GUILTY UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #5

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Jury Poll

I have set this up in The Parking Lot ( a members only section of Websleuths )

There are 3 polls, one for each defendant, it was just easier ( for me ) that way

I will do a separate poll for the PTCJ charge against AW and youth - again it simplifies things when looking at the results.

Poll will close on April 22.

As always, it would be much appreciated if people do not copy over the Poll results onto this main thread.
With utmost satisfaction and no pity.
17:17Philip Dewey

Prosecution: 'There’s a powerful motive for each of the defendants to keep quiet'

Ms Rees said the prosecution could not say exactly what happened to Logan or when he died. She said the Crown could not say which of the defendants threw which blow or kick or who inflicted what injury.

She also said the prosecution couldn’t say who assisted or encouraged which defendant. But she said there was numerous circumstantial evidence which pointed to the guilt of each of the defendants.

First of all the prosecutor referred to the evidence of the three medical experts who gave evidence in the trial.

In reference to the 56 external injuries Logan suffered, Ms Rees said: “This is evidence that a young child has been physically abused and that must have been happening behind the closed doors of number 5 Lower Llansantffraid while he was in the care of the adult defendants in this and in the presence of (the youth).
“We suggest it beggars belief not one of the defendants in this case would not have been aware of how extensive injuries to Logan were at the time of his death, not one asking questions how it came to be so many non accidental injuries had been suffered by him.

“They didn’t need to because they knew the fact of the injuries and had been caused deliberately in acts of abuse. If you accept the defendants knew about those injuries it begs the question why not one of them knew how it came to be Logan was in that state.

“Why did not one of those defendants do anything to get help for injured Logan or some assistance for the situation he was in. Why are they all, even now, in this trial denying this was physical abuse?

“There’s a powerful motive for each of the defendants to keep quiet and that’s because they were involved in the infliction of those injuries and are trying to protect themselves and putting their interests first.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
IF they were punches and IF it was JC. We only have AW's word for it, and that's not worth a light.
Someone earlier made the point that it would be difficult for a tall adult to punch a five-year-old child in the stomach.
Kicking is a different matter though. Either or both of the males would have had no difficulty kicking him like a football.
I dont know why but I always assumed JC was sitting on the sofa when he supposedly punched L.
Jury Poll

I have set this up in The Parking Lot ( a members only section of Websleuths )

There are 3 polls, one for each defendant, it was just easier ( for me ) that way

I will do a separate poll for the PTCJ charge against AW and youth - again it simplifies things when looking at the results.

Poll will close on April 22.

As always, it would be much appreciated if people do not copy over the Poll results onto this main thread.
How do we find this please ?
Three people accused of murdering five-year-old Logan Mwangi have behaved like "rats in a bag" and are "fighting to the end" to blame each other for his death, a court has heard.

Ms Rees said the jury had heard evidence that Ms Williamson and Mr Cole were "no strangers in working together to lie to protect themselves"

Ms Rees said both were "seriously deficient in their parenting of Logan".

She described Ms Williamson as a "liar who will try any stunt to avoid her true personality being on display", and who "had been exposed by the trial process as being a selfish women whose only protective interests are for herself".

She said jurors should not allow evidence relating to the teenage defendant to "fly under the radar" because it had been read to the court and was unchallenged, saying the evidence suggested he was a "violent child, cruel and manipulative" who had a "fascination with death and killing".

She said the defendants had behaved "like rats in a bag, fighting each other til' the very end".

"One matter that is not an issue is that Logan died a result of an unlawful assault. Whoever killed Logan is here with us today," she said.

( this is a report from the BBC which has some info not mentioned by WalesonLine )

Logan Mwangi 'treated like rubbish in life and death', jury told
17:37Paul Turner

'What more powerful motive could there be not to seek help than to cover up what really happened'

Ms Rees now turns to Logan’s internal injuries to his abdomen and head.

She said: “Injuries as severe as this are consistent with a high velocity collision or a fall from a great height. There is no live issue these injuries were committed deliberately in an assault on number five. It was one of the defendants who inflicted the injuries that killed Logan.

