Will Casey make a deal if told they are going for death penalty?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Deal or no Deal ? that's the question! Poll here...

  • Yes I feel strongly about it!

    Votes: 13 5.2%
  • Yes I feel perhaps she may do this.

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • Yes I feel it is slightly probably.

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • Maybe, but they may want to see what other evidence is there first.

    Votes: 38 15.1%
  • Maybe, but I'm not too sure.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
  • Maybe, just maybe.

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • I don't think so, unless there is stonger evidence than what we've seen so far.

    Votes: 19 7.5%
  • I don't think, but I just can't get her.

    Votes: 9 3.6%
  • I Don't think so.

    Votes: 26 10.3%
  • HE!! NO! She thinks she is innocent!

    Votes: 20 7.9%
  • He!! NO! She really believes her own lies!

    Votes: 41 16.3%
  • He!! NO!

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • He!! No! She is innocent because Caylee is still alive so why deal?

    Votes: 5 2.0%
  • He!! No! They have the wrong Casey!

    Votes: 12 4.8%

  • Total voters
I think she's been taking singing lessons at JB's office everyday.
A GOOD attorney would sit her down and tell her the way things really are instead of trying to sell a line of bs to the public. But no one EVER accused JB of being a good attorney.
If she did infact do something, which appears to be the case, she should take this opportunity to sing like a canary.

Spare her family even more pain. Help LE in locating the remains, or this baby (doubtfully with us today) and giving her parents, extended family and the world peace.

However, if she still insists that she's innocent, she should still come forward with all she knows... and be TRUTHFUL this time. I know - what a concept.

KC it's time to sing girl... can only go up from here. The one thing you have to lose now is your OWN life.

I think KC has shown over and over again what little regard she holds for her family. She could care less that they are suffering. moo
She'll never tell the truth. She may eventually reveal where the body is but only if she takes somebody else down with her. She will never admit she did anything to Caylee. She can't, it's impossible now, she's gone too far and she doesn't want to lose the support of Cindy. It's a twisted relationship in which they love and hate each other but they feed off of each other. She will take it to her grave, IMO.
It depends on what her best interest is.
Recently, her attorney said it was not in her best interest to tell. When/if that changes she will tell.
She imo, has a lot going for her. Her age, who the father possibly is, whether her mother really did put her hands on her throat on June 15th. If her family throws themselves under the bus for her, and they would, she could get off pretty easy.
Whatever she can come up with, no matter who else has to pay, she will do whatever it takes to spend as little time in the slammer as possible. She's hoping for no time, and she's got time now to come up with quite a story. jmo of course.
I hope LE offers no deal. I think Tim from TES will find the body. Baez, a bad attorney had the chance for limited immunity and thumbed his nose at the process, the concerned folks caring about Caylee, and made no friends in the DA's office or with the law enforcement folks. I want to find out during the trial and before what evidence there is, and what happened to Caylee. If they strike a deal, we likely will NEVER know what is known.

Comparisons have been made of Casey to Scott Peterson. He was offered the same deal early on and he thumbed his nose at it too. If a deal was offered later, it was never known and look where he is. JB doesn't want a deal - he wants to make his name on this case. He has NEVER acted in the best interest of his client imo.
I dont think she'll talk unless they give her the opportunity for Parole. Otherwise LIFE with No parole means she dies in Jail anyway, so what's the difference.

People DO adjust to jail and survive just fine in incarceration. KC will be one of those.
I don't think Casey will ever talk deal or no deal!

She is loving the attenntion she is being given & would love dieing in all the glory she can garner from anyone.
I think she will sing like a bird to save her own neck IF she is facing the death penalty. She is too selfish to die for martyrdom in my opinion. She will harbor the hope of a potential release at some point in the future IF she reveals the wherebouts of the body...BUT, and this one is one we do not seem to be thinking about-IF she fed Caylee to the aligators or dissolved her with some sort of acid, then there is no hope she CAN reveal the body is there, so she is left with no life preserver in this event, as well she should be.

I think KC has never "lost" before. She's been able to manipulate her way out of everything in her and she feels she can do the same thing now.
Sociopaths do well in prison. moo
The only thing that makes me think that she might talk now or eventually, is the fact that she admitted she lied during her interrogations. That actually surprised me a little bit. It makes me think she might have a snippet of conscience OR may have a smidgen of potential to admit wrongdoing at some point. Especially now, that that smirk has finally been wiped off her face. She's not looking quite as cocky the last few days.
I think that she will talk and soon... She appeared to be crying real tear of fear not tears of loss or I'm sorry, there was FEAR in her eyes. As we would say in Texas... She appeared to be shaking scared in her boots...

I do hope that TES finds Caylee also, and I still do not think that KC acted alone in this.
Casey is all about the drama and I think she enjoys the attention of everyone wanting to know the specifics. I think if she talks it we be after a verdict and before sentencing - mega drama. Or, if possible she will cop a deal to disclose the location of the body but have facts about everything else sealed. She is all about the drama.!!!!!!!
I think KC has shown over and over again what little regard she holds for her family. She could care less that they are suffering. moo

I see what you mean but...

Think about some of her statements...

Didn't want to disappoint her mom

Cried when refered to someones daughter

it all goes back to how her parents, in particular her mom feels about her.

I know there are more examples of her saying things that gave us WS'ers plenty to chew on with that Mother/daughter dynamic.
I think that's the key here.

Again, just my take... not worth the space on this thread, but I just.can't.help.myself. :)
From my perspective, it's really NOT in Casey's best interest to talk, because, frankly, the death penalty sounds a lot better than life in prison. I can't imagine a worse hell than being trapped in a cell--never getting to do the things you love to do and being haunted by memories of doing them.
I think she feels she is to pretty to be put to death.

She should check out her latest mug shot. If LE showed her the
needle and the death chamber she might have something to
seriously consider.
Some interesting facts from WFTV's 5 PM newscast:

The very first trial in the USA which resulted in a conviction of a person from DNA evidence was right here in Orange County FL, and the State Attorney at that time was our very own Lawson Lamar. (1987 Tommy Lee Andrews trial, convicted of 2 rapes).

In addition, the prosecutor for Andrews' trial will be assisting on Casey's trial.

That makes me feel good for some reason...
Some interesting facts from WFTV's 5 PM newscast:

The very first trial in the USA which resulted in a conviction of a person from DNA evidence was right here in Orange County FL, and the State Attorney at that time was our very own Lawson Lamar. (1987 Tommy Lee Andrews trial, convicted of 2 rapes).

In addition, the prosecutor for Andrews' trial will be assisting on Casey's trial.

That makes me feel good for some reason...

Wow that's great information and leaves us with more hope of a true conviction.
I think the only thing that is going to get her to make a deal would be Life without the possibility of ever having sex again.
I was reading the article on wftv - and this caught my eye - remember when Jesse said that Casey morphs into the person she's with - with Jesse she was religious, with Tony she partied, etc. Okay on wftv they stated this:

Casey Anthony appeared tense as the judge told her she won't get bond. She was all tears Tuesday just before she was indicted for first-degree murder. Hours later, after her latest arrest, she created the bespectacled look of a law student, wearing slacks, a button-up shirt and eyeglasses, not at all like her image before anyone knew her daughter Caylee was missing.

THIS statement - italisiced shows that Casey is either smitten with Baez or they are or did have a thing - she is morphing into the law student

Very telling!

But do I think she'll cave? Not if it drives away Baez.....

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