VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #10

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Great questions. Hope someone with experience can answer, since I've never had children.

My daughters did but not right away, he was behind and owed us... Per our agreement payment was to be finished. In some cases adoptive parents will wavy back pay of support, but if he was not behind, then yes, unless he felt the want/ need to continue by his own accord, but it wouldn't go through the state. And BTW, when a child gets adopted a new birth cert is made with the adopted father as the father. And child's name change. But in my case still have original one as well.
But IF detectives believed that AJ was an adult missing on her own, why would we be hearing from WH that LE were convinced that he did something to her. Why would LE even take out a search warrant for his hotel room?

Doesn't make sense. I'd love to be hopeful here, but I still have to look at the facts as I know them.

I agree. Too much doesn't make sense about WH's (and even JH's) behavior if they thought AJ did leave and we're just playing "games" with calling LE..
The facts show there have been lies and misinformation from the get go. No reason for it if you believed your daughter ran away and you wanted help finding her or if you thought there was a stranger abduction. No reason at all.
There doesn't seem to be too much national coverage on her disappearance. A lot in VA, but not so much elsewhere

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Here's the transcript, pertinent section BBM:

Thanks. Does anyone have the link so I can listen to it? I appreciate someone transcribing it, but I would also like to hear it myself. I am not reading above where he was going to shoot the guy and his friends stopped him. Quite the opposite actually. He discharge a gun....not shoot at someone. Are you sure this is what is being referred to?

Did he really? As I recall, the wording was something weird like "I was going to fire a gun." And when I first read it, I was confused...I thought he might have been speaking of suicidal anguish.

The time of the "gun" ideation is confusing to me as well: was Texty in the house when he broke in? Or did WH mean he was going to track Texty down later and shoot his gun?


It sounds to me like he was planning on shooting someone, not just discharging the weapon. Or suicide---how would suicide bring AJ home?

I think he was saying he would sacrifice himself by shooting the teen?

"Discharge a gun. End Of Story. " = the end of story makes it more ominous than just shooting in the air, imo
Okay, I'm still confused, but I'm not getting this cleared up: Was AJ legally adopted by anyone?? Doesn't child support cease when a child is legally adopted? I'm sorry, but I am not too savy in that, so can anyone answer either of those questions?

Unless there is a private agreement for support (such as for school, medical needs, etc.) then yes, once a legal adoption takes place the bio parent is no longer financially obligated to pay child support.
RBBM=Respectfully bolded by me

RSBM=Respectfully snipped by me

Have I been committing a forum faux pas without knowing it?

I have not put the RBBM & the RSBM on my posts when I've snipped & bolded.

If so, I'll take my punishment! What is it?

Thanks. Does anyone have the link so I can listen to it? I appreciate someone transcribing it, but I would also like to hear it myself. I am not reading above where he was going to shoot the guy and his friends stopped him. Quite the opposite actually. He discharge a gun....not shoot at someone. Are you sure this is what is being referred to?

Why would discharging a gun be considered a sacrifice of his life? I think it would have to be shot at someone to be considered a sacrifice. JMO
Unless there is a private agreement for support (such as for school, medical needs, etc.) then yes, once a legal adoption takes place the bio parent is no longer financially obligated to pay child support.

Unless order by judge for back payment! ��
Brenchen, drawing on my training, prior professional work and even my own personal *sense*; I have felt from the onset that WH's role in this was trying to be *the good guy* to AJ. Not an *ICKY* one. A *good guy* in a adult, very caring, paternal manner. Not, a controlling, manipulative way. (Some of this might exist in their actual relationship at times, but I'm speaking about the instances when the public has seen him and heard him, as a result of this situation.)

I performed the *tummy test* on this one over and over and the test results always gave me a *thumbs up*.

His continual usage of "my daughter" was his way of sending this message to home plate. Confirming over and over that he regarded AJ as his daughter. Anjelica, is her given name. The name, Anjelica, is how she is identified in society. MY DAUGHTER is connection! MY DAUGHTER is personal!

And, he did get the media's attention. And, he attempted to make full use of it. This use of the media brought both positive and negative.

This family was placed under a microscope!!!! Something, I truly feel that they never expected to happen.

Zach has demonstrated here and via his blog etc. that he loves AJ very much and he completely regards her as his daughter also. This post is not to discount anything about Zach at all. If he happens to read this, I want to make sure he knows that I totally respect his love for AJ and acknowledge that he feels that AJ is also his daughter. Knowing nothing about AJ's bio father, I can't speak to him.

But, I feel it's very likely that "MY DAUGHTER" means a great deal to all three of them!

