Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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I don't need a list of inconsistencies as I am aware of those. It was stated there were "blatant lies" and I said I must have missed those because I have not seen any to date.

Excellent. I'm glad you're aware of them. That saves me a lot of time.
To me, they are lies, to you they are inconsistencies. Semantics.

I will gladly agree to disagree on our differences in interpretation, however the definition of inconsistent is:

Definitions of inconsistent on the Web:

displaying a lack of consistency; "inconsistent statements cannot both be true at the same time"

To me that means, one story is the truth, the other is a lie.
Misty said the beds were four inches apart. This is an inconsistency. This is not a lie in that she did not mean they were really four inches apart...she meant to say they were four feet apart. It just didn't come out that way.

So I do disagree that all inconsistencies are lies. Sometimes they are simply words or thoughts which get confused under stressful situations.

Inconsistencies do not add up to lies, says police chief

Police officers had different memories of the events leading to Thomas "TJ" Hickey's death but the inconsistencies did not necessarily make them liars, said the Police Commissioner, Ken Moroney.


Inconsistencies in the statements given by Senior Constable Michael Hollingsworth and his partner, Constable Maree Reynolds, "do not necessarily amount to lies".

"The coroner comments about incorrect evidence by several witnesses. It would not be inconceivable there would be inconsistencies in their [the police's] recollections," he said.

Main Entry: in·con·sis·tent
Pronunciation: \-tənt\
Function: adjective
Date: 1620
: lacking consistency: as a: not compatible with another fact or claim <inconsistent statements> b: containing incompatible elements <an inconsistent argument> c: incoherent or illogical in thought or actions : changeable d: not satisfiable by the same set of values for the unknowns <inconsistent equations> <inconsistent inequalities> BBM

(I only trust the Merriam-Webster dictionary.)
BBM. Problem is, it was one of the colder, early FEBRUARY days in Florida, not a warmer one in winter when you and the kiddies were having all that fun:)

It was 59 degrees in Satsuma, FL at 5:55pm. At 6:55pm, it had dropped only 3.5 degrees. The wind was calm. If you figure in that the porch sat next to the mh, it would probably raise that temperature at least a few degrees especially if the door was open. A light jacket or sweater would be sufficient to knock off any chill. The high that day was 66.2 degrees and when they were playing outside...the temperature would have been about 64.4 degrees. I don't consider that a cold winter day anywhere.

56 degrees is COLD when you are in an area with high humidity. I live in a climate like that. It's jacket weather, wind or no wind. And people who have to pay heating bills do not leave the front door open to provide heat on a screened in porch. One month of booting that heating bill up another $50-100 would break that habit pretty quick.

I suspect that GGma made that scenario up at the same time she made up the story of going by to drop off clothes, a week later. She just simply wasn't thinking back to what the temperature was that evening.
56 degrees is COLD when you are in an area with high humidity. I live in a climate like that. It's jacket weather, wind or no wind. And people who have to pay heating bills do not leave the front door open to provide heat on a screened in porch. One month of booting that heating bill up another $50-100 would break that habit pretty quick.

I suspect that GGma made that scenario up at the same time she made up the story of going by to drop off clothes, a week later. She just simply wasn't thinking back to what the temperature was that evening.
There is high humidity where I live as well. 56 would be down right cold. IMO, if GGS's story is true, maybe Misty was busy cleaning and made the children stay outside to get them out from under her feet. She most likely did not feel very spry that night and could not tolerate very much noise.
LE has said that Misty is the key to the timeline. What that means, IMO, is she is the only known person to have been there that night. She cannot give an accurate time as to what time she got up and noticed Haleigh gone. That doesn't mean much to me, because I don't think they need to know down to the last minute when she woke up, if she was indeed there. What I think they are getting at is, they want to know where Misty was when this abduction took place, or who else might have been there, and she has not been truthful about that, as far as LE is concerned.
I don't agree that LE zeroed in on her from the beginning. It's SOP to concentrate on the last known person to have seen the missing person, so that's not out of the ordinary. And when that person cannot remember little details, or tells it one way one time and another way the next time, then that causes them to be suspicious.
Misty said the beds were four inches apart. This is an inconsistency. This is not a lie in that she did not mean they were really four inches apart...she meant to say they were four feet apart. It just didn't come out that way.

So I do disagree that all inconsistencies are lies. Sometimes they are simply words or thoughts which get confused under stressful situations.

Inconsistencies do not add up to lies, says police chief

Police officers had different memories of the events leading to Thomas "TJ" Hickey's death but the inconsistencies did not necessarily make them liars, said the Police Commissioner, Ken Moroney.


