VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #2

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What if over controlling WH held her debit card. So she didn't ask for money, "she never asks for money" because it was actually her own money. Unlikely, but who knows at this point.

I am still not buying what he is selling. I think he showed up to drop off the truck and entered the house. From there, a cover up had to begin with him pulling in a POI (or 2) or unwitting dupes. He controlled her and her phone from just after 7am.

Just my opinion of course.
What i meant was that if it was the last pc of clothing that she was seen wearing and it shows up at the guys house 4-14 days later then that would be a problem for him. Now lets say somebody put it in his house. Then he should and would be on every news outlet expressing that he is being set up and that the only people he let in his home prior to LE was xyz. I doubt he would stay mum if AJ proud personalized softball jacket was found in his home when it is SUPPOSEDLY the last thing she was seen wearing on a chilly day that she went misding. Jmo

Yes, IF that had actually been the last jacket she was seen wearing. But even WH admits that LE will not verify it as being that. Why? We don't know cuz WH 'cut him off' when the detective tried to explain why. Which I find odd. Even if you are mad, don't you want to know WHY it is not verified?

The thing is, she was an athlete for many years in a few sports. So she has quite a few team jackets with her name inside. My son had hockey jerseys strewn across Lord Knows Where when he was a teen. Change teams, lose the jacket. There could be all kinds of innocent reason that a team jacket was there. IF IT WAS THE 'MISSING' TEAM JACKET--then yes, he would be in big trouble. But for some reason the detective does not think it is.

I wish WH had allowed him to explain why not.
I think ZH has decided to come out of his shell, just a feeling I have.
And coincidentally, WH was there when the other pieces were found days later. Uncle D was there the first day they found one, and snapped a photo. WH was present on the day they found the next pieces.

The truck key has not been mentioned yet AFAIK. Good question though.:wink:

Maybe the guy told LE that the uncle was in his house prior to the jacket being found and they thought it was suspicious. So they showed the dad pictures of other items to see if he mentions the jacket. Which he did. They could have been baiting dad to see his response.
How do we know the person who took the pics (the uncle?) was friends with guy who found card? If that's the case, then would that suggest this guy is older? How old is the uncle?

However, I think this is a VERY good point! If it were hidden, then how did friend see it? Was friend snooping? Or was friend planting? Also, it also seems odd that LE would ask about stuff that doesn't seem very relevant, but skip on bringing up the jacket, if the jacket had her name on it. LE said it's because they aren't sure if it is hers....well then wouldn't they have asked? Does that mean they ARE sure the other stuff is hers? WH sure sounded like he could care less about the other things that were found, but was hell bent on them focusing on that jacket...

No, he is the same age as AJ. But there are things on SM which point to them knowing each other as acquaintances/friends. All I can say without going to band camp. :slap:
That's why I think he is trying to implicate both. He describes 'them' as being more than one POI. And his description of one is different than his second description. The first one he says 'found the cc.' but when discussing the second one, he did not find anything but he kept butting his way into the investigation. Which is how he has described ZH on the home page.

Good point. It really does sound like he was referring to ZH during the interview. Especially the part about "But lets say she had someone, and I can’t put them into context, but say she had someone who liked her… loved her, obsessed about her… information I know out here backs all this stuff up. Without going into detail, I won’t put them into a category but yes it is a category." But this part makes it sound like he is referring to a previous boyfriend: "Let me say it like this: there is an answer in that question. Former boyfriend, exboyfriend, whatever, current boyfriend, enemies... I will just say that the current boyfriend is a great guy..."
Maybe the guy told LE that the uncle was in his house prior to the jacket being found and they thought it was suspicious. So they showed the dad pictures of other items to see if he mentions the jacket. Which he did. They could have been baiting dad to see his response.

I hope so. :candle:
I noticed that the app with the lengthy detailed interview by WH is displayed front and center on the family FB page. They seem to be proud of it and want it to be shared. The comments are all very sympathetic and seem to accept the narrative.
This "driving with purpose" just makes me think WH watched Tim Longo talking about Hannah Graham "walking with purpose". Obviously, if you're driving there is a purpose; she wasn't lost on her own street. Guilty or not, this whole interview was a bunch of horse ----!

Still playing catch up on reading everyone's comments but I did want to point this out if someone hasn't.

