UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, Chef, York University, 18 March 2009 #5

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i think some ones alibi is thing we don't know is if plod does have cctv from the post office capturing the car..there real spoil sports not sharing it if they have.. could make a little more sense
days previous cl goes to new man ends up an all nighter maybe more than following days dark man goes to see her maybe to take something back in a rucksack..she boots him out,dissagrement, but he leaves rucksack. goes back night before disappearance to get it back. following day goes to talk to her knowing when she leaves for work but misses her..catches up with her and says at least let me take u to work..on way argument..argument goes on when she gets out of car but he has something on her that makes her get back in..they go to house/building and argument turns into death..dark man leaves building till 12 when he returns and switches off...dark man panics and involves person or persons involved in all nighter who have a lot to loose and or he has something he can blackmail him/she/them with. body disposed of anytime between abduction and ? prob night or early far as rucksack on grass near where they had argument it may have been and someone took it just never came forward.chances are cl phone in her pocket...was the story of the dvd actually true.did that have the damming content? is elvis working in mc donalds..was the ford focus borrowed or used whilst out of the owners hands....has a person got close to another for protection.were they told what happened and let slip a thought on it. of course we don't know the alibi`s they could be rock solid and all this wrong...ponder..the way she went to work that day I would have thought the cctv at the petrol station would have caught something if it was working of course.....somebody is telling pory pies :eek::eek:
I wonder if the acquired the phone records for the poi like which towers they logged on to..the phone companies keep them for quite a while..i think cl phone stayed local as plod never said it pinged to any other tower,it didn't have to log on to the tower it just tells its there ready for a change if needed ect..might have shown roughly what direction it was moving if it was:)
I wonder if the acquired the phone records for the poi like which towers they logged on to..the phone companies keep them for quite a while..i think cl phone stayed local as plod never said it pinged to any other tower,it didn't have to log on to the tower it just tells its there ready for a change if needed ect..might have shown roughly what direction it was moving if it was:)

I see your point rehtnap, but it all depends on whether Claudia was with her phone. What might be a more interesting question to pose, is whether Claudia's phone only stayed connected to one specific tower?
Very true, and what a perfect place the NH car park would make for this.
Att MajorLang
E774FDAE-D979-4444-9D9B-4B90536CD213.png Hi was rereading your post last night just to point out that 20 th March 2009 was a Friday not Thursday
I see your point rehtnap, but it all depends on whether Claudia was with her phone. What might be a more interesting question to pose, is whether Claudia's phone only stayed connected to one specific tower?
yeh thats what I ment.but even connected to one tower all the time if it travelled past another it "pings" it but not always logs onto no expert I was just reading up on the system..places like city centres have relay towers to get round all the buildings in the way so if say she went through or by the city centre her phone should have pinged onto one of those..apparently its a sort of phone says to tower im here is ur signal better than the one im on, if the one im on gets bad take over.
the tower she was logged onto according to Ofcom has line of sight of over 400 other towers not that it has the power to connect to most of them
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the question of where is a body only the perp knows..if she was killed in a building local then the perp had time to organise disposal. .once out of York theres miles of country side and something as simple as digging a hole at the edge of a field can make it impossible, except for the perp, to find.look at fred west he buried 2 in the he located quickly but even as the perp he could only give an area for the second and it took a huge digging operation to find her. of course ur average ploughed field is ur best friend, a body buried decomposes and the earth above sinks to a point. a field ploughed regularly levels out the surface time and time again
I see your point rehtnap, but it all depends on whether Claudia was with her phone. What might be a more interesting question to pose, is whether Claudia's phone only stayed connected to one specific tower?
wouldn't it be nice if the perp had forgotten about their smart phone and the gps had logged a nice location like the side of a field or river the same day or following day..they cant alter those records..can see it x why exactly were u parked for an hour next to the quarry out in the countryside mmmmm :):)
Apparently not long ago a cadaver dog smelt out a body buried for 30 years in New York, can also detect a body buried up to 15 feet deep, I think if you took one to heworth it might smell a rat or two
the police did have the nose`s on legs (dogs, they have the other ones which are teeth on legs and psychotic:confused:) at cl house when they searched the alley way again
This is starting to look like a crime linked to Helliwell
so on the day before she went missing she arrived home aprox 2.50..she is then seen heading back towards her home seemingly been out again at approx. 3.05 but she is not caught on the shop cctv which suggests that cctv does see as far as the opposite side of the road.been generous that gives us 20 that's a max 10 mins each way tops,looking at the quickest thing she might have done to post a note in a letter box (like collect ur rucksack when u get home) how far can u walk in 10 mins from her house..funny I was looking on google earth aug 2008 and what I think is within the time is hey presto a 2 door light coloured focus parked up..just weird and plod must have included it in there checks unless of course its registered far away say a company car or hire car..(is the focus in the cctv a 2 door?????)


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In a report in the huffingdon ? Post 8 years later says the police are convinced that the perpetrators have been in Claudia’s house but they do not put Helliwell there .
people love to link crimes to celeb criminals it sells me Halliwell is the sort that if he did it he would cough up to it, I guess he doesn't as he cant provide evidence only the police and perp know
From the initial investigation, it has always been said that Claudia's disappearance is "local". If it was CH, I doubt very much we'd still be discussing this over 10 years later, as it would have been laid to rest a long time ago. The Police have openly stated that CH is not a line of enquiry they are pursuing. Everything says that the Polcie KNOW who did this, they just can't prove it.
From the initial investigation, it has always been said that Claudia's disappearance is "local". If it was CH, I doubt very much we'd still be discussing this over 10 years later, as it would have been laid to rest a long time ago. The Police have openly stated that CH is not a line of enquiry they are pursuing. Everything says that the Polcie KNOW who did this, they just can't prove it.
im sure ur 100% right,they are missing a link or proof an alibi is wrong
In a report in the huffingdon ? Post 8 years later says the police are convinced that the perpetrators have been in Claudia’s house but they do not put Helliwell there .
Hallliwell was in hospital on 18th and 19th March 2009. He was suffering with a mental health problem (He was suicidal) His mother was a prostitute hence the reason why he was said to kil them but got one of the two girls wrong. He could not have killed Claudia. I know that I am often criticised for dismissing Halliwell but this is police evidence and factual. It is often best when looking at cases to dismiss the bits that are not possible as it helps to focus on what may well be possible.
so stock photos of a 3 door and 5 door.the big difference is the rear 1/4 light window....2 shots from cctv….


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I’m new to this forum, I watched the programme on C5 last week and have done some reading around this case.

I wondered, has the Nags Head pub changed hands in the time since CL disappeared?
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