It feels to me like his is being possessive and obsessive, not just protective. And I get a creepy stalker controlling vibe, not a nurturing fatherly vibe. JMO
Thanks. Does anyone have the link so I can listen to it? I appreciate someone transcribing it, but I would also like to hear it myself. I am not reading above where he was going to shoot the guy and his friends stopped him. Quite the opposite actually. He discharge a gun....not shoot at someone. Are you sure this is what is being referred to?
Here's the link.
Have I been committing a forum faux pas without knowing it?

I have not put the RBBM & the RSBM on my posts when I've snipped & bolded.

If so, I'll take my punishment! What is it?


Well I'm glad to know what it means on here, because on Urban Dictionary the meaning is kind of nasty. I kept wondering why people would say that

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Thanks. Does anyone have the link so I can listen to it? I appreciate someone transcribing it, but I would also like to hear it myself. I am not reading above where he was going to shoot the guy and his friends stopped him. Quite the opposite actually. He discharge a gun....not shoot at someone. Are you sure this is what is being referred to?

It's very clear to me when he goes on to say he asked his wife about making that sacrifice, then saying he'd give up his life for AJ. When you shoot someone in cold blood, off to jail you go, therefore giving up your life.
It's very clear to me when he goes on to say he asked his wife about making that sacrifice, then saying he'd give up his life for AJ. When you shoot someone in cold blood, off to jail you go, therefore giving up your life.

It seems to me it means either he was threatening to shoot the kid or himself. But I think he was threatening the kid.
This is the link to the full interview WH did on WAVY.

Thank you!!

It's very clear to me when he goes on to say he asked his wife about making that sacrifice, then saying he'd give up his life for AJ. When you shoot someone in cold blood, off to jail you go, therefore giving up your life.

It was said that he said he was going to shoot the kid and his friends stopped him. In the copy and paste above, that is not what he said. That is what is clear to you and maybe others, but not what he said and maybe not what he meant which is a VERY big difference. That isn't what he said but an opinion. When I read the quote that is not at all what I get out of it. But, I am a different person.

If you take 100 people who are emotional and not emotionally invested in this case and ask them what you think he meant, not everyone will give the same answer. It goes the same for every missing person case. That is why I was asking because he didn't black and white say (in the quote above) that he was going to shoot him and his friends had to stop him.
It's very clear to me when he goes on to say he asked his wife about making that sacrifice, then saying he'd give up his life for AJ. When you shoot someone in cold blood, off to jail you go, therefore giving up your life.

Yeah it would kind of have to be in cold blood wouldn't it if you were asking for permission first. I was just thinking about his state of mind. Then I was wondering if he was just trying to divert attention from the fact that police and forensics had probably gone over the house with a fine toothed comb and not found the jacket he found in 18 minutes.

I think with all the stuff around the kids house, if he had honestly done something he wouldn't be marching in formation right now.

I also don't think he was "obsessed" with her because yeah it's not like it was when I joined, you go into the recruiters office one day and the next day you're gone bye bye to boot camp.

If he had been infatuated, obsessed with her I don't think he would have scheduled his departure for boot camp the same week she was supposed to be home from spring break.

Yep, I think that was blown WAY out of proportion. Don't know if evidence was planted or if Angelica left her jacket there, but yeah him being involved I believe in about as much as the Easter bunny visiting my house this weekend

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It seems to me it means either he was threatening to shoot the kid or himself. But I think he was threatening the kid.

The way I took that is, him getting a gun, "discharge gun, end of story" is him exacting justice on who he thought was responsible for AJ's disappearance and then going to jail for it. That's the sacrifice.

Thank you!!

It was said that he said he was going to shoot the kid and his friends stopped him. In the copy and paste above, that is not what he said. That is what is clear to you and maybe others, but not what he said and maybe not what he meant which is a VERY big difference. That isn't what he said but an opinion. When I read the quote that is not at all what I get out of it. But, I am a different person.

If you take 100 people who are emotional and not emotionally invested in this case and ask them what you think he meant, not everyone will give the same answer. It goes the same for every missing person case. That is why I was asking because he didn't black and white say (in the quote above) that he was going to shoot him and his friends had to stop him.

I think I said I thought thats what he said. That's what I meant to imply anyway. It seems he meant to shoot someone. Or does it not seem that way to you?

eta: here is what I said:

"WH said in one of his rambling interviews, that he had threatened to shoot the texty teen but his 'friends' talked him down. Maybe he had the weapon that night, the 6th, and the friends reported it to LE."

I should have added JMO or :cow: to my post. I interpreted it myself and it could be in error. But it is just my opinion.
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