"The kid that we all know and love, we always wave to him, she saw him. I mean, they saw each other and then he brought to the police that at 2 o’clock he saw her pass by again. His words are “driving with purpose” and “not herself.” Those are his words, not our words. He went to the police on his own accord and he struggled with it. He came out later than he should have because he didn’t know she was missing to begin, and we didn’t report her until the next day since we didn’t know what to do exactly. "
I noticed that the app with the lengthy detailed interview by WH is displayed front and center on the family FB page. They seem to be proud of it and want it to be shared. The comments are all very sympathetic and seem to accept the narrative.
I think they've deleted a lot of negatives off the site app .
Still playing catch up on reading everyone's comments but I did want to point this out if someone hasn't.

"The kid that we all know and love, we always wave to him, she saw him. I mean, they saw each other and then he brought to the police that at 2 o’clock he saw her pass by again. His words are “driving with purpose” and “not herself.” Those are his words, not our words. He went to the police on his own accord and he struggled with it. He came out later than he should have because he didn’t know she was missing to begin, and we didn’t report her until the next day since we didn’t know what to do exactly. "

So apparently he wants us to assume he's spent a lot of time previously observing AJ driving home in order to distinguish it as "driving with purpose" and "not herself."

Remarkable anyway, but even more so for a girl who isn't living there full time now, plus how much can your driving style REALLY vary on a residential street in a short distance? :thinking:

It's not like he said she was "racing" home (indicating a higher than usual speed) so it wasn't that..."distracted" could be easy to possibly notice...but "with purpose" and "not herself?" What does that even look like? 30 MPH vs. 25?

A short distance, in a few seconds, observing someone you don't see regularly, but apparently noticed great specifics on their driving style and demeanor historically to note someone as "not herself" and "driving with purpose"

Strange, strange, strange...
He is calling the kid who helped find the card the first time a poi. Is this per LE?
I noticed that the app with the lengthy detailed interview by WH is displayed front and center on the family FB page. They seem to be proud of it and want it to be shared. The comments are all very sympathetic and seem to accept the narrative.

I noticed that too and I have to honestly say, if my hubby went on record with that kind of Circle Speak, I'd be hiding under the porch until it was over.
Unless he's a little OCD and takes "regular" (scheduled) smoke breaks, I can't think of many (if any) teen age "kids" (boys? guys? I'm assuming he's on the older teen end if he's smoking but who knows) who pay that much attention to details like that.

Y'all I'm almost positive "smokey porch kid" is two different people. There were two different reported sightings. One came from the adult neighbor who smokes on the porch, and one came from the neighborhood kid that they always wave at. Two different people!
Isn't a debit card plastic?

I have been too lazy to go get scissors when my credit card expires and believe me, breaking it into pieces by hand is a long process.

Actually, we just had a card replaced by the bank because it was found in the Home Depot breach. I picked up the old one and snapped it in half pretty easily in just a few seconds. Breaking it further in more pieces was a little more difficult, though.
Still playing catch up on reading everyone's comments but I did want to point this out if someone hasn't.

"The kid that we all know and love, we always wave to him, she saw him. I mean, they saw each other and then he brought to the police that at 2 o’clock he saw her pass by again. His words are “driving with purpose” and “not herself.” Those are his words, not our words. He went to the police on his own accord and he struggled with it. He came out later than he should have because he didn’t know she was missing to begin, and we didn’t report her until the next day since we didn’t know what to do exactly. "

How could a neighbor kid decide she was 'not herself' by seeing her drive by? And what was he struggling with?
Do we know if only one search warrant has been issued? I would think they would start at her home first, cell records, and vehicles.

Trying to find info now because I think I saw somewhere Sprint so the subpoena would most likely be issued to them.
He is calling the kid who helped find the card the first time a poi. Is this per LE?

NOPE. Almost nothing has been said by LE in any of this. ALL we are hearing now comes through the stepdad. not sure if I can link this here but it says her cell phone pinged

More than 20 people were out searching for the teenager again Friday. Mr. Hadsell said her cell phone sent a signal from the area of Tidewater Drive near Thole Street in Norfolk.

The article doesn't say "Norfolk Police Department said..." or "Detective Smith said..." In almost all these msm articles it's "Mr. Hadsell said..." with ZERO confirmation by LE. In part, I think this might be the reason why so many people seem to think he's full of baloney. NONE of the leads, or clues or anything is being confirmed by LE, it's all about whatever WH has to say. Some of it might be even be true, but the longer LE is silent on the matter the less believable it is.

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