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DNA Solves
  1. kimmera

    Is Terri's arrest imminent?

    Yes...and IIRC, Casey Anthony wasn't charged with Caylee's murder until after her body had been found six months later. I think that we are dealing with the same personality disorder(s) in this case, IMO. I have faith in this case...that there is a method to the madness here. I pray for that...
  2. kimmera

    2010.07.16 - Kaine Horman: "Terri was a good person when we first met"

    G: All of the above, and wanted MONEY FOR IT TOO! :dance:
  3. kimmera

    Terri Has Moved -- What is Next in the Pressure Cooker

  4. kimmera

    Terri Has Moved -- What is Next in the Pressure Cooker

    BBM~ YA THINK????:woohoo: MOO!
  5. kimmera

    2010.07.16 - Kaine Horman: "Terri was a good person when we first met"

    BBM~ I absolutely believe this as well. I also believe that as much as they say otherwise, every single word that has been spoken by DY, KH and TY has been orchestrated by LE. I firmly believe that TH is a classic narcissist and a sociopath. She lives her life 'for show'. She doesn't really...
  6. kimmera

    TY says that Terri seemed "defensive."

    Out of EVERYTHING that you said here (which is an awesome summation, BTW) this is the thing that speaks loudest to me. Thank you for an amazing post. :applause::applause::applause::applause:
  7. kimmera

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    This speaks volumes to me as well. I would think that since she has a 'high powered attorney' working for her, we would have heard about her filing for a modification of that RO by now, to at least allow her supervised visitation with the child. But it would appear that she doesn't care about...
  8. kimmera

    DY and KH know Terri is lying

    BBM~ Awesome observations EP, and ITA. I believe that TH and DY probably 'made nice' for the sake of Kyron, but I also believe that TH was/is probably extremely resentful of DY. A very astute poster here on WS pointed out that in the original family PC, there is a point where KH reaches...
  9. kimmera

    Cobra: Tapes, Interviews & Case Discussion

    ~BBM~ :offtopic: Can any of you fine folks provide a link to the RC/TN jailhouse convo? I looked through all of the media links listed last night and couldn't find it, nor did an extensive google search pan out. I would be forever in your debt...TIA!
  10. kimmera

    2010.05.31 ~ Tommy phone calls during the latter part of April

    I was afraid of that, and I think it is a shame, especially since she went through school and passed her boards, only to not be able to find a home state just started doing the background checks for nursing about 5 years ago, but it is done through the State Board, and if you can pass...
  11. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    BBM~ Especially from a dentist! Cheese and crackers! I have had some pretty painful dental procedures in my lifetime and don't ever remember getting more than a day or two's worth of pain meds, if that! Usually they tell you to take Motrin, even for root canals and such...:eek:
  12. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    I had actually forgotten about that aspect of it...what with her being married AND divorced at 17 and all....MOO...:waitasec:
  13. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    Oh I fully agree! I just meant that 25 years seems like a lot for giving Misty some pills, but if she was giving them to her to SELL that is a different situation altogether. I also didn't mean to infer that Misty was somehow a 'bad influence' on her~ just that it seems that almost anyone that...
  14. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    ~BBM~ I'm with you on this. That girl is just poison it seems. :snooty:
  15. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    Thanks...I figured there was more to it than what I was reading.
  16. kimmera

    Donna Brock

    I am having a hard time locating info on what the story is with DB, even using the WS advanced search. I know that she is charged with trafficking Hydro, but she is not charged with doctor shopping. All I am able to dig up is that she gave Misty some pills. It's a little hard to believe that she...
  17. kimmera

    Q & A ABOUT THE CASE**ask a question, leave an answer**NO DISCUSSION**#2

    Thanks Elle...I am really confused though! I thought MC and Toc were in St Johns County and RC was in Putnam. I am not sure why I thought that. So this means that ToC and RC are in the same facility?? (And possibly MC too???)
  18. kimmera

    Q & A ABOUT THE CASE**ask a question, leave an answer**NO DISCUSSION**#2

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me why RC is being detained in a different county than the others, when the crimes all occurred in StJo? Thanks!
  19. kimmera

    2010.05.23 ~ Misty Jailhouse videos released: General Discussion

    BBM~ This is what I thought to be true as well...that if there is a chance that the tapes could come into play at trial, they would NOT be released to the public prior to the trial. If this is true, then I have to wonder if maybe LE is looking at RC REALLY hard, and maybe whatever he has said...
  20. kimmera

    2010.05.23 ~ Misty Jailhouse videos released: General Discussion

    bbm~ The fact that they (TN and GGMS) continue to work Misty IS THE KEY TO THIS CASE, IMHO...they know what happened. No doubt in my mind.

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