Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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Since there are so many people involved and so many phone calls there might have been a big drug party gong on and somethng happened to Haleigh and they are all gulty.
I would still like to know why everybody in Ron Cummings' family rallied around Misty if Ron, himself, was not involved? He had only known Misty 5-6 months before any of this took place so why would they protect her? I'm not saying that Misty may not have had her hand in this, but the way the Cummings clan behaved I still say that somehow Ron is involved and they are all covering each others tracts. Ron, himself, has been caught in several lies. I love how he told the media that his personal business was his business but yet his personal business may be the reason why Haleigh is missing today.
I forgot to put in my post about all the bad drugs Misty was talking about and all the phone calls that Ron made maybe it was a big deal going down since the talk about the mexicans, all are afraid to talk
In the bus stop thread there are 2 witnesses who state Misty was there to pick up Haleigh and the boys (witnesses were Jerry and his GF). Both state they heard Misty talking to somone in another car stating the 'stuff I got the other night was and I ain't messing with those guys no more.' So we know a drug deal went down, and we know where she was the few nights before and there were drugs there. Did Ronald and the boys go back there to settle a bad drug sh*tty marijuana maybe? Is this where the trouble started?

Could very well be and could also be where Haleigh's life ended..JMO

I have always believed Haleigh paid the ultimate price due to the actions of her father..That she got caught up in an altercation between either Ronald and Misty or between Ronald and someone else. JMO
Could very well be and could also be where Haleigh's life ended..JMO

I have always believed Haleigh paid the ultimate price due to the actions of her father..That she got caught up in an altercation between either Ronald and Misty or between Ronald and someone else. JMO

I have always believed Ronald did something to cause this too. This could be an explanation. I really don't believe any of them did anything to Haleigh directly. Something happened and whomever these people pizzed off, came back to even the score. I think ma ma5353 may be on to something, re all the calls. Something was going down, Ron was afraid. He even had Tommy go over and check. Could be why TN was on alert as well. He suspected a payback could be coming his way. I think they all know about it too, and were involved.
I have always believed Ronald did something to cause this too. This could be an explanation. I really don't believe any of them did anything to Haleigh directly. Something happened and whomever these people pizzed off, came back to even the score. I think ma ma5353 may be on to something, re all the calls. Something was going down, Ron was afraid. He even had Tommy go over and check. Could be why TN was on alert as well. He suspected a payback could be coming his way. I think they all know about it too, and were involved.

I'm more inclined to believe whatever the something was that went down occurred before Ron C ever went into work that evening or that night, and all the 90 plus calls were made because Ron needed to maintain control over the situation eventhough he couldn't physically be there and had to be at work in order to have an alibi..JMO
I have always believed Ronald did something to cause this too. This could be an explanation. I really don't believe any of them did anything to Haleigh directly. Something happened and whomever these people pizzed off, came back to even the score. I think ma ma5353 may be on to something, re all the calls. Something was going down, Ron was afraid. He even had Tommy go over and check. Could be why TN was on alert as well. He suspected a payback could be coming his way. I think they all know about it too, and were involved.

If I thought drug lords from a Mexican gang were coming to get me or pay me a visit, I wouldn't think of keeping the kids in that MH. They would have been with GGMS or TN for safety. JMO. If you go back to the LDT, and the other tests and think about all that MC lied about, it narrows down the theory.

She has lied about putting Haleigh to bed.
She lied about Joe and Tommy.
She lied about doing all the chores there that night.
she had doubt as to whether Ron was involved.

Tommy on the most recent tapes, at that point, doesn't know she flunked the poly again. I think Tommy is going to pass his. JMO

I keep going back to all the tests Misty failed and it narrows down a lot. JMHO.
I would still like to know why everybody in Ron Cummings' family rallied around Misty if Ron, himself, was not involved? He had only known Misty 5-6 months before any of this took place so why would they protect her? I'm not saying that Misty may not have had her hand in this, but the way the Cummings clan behaved I still say that somehow Ron is involved and they are all covering each others tracts. Ron, himself, has been caught in several lies. I love how he told the media that his personal business was his business but yet his personal business may be the reason why Haleigh is missing today.

