What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yes, my opinion of Lee has changed. I thought he started out wanting only the truth as evidenced by his conversation with Annie, but somewhere along the way, he switched to do his mother's bidding.

I'm even one of the ones who gave him the benefit of doubt about his CMA speech at the memorial. I was WRONG about him being too choked up to say, Caylee. None of the Anthonys word means anything. They're all totally untrustworthy.
I am still on the CMA thing too. They way he said it was even odd. He kinda shouted CMA then spoke the rest then souted CMA, and spoke again. Odd.
I haven't voted yet. Will do so after his deposition this week with ZG's lawyer. If he pleads the fifth or doesn't show up, you BET I'll have an opinion then! Of course if he shows up and is honest and forthcoming, then I'll have an opinion about that too. Fingers crossed....
The memorial changed my opinion of Lee for the worse, but I am open to reevaluation at any point. :)

The CMA infuriated me, because it was so obvious what he was doing and I so desperately wanted the memorial to be all about Caylee. Not the Propoganda Hour of Power that it almost became.
MomofBoys-I think a word was deleted out of your last post. Maybe should have read "Not the CREEPY Propoganda Hour of Power...". Who makes-out with their own wrist in Public??? Like a surreal SNL skit.
Yes, my opinion of Lee has changed. I thought he started out wanting only the truth as evidenced by his conversation with Annie, but somewhere along the way, he switched to do his mother's bidding.

I'm even one of the ones who gave him the benefit of doubt about his CMA speech at the memorial. I was WRONG about him being too choked up to say, Caylee. None of the Anthonys word means anything. They're all totally untrustworthy.

How do you know for sure that Lee wasn't to distressed to say Caylee's name and that is why he used he initials?
How do you know for sure that Lee wasn't to distressed to say Caylee's name and that is why he used he initials?

Gee, going WAY out on a limb here, but guessing...you see the glass as 1/2 full not 1/2 empty. Right? Bless you and your optimisim.

Unfortunatly, I'm way more cynical...
I think Lee is a very intense and maybe hyper young man. I listened to some of his interview tapes and he would laugh out loud often while being interviewed and he kept on using the word "absolutely". It was probably just a nervous laugh. I imagine it has to be just terrible on the family to have their grandaughter/niece found dead and then have their daughter and sister in this horrendous mess accused of the murder. I think too that maybe the baby was killed by accident and then Casey drove around with the remains in the trunk not knowing what to do, and then the lies, always lies! I hope that the Anthony Family find peace some day.
OK. So in other words there is stress that can push normal people SO VERY MUCH that their anger overwhelms them to the point of having to camp out on lawns for days, scream in peoples faces, and do all the other heinous crap that those protesters were doing to a family that none of them even know personally and was in the midst of a HORRIBLE tragedy.

But the stress of dealing with a pathological liar, who happens to be your daughter, who may or may not have murdered your granddaughter while crazy people you DON'T KNOW are protesting your hope-upon-hope that maybe your daughter isn't evil incarnate and that maybe your little granddaughter is still alive...well...no...that's not so bad at all. They should have followed the script of what is acceptable behaviour when this happens...shame on them.

I totally get it.

As for compairing this to the other case...well there is no comparison. The kid was reported missing immediately and the person who lost the kid was choked up about it. On top of that we're not seeing the castle made of lies that was Casey's life. We didn't catch Misty partying in a club after the girl went missing.

Parents often stand by their children when they are accussed of crimes, and the timeline for how they struggle with, and overcome that is not written in stone. Police still manage to convict killers no matter how steadfastly their parents stand by them. They expect it. CASEY committed this crime. I understand all of the anger the A's have had towards the public. The crap people "knew" about them from the clips on TV was just unreal.

Also, it seems like they told the truth to LE. Lying to Larry King is not a crime and I bet lots of his guests do that. My sister had some trouble at school when she was a teen. If she went missing and I wanted people to LOOK for her, but I kept being told "well, she's probably a run away...look at her past..." I would TOTALLY refute them and say "no, she would NEVER run away...she's probably hurt or kidnapped...LOOK FOR HER PLEASE!!" just to get them to get off their asses and look. We all knew Caylee was likely dead, but it is amazingly difficult for parents to fathom that kind of thing.

I've been reading here daily for many months now, but this is my first post, (that I can recall anyway). Kreeblim, you put my thoughts into words much better than I ever could have! ITA! I realize that "opinions are like ******** and everyone has one," and I completely respect the opinions and the posters here. (I LOVE WEBSLEUTHS!) However, the protesters were wayyy out there and IMO are borderline NUTS.

I also don't understand how anyone knows for sure what they would do in Lee's or the GP's position. I have tried and tried mentally to put myself in the A's situation, and just can't go there in my mind. It's too awful to fully imagine.

I did find Lee's "CMA" verbage at the memorial service odd, but the fact that he knew everything he said would be scrutinized, makes me believe even more that he was speaking from his heart, and didn't give a chit what the public thought. IMO, he didn't want to risk losing control by saying the name "Caylee" and not being able to complete his eulogy.

Thanks to all the mods, administrators, and especially Trish, for giving us this forum! I was on several before coming here, and this is the BEST! I no longer frequent the others.

R.I.P. Caylee Marie :angel:
After listening today to LA, I think it's pretty clear who's side he's on and it's not Caylee's side. Poor baby. Will she never get justice?
After today, LA has proved beyond a reasonable doubt, that he is a lier life the rest of his family and I hope he is haunted by his demon sister for the rest of his life.
No doubt now after watching parts of today's deposition. Apparently believing Casey is more important than seeking justice for Caylee. :furious: MOO
I totally believe Lee. And we HAVE to find this horrible ZFG who tortured poor KC by making her do whatever she said.
I also have some nice real estate for sale about 40 miles due west of Miami.

These ppl are crazy. They tangled with the wrong lawyer. He personally delivered this conviction for the SA.
After today's deposition by Morgan and Morgan, any remaining hope I had that LA was going to stand up for Caylee has been destroyed.

I am completely and thoroughly convinced that LA has and will do anything to cover for his murdering sibling.
I haven't voted yet. Will do so after his deposition this week with ZG's lawyer. If he pleads the fifth or doesn't show up, you BET I'll have an opinion then! Of course if he shows up and is honest and forthcoming, then I'll have an opinion about that too. Fingers crossed....

The only thing I know about Lee deposition today is the clips on saw on Cnn/HLN. Do we have transcripts yet?

My initiall reaction: What the H#(( is SO effing Funny Lee???????????????????
My initiall reaction: What the H#(( is SO effing Funny Lee???????????????????

*resp snipped.
that was my initial reaction too ripley but it's been HOURS now and it won't go away!
I was completely blown away by Lee's deposition! He still believes what his sister has told him, while acknowledging that she's got a reputation for lying and theft. It's difficult to comprehend someone who refuses to see the reality of the situation, and I have to presume that GA and CA share the same beliefs that Lee does. :mad:
Yes, my opinion has changed.

I did have hope for Lee, even with the shady CMA...after that depo... Nope, he does not want Justice for Caylee, Nope...
I was completely blown away by Lee's deposition! He still believes what his sister has told him, while acknowledging that she's got a reputation for lying and theft. It's difficult to comprehend someone who refuses to see the reality of the situation, and I have to presume that GA and CA share the same beliefs that Lee does. :mad:
It's not refusal to believe, it's lying. He's as much of a liar as the rest of his family. They all lie, it comes easy to this family, that's why Cindy stated on LKL(I think), that "lying is not a crime". She should ask Martha Stewart how that goes...
I've always felt that this family is trying to delay the inevitable. LA today confirmed that yet again.
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