please and it will be a start.
1. Have you ever met this Zenaida? If so when & where.
2. If so what does she look like? Appx weight, height, hair color, eye color, long, med or short hair?
3. Does she have a vehicle? What is the color, make and model?
4. Does she have family, who and where are they?
5. Was she married?
6. Did she have children of her own?
If this woman exists then tell us the name of just one individual who knows her, just one person who might be a little more informative about her than you have been.
I would love for your Granddaughter to be found alive but you are doing nothing to help us believe that she is. LE on the other hand is doing telling us everything to prove she is not alive.
When all the drama stops and all the media is gone you will be alone with your thoughts and your guilt. I fear you will never forgive yourself for what you didn't say. Come on Cindy give us something concrete or just shut up and stay out of the way and out of the lime light.

Excellent questions!!!!!

There will be no answers, however. Because "Caylee might be harmed, or because LE is trying to frame Casey", or some other nonsense.

Cue the circus music.

DH says Cindy LOVES the spotlight. She's just another media ***** looking for her cameo.

I don't understand it, I don't want to hear the lies and covering up. I just want to have the little girl laid decently to rest.
Oh give me a break. Yeah those of us who have been hear for 5 years were just waiting around for the Caylee Anthony case.

Just because people can sympathize with the GPAs or have a different opinion then you does not make them trolls.

I was online several times when the obvious trolls were on I never saw you on at that time. No, just because you have a different idea about things doesn't make you a troll. I joined this August, I'm a newbie. But, I also know when I see someone using Cindy's words, in the same manner as Cindy talks, refuting evidence using the same faulty logic/denial that Cindy does, AND see that they are a member joined in early to middle August, that person is a troll and that troll is Cindy (or a close personal friend of Cindy).
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Cindy needs to take the cotton out of her ears and put it in her mouth. Of course, I believe we all need to take it out of our mouths and put it in our ears and not listen to all this BS any more. By starting threads regarding the Anthonys, what Cindy did or didn't say, etc etc etc is just adding fuel to her fire. The more chaos she can stir up the more the focus is off of what it needs to be on and that is finding Caylee.

Our focus should be on finding Caylee and the HELL with what the Anthony's say or think!!! It is all nonsense and we are getting sucked right in -

I am going to chose to take the cotton out of my mouth and put it in my ears - I am tired of listening to this BS!!!


I'm with you. I am so done with this woman. I hope Gretta, NG and 'you guys' in the media go with that flow as well. They are just giving her a platform for her maddness. It's annoying. It's sad. It's pathetic.
I am just so angry with Cindy! I'm a grandmother of 10 and every time I see Cindy's smug face in front of the camera I just want to jump through the TV and slap the #$%^ out of her. Even if I thought my saying something would have a negative consequence, I must say I would take my chances with LE. I would trust that they are highly skilled individuals, trained to handle situations where a child's life is at risk. Cindy is not and she needs to tell LE EVERYTHING and let them decide how to handle it. If indeed she knows who has Caylee and fears they will hurt her.
I personally don't give a rats butt who paid the woman, how much they paid her, if she was legal or illegal. I just want to know if ANYBODY knows her. If she exists then surely SOMEONE knows her. She was keeping Cindy's granddaughter and SHE should have known her and should be able to answer the questions I posed. :furious:

And surely this person who 'took' Caylee lived somewhere in Orlando at some point in time. Caylee's mom must have taken Caylee to some home of hers during the time she was using her as a babysitter. I want someone from Team Anthony to show me somewhere this woman has lived, ever, and if they can't, that's a pretty good indication to me that she never existed, that Caylee was not kidnapped by this person and that Caylee's own mother did something to harm her and is lying to cover it up.

Plus, Caylee's mom must have called or e-mailed her 'babysitter' at least a few times in the '2-4' years she used her to babysit Caylee, or the babysitter must have at least made a few calls to Caylee's mom-you know, to set up times, to change times, to canel occasionally, to exchange some type of information back and forth. I want someone from Anthonyworld to show me those phone calls verified by the phone co as being real or those e-mails which can be verified as coming from an real e-mail account actually belonging to that babysitter. I want verifiable proof that a 'babysitter/kidnapper' is real and not made up by a criminal to cover her crime, and if the Anthony Zone can't come up with that proof, then they better stop whining and blaming everyone else because there has been no absolutely NO PROOF presented that any 'babysitter,' or 'person Caylee's mom trusted who betrayed her' exists and is anymore than a ruse invented to help Caylee's mom avoid conviction for the death of her daughter for which she is responsible.
when it comes time for LE to release evidence.. at the trial

CA will still not accept it.. she needs BIG TIME help from trained therapists
the only way she will believe it.. is when casey tells the truth
which is coming

I don't think Casey is EVER going to tell the truth and her mother really doesn't want her to

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