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DNA Solves
  1. myshell

    Bio Mom & her family

    Article from local news (link provided): At a time when the two sides of Haleigh's family remain united in a plea for the girl's safe return home, they couldn't be more divided about some things. Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, and her family spoke out to Rivera last weekend, making...
  2. myshell

    Bio Mom & her family

    Good evening to all... I don't understand the CS mom's comments during this interview - I thought they did an actual interview with GR while RC's interview was unexpected to him. Also the mom is wringing her hands alot??? She didn't seem nervous on any of the other interviews...
  3. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    That was not a record...that was a biography.
  4. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

  5. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    CS's mom does drive a bus...:)
  6. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    You are 100% right...she should have never been there in the first place...she just turned 17 in December! But I am referring to Television interviews not LE interviews.
  7. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    by LE which they probably consented to but not GR
  8. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    She is a minor so he probably can't interview her without parental consent. Neither Ron (hehe) or her parents would give consent...I'm sure of that.
  9. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    They are require in Florida, my husband had to take one but of course the biomom never took it...hence why we have the child.
  10. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    You're right, the records are there and those working the investigation including the FBI and WS have them, but GR is just making a circus out of it. I have friends/family that were very interested but when GR got involved they don't quiet down to listen to the local news anymore. They are...
  11. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    GR even refused to sign the trespassing paperwork LE's served him. I am worried he is going to get someone in the other camp hurt. I can see Ron totaly loosing it and taking himself and someone else out with him. If Haleigh isn't found and they take JR, he may think he has nothing left and no...
  12. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    Putnam county is a small town everybody knows everybody's business. I think this is why police set up the check points after the ground searches. People who won't call police with tips may talk if the police stop and ask. GR should also be expected to have some of RC's friends/enemies, or...
  13. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    I would be scared to death to say the wrong thing on tv and put my baby in danger. I could maybe see months down the road, but 2 weeks? This isn't for the LE's benefit, they have access to what we have seen and more. Again, especially if he snitched or turned informant.
  14. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    Haleigh could be hearing her abductor listening to the news and hear her mom saying her daddy knows where she is but isn't telling anyone and that it is her daddy's fault. Very very sad that CS didn't think about that.
  15. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    I have thought Misty was not at home from the beginning but the only problem with that is she would have been with someone and maybe more than one person (party). If so, it's hard to keep the other people from talking about being with her, so the police should have some hard evidence by now as...
  16. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    If he was an informant then maybe he did it so that he could stay with his children. Plus if he would turn informant to stay out of jail, then he would probably turn informant to find his child.
  17. myshell

    2009.02.22 Geraldo at Large

    I just heard the craziest report on the local news...maternal grandma said she doesn't know who started all of this mud slinging but it isn't helping them to find Haleigh (I am paraphrasing). Apparently the news hasn't put it on their website yet...I can't find it. My husband...who never talks...
  18. myshell

    2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

    I was trying to go to sleep but wanted to put my husband's opinion out there. He keeps saying CS is going to sue the court system for letting RC have custody when she tried to warn them about his behavior. This GR show is definitely going to make the media start questioning the court system in...
  19. myshell

    2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

    They probably won't stay to long...not a whole lot of extra curricular legal activities in Putnam county. That was totally in appropriate...I know! Good nite.
  20. myshell

    2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

    I have wanted to say that. I know Great Granny was ready to bop him one good time. I was surprised he made it out of RC's camp. I think the LE did a good thing to keep him out.

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