trial day 41: the defense continues its case in chief #122

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I may have to kamikaze myself into timeout land....

I will do it...if y'all would realize that:

1). snow white is ALVs monster (not JM)

2). Juans job is to discredit an "expert witness"....y'all aren't trial newbies! :facepalm: come on!

3). Stop bashing #5....until we have proof she 'talked' to somebody in her car with her window....shush! How do you know she didn't just say "I wont talk until trial is over!"...?

4). Everyone in the gallery laughed...not just Donovan or whatever/whoever.

5). We are got a serious problem with something? Do the research yourself. This case is more wide open on the net than JA' ....story.....

6). Arias supporter ppl that are here stiring the pot? You bet we know who you are. Good thing I believe in freedom of speech...

7). Thank you to everyone who posted the Snow White ALV tapes....I hope some of you out there get it now.

8). Cannot believe how thick headed and stupid the THs are. I hate how noone does their homework. ALV has been on the witness list forever! Plus. ...They freaking care more about her hair?
Omg...I'm so sorry Alexander family.

9). All my opinion. If I get timeout....I will see you soon.
The talking heads are ripping I am absolutely sure he is on point...
Her smirking and smiling about the snow white questions while looking at the defense table burned me. I don't like her either. As my husband would say, someone's got the man hate on.

oh that drives me insane when people smirk their smart arse answers then do that little check around to see if they made anyone nod their head or smile at them. she does that several times. like oh look at me! i'm so witty and spunky and the big bad wolf prosecutor can't get to me.

btw what's up with the peeps on dr. drew tonight? they all DISLIKE what juan did... like they expected him to wrap his whole cross up in forty minutes? i suppose they are going to blame him for dragging the case out now....:banghead:
If there is a woman on the jury who was a victim of abuse, then she is familar with the traits of an abuser. She will know Jodi displays thise traits.

I'm not sure it has been proven she displays these traits. It's not seen in any of the pages of her writing or anywhere in any conversation she has with him. It's all going the other way.

There's talk about slashing of tires, but we now know he was messing with 11 other women and had at least one named 'stalker' who is not Jodi--so it's not proven who did this.

Are there other things? I have heard the roommates interviewed--nothing.

She likes her some Snow White.. I must say (not saying it's bad, it's just what it is...)

Westwood, CA. ABIP Annual Conference. “My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Domestic Violence”

Anaheim, CA. Orange County Domestic Violence Council’s Annual Conference. “Future-Shock: The Secondary Impact on Adults Raised in Abusive Families”

Las Vegas, NV. Safe nest’s Funders’ Luncheon. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

Los Angeles, CA. ICAN Nexxus Conference. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

San Diego, CA. IVAT International Conference. “Treatment Issues with Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence”; “Victims Becoming Victimizers?”

Long Beach, CA. ABIP: My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Childhood in Abusive Families. “Snow White and Female Socialization”

Long Beach, CA. For the Child Circle of Friends Breakfast: “Snow White and the Wicked Witch: Healing Childhood Abuse”

San Jose, CA. California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists Annual Conference. “Snow White, Gender and Power”

The problem is with JM using this reference - is that the jurors cannot google, or have any means to get a clue to the whole reference. He doesn't need this. Arghhh, my first JM what the heck moment.

Believe me the jury is lost, other then knowing she had a seminar with Snow white/ or references to books using Snow White.
ALV has totally turned my view of this case 180 degrees. I'm not sure what the Jury is doing with her testimony, but if there is one woman who is familiar with domestic abuse on the panel, they are looking at a hung jury. More than one--murder two or less. And, JM isn't doing the prosecution any favors by using his one speed fits all on her--he is just looking boorish and annoying.


I agree with you Molly. ALV has also given me a new perspective that I now think there is a chance a juror could identify with JA. I also think JM is acting obnoxious and it is not needed to get his point across. His rage at this witness might not sit well with the jury at all and it does sound like rage
I may have to kamikaze myself into timeout land....

I will do it...if y'all would realize that:

1). snow white is ALVs monster (not JM)

2). Juans job is to discredit an "expert witness"....y'all aren't trial newbies! :facepalm: come on!

3). Stop bashing #5....until we have proof she 'talked' to somebody in her car with her window....shush! How do you know she didn't just say "I wont talk until trial is over!"...?

4). Everyone in the gallery laughed...not just Donovan or whatever/whoever.

5). We are got a serious problem with something? Do the research yourself. This case is more wide open on the net than JA' ....story.....

6). Arias supporter ppl that are here stiring the pot? You bet we know who you are. Good thing I believe in freedom of speech...

7). Thank you to everyone who posted the Snow White ALV tapes....I hope some of you out there get it now.

8). Cannot believe how thick headed and stupid the THs are. I hate how noone does their homework. ALV has been on the witness list forever! Plus. ...They freaking care more about her hair?
Omg...I'm so sorry Alexander family.

9). All my opinion. If I get timeout....I will see you soon.

