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  1. Trubie

    Casey gets a 1 million dollar offer for first story

    Is THAT how he's going to justify the million dollar blood money?
  2. Trubie

    2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

    My daughter never had any issues with her periods, although as soon as she became sexually active (age 17) I took her to the gyno for the first time. Just to make sure my daughter understood that being sexually active means maintaining regular pap tests, exams, birth control, etc.
  3. Trubie

    The Anthony $$$ Train: Will You Fuel It?

    Regardless of what we think of ICA, she is CA's child. Of course she's taking notes, it most likely helps her cope or understand what's going on. Writing may help keep her mind busy during the testimony. I know I'm one of those people that "mind-screws" themselves. In times of stress, no...
  4. Trubie

    The Anthony $$$ Train: Will You Fuel It?

    I'd buy a book written by JA, LDB, HHJP or a juror... possibly even Lee. I believe there is so much that we don't know... only someone on the inside would be able to fill the public in certain aspects. I think a book by JA or LDB would be a good read. JMHO.
  5. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    Which is why I always make the IT dudes my first group of allies at a new job.
  6. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    That ring is more of a costume piece... like a David Yurman. Doesn't look like an engagement ring to me.
  7. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    What the duece?????? No feed!!!!! :maddening:
  8. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    I suspect it's just for show. I left my last job in November and I can't even remember my log in info... and CA has been gone 3 yrs!!!
  9. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    Cindy was just disagreeing when JC read her log in name
  10. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    As a corporate paralegal... FINALLY legal verbage I understand. I like this GC.
  11. Trubie

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Morning Session)

    Unreal. That's the only word I have for this circus.
  12. Trubie

    What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

    I actually just spit my coffee on the screen.
  13. Trubie

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    Agreed. Within the past few days, I heard one of the news commentators state that ICA was very well spoken and doesn't quite sound or come across verbally as the public believes her to be. Can anyone assist me in remember which commentator said this?
  14. Trubie

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

    :(I knew JB was going there with the dog...
  15. Trubie

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

    This man has been on the stand how many times now? 6???
  16. Trubie

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    Huh? If you've ever been close to someone with a properly diagnosed mental disease, you certainly wouldn't say "it's the new disorder of the day". A bit insenstive IMHO.
  17. Trubie

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    This woman sounds like my shrink after diagnosing me with bi-polar! ...the spending sprees, etc.... NOT a mother who just lost her child! Why is this 'expert' still on the stand????
  18. Trubie

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    Dear Ms. Trauma Expert: Where are the mama's who: -get tattoos -have pizza parties -enter hot-body contests -NOT REPORT THE CHILD MISSING FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS -mislead LE from finding your child Sincerely, "Just Wondering Where You Got Your Degree"
  19. Trubie

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    Krystal Holloway... is River Cruz her street name? I don't get it.

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