“It gives rise to the inference all three defendants are responsible. We say their deliberate attempts to distance themselves from all that is because those injuries are evidence to say each and everyone of them participated in the final attack. The prosecution says consideration of the material evidence means this is the only inference in this case.”

Williamson could be heard crying in the dock.

Ms Rees continued: “We are told Logan would have experienced pain on infliction of those injuries and if conscious would have exploded in a scream out in or make a noise.

“Ladies and gentlemen he would have been in agony, someone would have noticed it. It would have been obvious to any person who witnessed Logan he had sustained serious injuries and required medical attention.

“It tells you much about each defendant involved in Logan’s death not one of them picked up the phone to the doctors or ambulance, not one of them called for help considering there were social workers, friends and family available. Why? What more powerful motive could there be not to seek help than to cover up what really happened because one is responsible for such injuries and not wanting to be found out.

“The neurologist Dr Lammie said Logan survived for a significant period post injuries, 90 minutes to two hours. If you accept that evidence there was a considerable window of time after the attack in which any of the defendants could have called for help for Logan before he died.

“It is one of the most significant features of the evidence we have heard in this tral and not one of them did so. The prosecution say they maintained their teamwork and conspiracy of silence to cover up their involvement in Logan’s death, putting again their interests ahead of Logan’s welfare even though they could have helped him, just as they had done in the period leading up to his death.”

The prosecutor said the brain examination gave rise to the possibility there had been more than episode of trauma before Logan’s death.

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
17:53Paul Turner

'Any person would have realised Logan was seriously injured and needed medical assistance'

Ms Rees also referred to Logan’s injured collarbone which had been left untreated for months.

She said: “Such injury would have caused pain and limited mobility. No defendant admits to any knowledge of that injury and no defendant took steps to seek medical attention for Logan. Another example of them maintaining silence in the context of serious injuries to Logan.

“Any motive for such silence is to cover up responsibility for causing that harm.

“Had prompt medical attention been sought for this, there was an 80% chance Logan could have survived or at the least he could have been offered effective pain relief for his injuries, pain relief like morphine, not inadequate Calpol in samples found taken after his death. That would not have touched the levels of pain Logan would have suffered as a result of those horrific injuries.”

The prosecutor said the people who caused Logan’s injuries could only have meant to have caused at least very serious injury.

She added: “A defendant claiming they did not know about the attack is telling a lie and each of the defendants are clinging to that lie they don’t know what caused the injuries and working together even now rather than say what happened to cause those injuries.

“Any person would have realised Logan was seriously injured and needed medical assistance. They pretended they were asleep, which the prosecution says was easily exposed as lies for lack of action to help him.

“Instead of helping Logan in his final moments, efforts were taken to clean up the scene and leave a trail of deceit to send police on the wrong track.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
17:59Paul Turner

The prosecution allege that the defendants worked together to lie to the authorities

Ms Rees turns to areas of evidence which she claims show the defendants working together to lie to the authorities about Logan’s care and treatment.

She said: “John Cole and Angharad Williamson are no strangers in working together to protect themselves, they have no qualms about lying to police when it comes to looking after their own interests.”

The prosecutor makes reference to an alleged incident when Williamson burned Logan’s neck with a hot teaspoon, but she and Cole told social services it had been caused by a bathroom radiator.

It was also mentioned that Williamson had told Cole she wanted to put Logan in care and Ms Rees also referred to Williamson telling police she had tried to pop Logan’s arm back in when he broke his arm.

She said: “They have lied throughout proceedings and won’t tell the truth about what happened. Their motive for lying is to cover up their own involvement and the involvement of (the youth).

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
18:01Paul Turner

Prosecution refer to John Cole's dislike of Logan

Ms Rees refers to John Cole’s dislike of Logan.

She said: “It’s suggested John Cole disliked Logan because he reminded him of Ben Mwangi and Angharad Williamson’s relationship with him. On two occasions he said he didn’t love or like Logan…

“Even if he hadn’t have opened his mouth, it would have been obvious from his behaviour towards Logan he did not hold him in any affection.