Inconsistencies in the statements given by Senior Constable Michael Hollingsworth and his partner, Constable Maree Reynolds, "do not necessarily amount to lies".

"The coroner comments about incorrect evidence by several witnesses. It would not be inconceivable there would be inconsistencies in their [the police's] recollections," he said.

Main Entry: in·con·sis·tent
Pronunciation: \-t&#601;nt\
Function: adjective
Date: 1620
: lacking consistency: as a: not compatible with another fact or claim <inconsistent statements> b: containing incompatible elements <an inconsistent argument> c: incoherent or illogical in thought or actions : changeable d: not satisfiable by the same set of values for the unknowns <inconsistent equations> <inconsistent inequalities> BBM

(I only trust the Merriam-Webster dictionary.)

Thanks for the quotes, but this is an article from Australia, printed in 2004. Not the same country, not the same case, not the same year.
It was 62.6 degrees in Satsuma, FL at 4:50pm. At 6:50pm, it was 62.6 degrees. There was a slight breeze. If you figure in that the porch sat next to the mh, it would probably raise that temperature at least a few degrees especially if the door was open. A light jacket or sweater would be sufficient to knock off any chill. When they were playing outside...the temperature was about 64.4 degrees from 12:50pm until at least 3:50pm. I don't consider that a cold winter day anywhere.
I had mistakenly put in the wrong date. Here it shows it was warmer than 59 degrees.
Police do not usually come out and say to the public, a POI is lying....they are now politically-correct and use the term "inconsistent".

Just like "Person of Interest"....used to be the "Suspect".

This political correctness is only going to get worse, I am afraid.
Thanks for the quotes, but this is an article from Australia, printed in 2004. Not the same country, not the same case, not the same year.
The police chief raised some valid points about "inconsistencies" and it doesn't matter if the case was in Australia in 2004 or not. His statement stands today as much as it did then.
Police do not usually come out and say to the public, a POI is lying....they are now politically-correct and use the term "inconsistent".

Just like "Person of Interest"....used to be the "Suspect".

This political correctness is only going to get worse, I am afraid.
Hmmm...I didn't hear OCSO calling Cindy A. a liar when LE said her statements were inconsistent. I also did not hear them call her a POI or a suspect in that case. I guess I will have to disagree with you that this applies to every case and that every person LE says made inconsistent statements is a POI.
All I can get so far is a nagging feeling that the crime occurred between 4 and 8 pm.
Child abduction, generally speaking, is a crime of opportunity.

R & M have insisted the door was locked. They have insisted she was abducted. There is no evidence of abduction.

Misty is positive the kitchen light was not on when she retired.

She had to go to bathroom; later she got up to get drink of water.

Misty at first recalls Haleigh slept with her in the big bed. Later she changes it to the other bed. Misty tells 911, Haleigh was wearing pj's.

She also states jr came to bed later...I never got this story straight. There are stories of tapes and blankets.

Misty's explanations are very confusing. I am not going to make excuses for her being confused...there is none!

She is highly suspect with these points.
Wow , How's it going in here tonight? lol...
So I know a few people have posted that they feel perhaps Misty gave something to Haleigh to help her sleep, and something went wrong like an OD or something. If Haleigh passed on in that house I would think the dogs would have picked that up. I think I read somewhere that there is a certain amount of time someone needs to be dead before the dogs can pick up the scent. Does anyone know about this? I thought it was around 2 -2 1/2 hrs dont hold me to that though...
My theory has never involved Ronald or Misty being guilty of anything, and definitely has HaLeigh alive. Did we ever hear more about the house Crystal was taken to in the beginning? That's one of the things that nags at me, like the Griffis home that went up in flames just before the search in Baker County.
The abandoned building has bothered me big time, and I can't find much on it. I don't know if that is because it ended up not being important or because it is important therefore info not publically out there. There had to be a reason they took Crystal there.

My theory has never involved Ronald or Misty being guilty of anything, and definitely has HaLeigh alive. Did we ever hear more about the house Crystal was taken to in the beginning? That's one of the things that nags at me, like the Griffis home that went up in flames just before the search in Baker County.
My theory has never involved Ronald or Misty being guilty of anything, and definitely has HaLeigh alive. Did we ever hear more about the house Crystal was taken to in the beginning? That's one of the things that nags at me, like the Griffis home that went up in flames just before the search in Baker County.

I know I thought that fire was interesting as well..I emailed the reporter who did the story and asked about updates and such, Got a short reply that the fire was an accident according to the fire chief. Dont know I'm not real sure how a fire can start by the electric being turned back on ? I suppose it can happen but the timing was odd to say the least. :confused:
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