To find the answer to your question about the rallying around Misty I believe you would need to look back over the bitter and long custody fight for Haleigh and Junior between Crystal and Ronald. There were accusations that RC stole the children from Crystal, that RC abused the children physically (and pictures were produced as evidence) of the abuse. Those are just 2 things I will mention. If there was a sliver of hope that Haleigh was going to be found alive, there would be a trillion questions to be answered when she was found about what the best interests for the children were and where Haleigh and Junior should be placed. My opinions only.
RC did steal the children and took physical custody. That is a fact. He went to court and had custody already which brought about his win, don't see how that fits in with what you are saying. The courts were told that the children would be in jeopardy. RC was an unfit parent, we all know that now.

Are you saying that is why tn protected misty? I don't understand your point
Concerning the results of the VSA...I don't think any of us were far off.

But it looks like Misty is either a sever Borderline Personality (still wondering if she cuts and then I would know) or she is dissociating, which is where I was repeating my observation of her delusinal thinking. I never went as far as MPD though. They are suggesting dissociation....makes sense if you believe in that. I will now have to go back and look at her more closely. I came across one of them before and they do things with their eyes are that are odd.

We can go back to keeping this crime simple. She either harmed Haleigh herself and disposed of her alone or she had help in the disposal.

Or she witnessed a murder and is scared and purposesly deluded herself or she actually is M.P.D. (Boy, that would bring out the skeptics)

I prefer to keep this simple. Misty may have been the one to harm Haleigh and may have disposed of her nearby using her sister-in-laws van or call a friend like Nay.

The analysis, if accurate, shows a mentally disturbed person, imo.
I think if she had disposed of the body, it would've been found. Remembering back to Misty leaving & staying with her family, & then going back to Ron. On the one hand, (the logical one), we could think that Ron had committed a horrible crime & wanted to keep her close, so that he could monitor what she said. On the other hand, (the irrational one), Ron may have just needed his girlfriend @ his side, regardless of what she had done. But, why did Misty go back? On the one hand, (the logical one), she committed a horrible crime & needed his support to remain free. On the other hand, (the irrational one), she wanted to be by Ron's side, because she loved him? None of this makes sense. Maybe she went back because they were in on this together, & they didn't trust each other, apart. I've always seen the 1st option, because that made the most logical sense, but it really doesn't explain why SHE went back. unless she was scared not to, or was an emotional wreck & reacted impulsively. If she'd had decent parents, they never would've let her go back-unless they knew she was guilty. I really am questioning my gut instincts. Why in the world, did those 2 stay together?
Logic and reason doesn't stand a prayer in this case, dodie. Many crimes make no sense at all.

My standing is misty did something...what I don't know. RC is the type to protect his image regardless of what is going on around him. He comes first. Even if he didn't directly harm Haleigh, I still see him behaving the same way. Misty reflects on him, so he must do damage control. At some level, he is involved, even if it is bedding a minor. If he turned on her, she could charge him with stat, after all she was 16, when this started.

RC is a weird one..and misty is messed up. It is either because of drugs or in spite of drugs..don't know.
There is 35,000 reward sitting there. If misty were anywhere seen that night by someone not involved, she would be considered a suspect and the person would collect the money. Therefore she was either home or out by herself or with people helping her.

She was not at a large gathering or she would have been squealed on..

Joe Pytko says Haleigh overdosed and was put in a bag and dumped in water.
Nay says he is a liar
JP attempted suicide as I recall (don't have date)

Nay says she was with Donnie
Tommy says he was with Lindsy.

Jr say a black man or man in black took Haleigh and she was asleep. squeaky shoes (wet?) heard and a bouncing couch.

RC had a friend who was black
Nay's Donnie is black
WBG is black
Crystal Cummings's child's daddy is black
Jerome (dealer) is black
and finally. RC wore very dark clothes (jumpsuit) Feb 9.

Neighbors heard the sound of an old vehicle:

Nay, Amber, RC have old vehicles. May have been a large car/truck to make so much noise.
Somebody reported a truck sounding car parked in the driveway of the dumpster. Whoever it was may have pulled over there just to think or gather their composure.