“Jodie Simmonds described Cole forcing Logan to do press ups as punishment when he was three-years-old and she was disgusted with what she saw but Angharad Williamson did nothing to stop what was going on.

“Jodie Simmonds was there when Logan was denied a takeaway treat while he was being forced to eat cereal.

“Evidence of neighbours said Cole and Williamson shouted at (Logan) and called him a ‘stupid b******’ and a ‘d***head’.

“Logan was seen being made to stand outside in his bare feet and his pyjamas, an example of the naughty corner he was forced to do for extended periods of time.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
18:17Paul Turner

'Loving mother' portrayal was 'total sham'

Ms Rees turns to Angharad Wiliamson’s character and behaviour.

She said: “We the prosecution say Angharad Williamson is a liar who will try any stunt or trick to avoid her true personality being on display. She tried to portray herself as a loving mother, overprotective of Logan and his needs.

“This was a total sham, she’s been exposed by the trial process to be a selfish woman whose only protected interests are for herself. Even she accepted she had been in her words a ‘s*** mum’ to Logan, a rare moment of truth in the course of her time in the witness box.”

Williamson could be heard crying in the witness box.

Ms Rees continued: “She’s an experienced liar with no qualms of lying to protect her own position. She made a deliberate decision to lie and protect herself in her first three or four interviews while being interviewed in the context of the death of her own child.

“Protecting herself first, what kind of mother would even think of doing such a thing?

“Her case was she was scared of John Cole but they were both in a police station and was safe from him at the time.”

The prosecutor said Williamson didn’t bring up the alleged attack on Logan by Cole and the youth until she had learned Cole had told police she was awake in the night and agreed to the cover up.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
I feel so sad reading all the updates. I live in the area and it is just horrendous. With the Prosecution reminding us that LM survived for 90 mins to 2 hrs after the fatal brain injury and that there was evidence of previous recent brain injury then was the previous injury from the attack on Thursday, but the fatal injury happened later e.g. Friday.
Did they investigate how long LM had been dead for when they found him? I thought they could do that. That would give a likely time of death.
They took him to the river around 2am Sat:-
If LM was already deceased then the fatal blow would have been midnight or earlier on the Friday.
IMO something worse than the Thursday attack may have happened Friday evening.
How long after AW supposedly saw LM take his last breath did they wait before carrying him out. This also implies she was with him while he was dying.
If he was unconscious but alive when they took him then the fatal blow could have been by them hitting his head on the rock in the river.
I feel so sad reading all the updates. I live in the area and it is just horrendous. With the Prosecution reminding us that LM survived for 90 mins to 2 hrs after the fatal brain injury and that there was evidence of previous recent brain injury then was the previous injury from the attack on Thursday, but the fatal injury happened later e.g. Friday.
Did they investigate how long LM had been dead for when they found him? I thought they could do that. That would give a likely time of death.
They took him to the river around 2am Sat:-
If LM was already deceased then the fatal blow would have been midnight or earlier on the Friday.
IMO something worse than the Thursday attack may have happened Friday evening.
How long after AW supposedly saw LM take his last breath did they wait before carrying him out. This also implies she was with him while he was dying.
If he was unconscious but alive when they took him then the fatal blow could have been by them hitting his head on the rock in the river.

Unfortunately I don't think we will ever truly know because those animals are too concerned with themselves to give LM a final chance of justice.
Another thing I never understood was the bin bag / nike bag scenario.
On the cctv the court said the white cross on JCs back were LMs arms. If he was unconscious wouldnt he be too floppy to remain in that position? If he was deceased wouldnt riger mortis have made it difficult to put LMs arms around JC?
Later on the court mentioned LM being taken to the river in a Nike bag, presumably zipped up.
Seems strange that they said both occured.
Another thing I never understood was the bin bag / nike bag scenario.
On the cctv the court said the white cross on JCs back were LMs arms. If he was unconscious wouldnt he be too floppy to remain in that position? If he was deceased wouldnt riger mortis have made it difficult to put LMs arms around JC?
Later on the court mentioned LM being taken to the river in a Nike bag, presumably zipped up.
Seems strange that they said both occured.