Thanks, Seguek, great post.
Because I have a lot of personal experience with domestic abuse, including losing a friend to it, and I know ALV knows what she is talking about, so I trust her judgment and believe her conclusions. She also is a great teacher--people should listen to her--what she says about the subject is true and clear as a bell.


molly--The fact that you lost a friend to domestic violence makes you predisposed to accepting AL's testimony, because you have personal experience with it, right? Just like I might be more apt to believe that a neighbor's dog will bite me because I was bit by a dog once when I was a kid. It's called naive science--the reasoning is faulty, illogical--and I just hope none of the jurors follow the same thought pattern, or we could be in for another disappointing verdict.
Snow White? Cinderella? Looks like I've been conditioned into accepting a position of subservience with men. So that's why I did the vacuuming today? Darn better get back to my job where I'm no doubt also in a master /slave relationship with a man .. So wait what does this have to do with a woman nearly cutting a mans head off after exerting his own freedom? Oh these philosophical questions are way too difficult for poor little old me, better go get my nails done and think about nice things like kittens ... :burn:
ALV has totally turned my view of this case 180 degrees. I'm not sure what the Jury is doing with her testimony, but if there is one woman who is familiar with domestic abuse on the panel, they are looking at a hung jury. More than one--murder two or less. And, JM isn't doing the prosecution any favors by using his one speed fits all on her--he is just looking boorish and annoying.


This is what worries me. Not meaning to point you out, but more pointing out that this could be the case with some on the jury as well.

I hope I'm wrong.

that someone would ask her about it, her favorite shtick and she acts all like it's nothing. She is such a lying phony it's pathetic and by the time Juan is done with her she's going to be exposed as the fraud she is. I'm sure she may have helped people but she has NO business testifying as an expert witness about anything-she has no credentials other than her collected anecdotes. The plural of anecdotes isn't data. She is either gullible and incompetent or desperately in need of money.

She likes her some Snow White.. I must say (not saying it's bad, it's just what it is...)

Westwood, CA. ABIP Annual Conference. “My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Domestic Violence”

Anaheim, CA. Orange County Domestic Violence Council’s Annual Conference. “Future-Shock: The Secondary Impact on Adults Raised in Abusive Families”

Las Vegas, NV. Safe nest’s Funders’ Luncheon. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

Los Angeles, CA. ICAN Nexxus Conference. “Was Snow White a Battered Woman?”

San Diego, CA. IVAT International Conference. “Treatment Issues with Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence”; “Victims Becoming Victimizers?”

Long Beach, CA. ABIP: My Family and Welcome to it: The Legacy of Childhood in Abusive Families. “Snow White and Female Socialization”

Long Beach, CA. For the Child Circle of Friends Breakfast: “Snow White and the Wicked Witch: Healing Childhood Abuse”

San Jose, CA. California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists Annual Conference. “Snow White, Gender and Power”
I have a lot of experience with domestic abuse too.
As a victim... I see Jodi as the "abuser" NOT TA.

JA acts just like my abuser, the mind games, the passive aggressive BS,
the always having to have the last word, disturbing your sleep, finding a reason to "show up" uninvited, track you online etc.

I have even been called home from IHOP after a charge went through the debit card
and he knew I didn't by him any food....

Someone that stalks you in the "virtual"world hacks your email, messes with your cell phone... THEY are the abuser!

Because I have a lot of personal experience with domestic abuse, including losing a friend to it, and I know ALV knows what she is talking about, so I trust her judgment and believe her conclusions. She also is a great teacher--people should listen to her--what she says about the subject is true and clear as a bell.


Her opinion regarding domestic violence is 100% irrelevant to this trial.


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Did you see her answer his question..." which one was the victim, Travis or Jodi?"

And ALV answered that JODI WAS THE VICTIM.

Yet Travis isn't here anymore, he's buried 6 feet under. After being stabbed, throat slashed, and shot.
I totally missed what was said that brought on the laughing in the gallery while Juan was questioning ALV. That's my luck, someone came to the door causing my dogs to bark like crazy just when that happened. Could someone please fill me in? Pleeez

He was full of fire and ALV said "Are you mad Mr Martinez?"

something like that
i could be totally wrong because I'm no lawyer and am not legally savvy, and maybe it is really awesome strategy that I cannot see, but I kinda feel like the Snow White thing was overplayed.

Nurmi started the day saying "anyone that thinks the jury isn't watching the news or talking about this trial lives in a "fairytale" or something close to that. However, I think Juan is trying to make the point that Snow White and JA's story are both fairytales. Juan started the way he did because that's just the way Juan rolls. I say Rock On With Your Bad Self Mr. Martinez!:rocker:
I would not be able to watch the trial without this place. Without the humor and wisdom of posters here, I surely would have thrown my computer out the window by now. I am off to bed. Enough JA for me for one day :seeya:
I knew it. The talking heads are trashing JM.

I am definitely a Juanette, but I was cringing a little bit. I see the point he was making, but he should've done it quicker. Just putting it out there that she gives a presentation with that title... Says a lot. What DV expert uses a "catchy title" making light of abuse? Ugh.

I am really hoping he moves on Monday and keeps it short. As much as I HATE everything she said about TA.... NONE of it will matter once JM proves premeditation in rebuttal. Get this lady off the stand fast and get to the rebuttal case already!


Please don't attack... I really do love JM and enjoyed watching the tiny bit of cross we got. However, I agree with some that it didn't come off right. Entertaining, yes, but not necessarily the best approach. IMO
:eek: OMG ... the group with the "behavior problems" in the courtroom should have been THROWN OUT for their outbusts and laughing !

OMG ... NO respect ... NO manners ...

I am watching the part where ALV gets SNARKY with Mr. Martinez ...

:great: Mr. Martinez is just BRILLIANT !


Alyce's laughing buddies

I hope Juan shows a crime scene photo of Travis in the shower and asks ALV to explain how she can possibly think that Travis was the "perpetrator" and Jodi Ann was the "victim" in this case.

Her statement made my stomach turn.
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