LE very interested in area at end of Green Lane and in water.
There is 35,000 reward sitting there. If misty were anywhere seen that night by someone not involved, she would be considered a suspect and the person would collect the money. Therefore she was either home or out by herself or with people helping her.

She was not at a large gathering or she would have been squealed on..

I suspect she was with someone in the Cummings Clan.. And was with them until they dropped her off back at the MH early in the am of the 10th..I also suspect thats when she was heard walking around outside crying and talking on the phone..JMO
Ron, misty and tn are so highly emotionally charged, it is difficult for me to imagine any of these three capable of doing anything requiring thought and planning in a crime and with a victim no less a precious chlid. If these three were together, it has to be a very haphazard effort to conceal.
TN and RC together ... can't picture it. They are emotional cripples .Doesn't mean it couldn't have happened, I can't wrap myself around it.
If misty cut her phone off and Haleigh disappeared, it would take a very big leap to say, "Well, it was just a coincidence". TN AS and rc loving her despite this is the biggest problem we have going on with this case. /How do we reconcile that kind of love and understanding coming from this bunch? This is crazy behavior.
TN and RC together ... can't picture it. They are emotional cripples .Doesn't mean it couldn't have happened, I can't wrap myself around it.

What can't you picture? They may very well be emotional cripples but these two have proven they have very diabolical, manipulative, conivving minds..
BTW..You need to lay off those cigs.. That tar and nicotine can't be helping you or your ability to think......Just kidding... LOL..
There is 35,000 reward sitting there. If misty were anywhere seen that night by someone not involved, she would be considered a suspect and the person would collect the money. Therefore she was either home or out by herself or with people helping her.

She was not at a large gathering or she would have been squealed on..

Joe Pytko says Haleigh overdosed and was put in a bag and dumped in water.
Nay says he is a liar
JP attempted suicide as I recall (don't have date)

Nay says she was with Donnie
Tommy says he was with Lindsy.

Jr say a black man or man in black took Haleigh and she was asleep. squeaky shoes (wet?) heard and a bouncing couch.

RC had a friend who was black
Nay's Donnie is black
WBG is black
Crystal Cummings's child's daddy is black
Jerome (dealer) is black
and finally. RC wore very dark clothes (jumpsuit) Feb 9.

Neighbors heard the sound of an old vehicle:

Nay, Amber, RC have old vehicles. May have been a large car/truck to make so much noise.
Somebody reported a truck sounding car parked in the driveway of the dumpster. Whoever it was may have pulled over there just to think or gather their composure.

LE very interested in area at end of Green Lane and in water.
I wonder if Jr. noticed the squeaky shoes, because he had heard them before-to a very young child, familiar sights & sounds might stand out more than the unfamiliar. But...there have been reports that none of this even happened. So, we get to decide who's lieing-as usual. Did LE take this seriously, or did they determine, that it was indeed, a plant? & to add one more to your black's been reported, I think, that Tommy would don all black for home burglaries. Is that true, or was it just a theory?
What can't you picture? They may very well be emotional cripples but these two have proven they have very diabolical, manipulative, conivving minds..
BTW..You need to lay off those cigs.. That tar and nicotine can't be helping you or your ability to think......Just kidding... LOL..

LOL....the cigs must be clogging the few brain cells left.

I was having the problem of picturing them together actually hiding Haleigh. They would be screaming and fighting with each other the entire time.
I wonder if Jr. made a point to remember the squeaky shoes, because he had heard them before-to a very young child, familiar sights & sounds might stand out more than the unfamiliar. But...there have been reports that none of this even happened. So, we get to decide who's lieing-as usual. Did LE take this seriously, or did they determine, that it was indeed, a plant? & to add one more to your black's been reported, I think, that Tommy would don all black for home burglaries. Is that true, or was it just a theory?

OH! Thanks alot dodie, like we needed another wrench thrown in...LOL

Who reported this about tommy? I have to go back to simple again. Of ocurse that could include tommy.
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