My understanding is that JC was presented with the CCTV which IMO shows LM's arms crossed over his shoulder. Later when JC had thought about it, he suggested (made up) that the cross on his back was the Nike 'tick' - This was done to cover for the youth who said he had seen nothing, and hadn't seen JC carrying LM to the river.
Also when JC mentioned putting LM into the bag, with AW, in Court, AW made a bit of a fuss about it - I think JC is lying about the bag.
No forensics were mentioned regarding the bag either.

The bag wasn't retrieved from Maeglas until March 2 this year, so bit of an afterthought on JC's part.

Another thing I never understood was the bin bag / nike bag scenario.
On the cctv the court said the white cross on JCs back were LMs arms. If he was unconscious wouldnt he be too floppy to remain in that position? If he was deceased wouldnt riger mortis have made it difficult to put LMs arms around JC?
Later on the court mentioned LM being taken to the river in a Nike bag, presumably zipped up.
Seems strange that they said both occured.

My understanding was JC only mention the bag in a latter interview and it was implied it didn't happen but was added in to protect the youth
18:40Paul Turner

Youth defendant was 'a violent child, cruel and manipulative', prosecution allege

Ms Rees now turns to the youth defendant.

She said: “The prosecution say when you are reminded of the evidence concerning (the youth) it proves he equally participated in both the murder of Logan and the cover up afterwards.

“We say the evidence of his behaviour before, during and after the death of Logan is compelling evidence to prove his guilt to counts one and three.

“At only 13-years-old (the youth) had already made his impact on those unfortunate enough to cross his path. The prosecution say the evidence you have heard shows him to be a violent child, cruel and manipulative with the use of his baby voice if he needed to get out of trouble.

“He had a fascination with death and killing and a penchant for cruelty to those more vulnerable than himself. Even Cole said he had a history of a lack of empathy for others.

Ms Rees said the court previously heard the youth had told someone he wanted to kill Logan a week before his death. She said: “Five days later his wish had come true….. He wanted him dead so he made it so.”

The court also heard the youth was trained in martial arts, namely Muay Thai.

The prosecutor said: “Despite his young age, he had the ability to inflict injury through force.

“A number of teachers’ statements were read and demonstrated him to be a child who was violent and prone to aggressive outbursts.”

Ms Rees said the youth had also been described by one witness to possess a “desire for violence” and spoke about the film The Purge, telling those responsible for his care he wanted to kill them.

He was also described as a “monster” full of “aggression and confrontation”.

When speaking to one of his carers, the youth referred to Logan as “the five-year-old” and said he “wanted to kill him”.

Weeks later, he told the carer “I want to kill the five-year-old."

On another occasion he asked two young girls if they wanted to play “a murder game” so he could “put them in black bags”. He was described as being “obsessed with death and killing people” and played violent video games.

Ms Rees described the youth’s contact with Logan as “putting a lit match in a powdered keg with tragic results”.

The prosecutor said after Logan’s death, the youth appeared to “celebrate” or show no remorse, even showing “genuine pleasure from the death of Logan”.

He was also heard making a number of comments including “I love kids, I *advertiser censored***** love kid, I love to punch kids in the head, it’s orgasmic”.

Ms Rees said: “He made it clear he was revelling in the situation.”

He also told another carer, “If you knew what was going on in my head, trust me, you wouldn’t want to know”.

The youth was also heard saying: “I can’t let (Cole) take the blame, I might just plead guilty next week. My solicitor knows about my mental state and I sometimes forget stuff.”

He was also quoted as saying: “Where are the kids, I want to kill all the kids.”

Ms Rees said: “He was revelling in the fact he was being investigated and tried for the murder of a child. There was a deep seated desire to see Logan dead and lack of remorse or sorrow after it happened.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial live updates as judge gives legal directions
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