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DNA Solves
  1. F

    NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #7

    I think it's fair to say that not all theories are created equal...
  2. F

    UK - Huge fire rips through Grenfell Tower, Latimer Road, White City, London, June 2017

    Sorry, I messed up the quote function, and now I can't seem to edit it!
  3. F

    UK - Huge fire rips through Grenfell Tower, Latimer Road, White City, London, June 2017

    I don't work in the building industry, but I do work in property insurance, and from experience, I can say that unless you can test the interiors of these type of composite panels, there is simply no way to tell a firesafe filling from a non-firesafe filling. I will also add that the insurance...
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    UK - Croydon tram derailment: Driver arrested - several killed - dozens injured, 2016

    The bend where the tram derailed has a speed limit of 12mph, and the Rail Accident Investigation Board has said that the train was going significantly faster at the time that it derailed. Apparently they and the British Transport Police are investigating whether the driver blacked out or feel...
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    Egypt Air flight 804 missing, 19 May 2016 Interesting article on the BBC about the search and some of the issues they might face in locating and retrieving the black boxes, and the aircraft itself.
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    Ebola outbreak - general thread #9

    Meningitis is the inflammation of the lining of the brain, caused by a virus, in this case, the Ebola virus. Meningitis isn't an illness in it's own right, it's a symptom of an infection in the brain.
  7. F

    PA - Amtrak train from Washington crashes in Philadelphia, May 2015

    There are rules about how much the booking on time can vary from one day to the next (I think it's 2 hours either way from the booking on time the day before), and they have to have 12 hours off between shifts by law. But that doesn't really help much when someone is booking for a shift at...
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    PA - Amtrak train from Washington crashes in Philadelphia, May 2015

    It is possible, depending on how many routes he regularly runs - my husband has top know around 20 odd routes. I can quite easily believe that he was distracted for some reason (tiredness, something hit the windscreen and startled him, doing something else), and just lost track (sorry, couldn't...
  9. F

    PA - Amtrak train from Washington crashes in Philadelphia, May 2015

    Train windscreens are normally made with laminated glass, to prevent any glass or objects getting into the cab and potentially injure the driver. I've seen what happens to a train windscreen when something hits it, in the UK, and the glass will crack, but it'll stay intact and in place...
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    PA - Amtrak train from Washington crashes in Philadelphia, May 2015

    It's unlikely that the driver fell asleep - as I understand it from my husband (who drives trains in the UK), there is a 'deadman's switch'. Effectively, you have to stand on a pedal the whole time the train is moving. If you don't, the train will automatically apply the brakes to slow and...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    The BBC is reporting it was found at his 'apartments', rather than his parent's house, although they haven't specified further. Looks as though maybe he feared a repeat of the time when he was training and couldn't fly for 18 months. The more that comes out, the sadder this whole thing becomes.
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    It's just so heartbreaking. The BBC is reporting that the sounds of passengers screaming can be heard just before the crash. I can't imagine what those passengers went through. I have boundless sympathy for their families, hearing that must be unspeakably awful. I also have sympathy for...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1
  14. F

    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1 update on the nationalities of those on the plane: - 67 Germans - Many Spaniards. The government says the passenger list included 45 people with Spanish last names but it is still trying to confirm the exact number. - 3 British - 3 Kazakhs - 2...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    Fair enough, all the pictures I've seen seemed to show a large area of burning at the site, but I wasn't there. But that's a derail, so I'll say no more on that subject. Differences in the appearance of the two scenes are probably to do with the vastly different terrain and angles of impact.
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    The pictures I've seen look quite similar, to me. Apart from the fact that the Shanksville plane caught fire (and a lot of the larger debris in ended up under the soft ground - at least one engine had to be dug out, as I recall, where here the plane struck what appears to be rocky ground) and...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    Sources suggest that the speed of the plane shortly before the crash - about 350mph (300 knots) - might indicate engine failure as a cause. This is because 350mph is the speed a pilot would aim to reach before trying to "relight" the engines after a double engine failure, experts told Sky News...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1

    4.29pm GMT16:29 The Guardian’s transport correspondent, Gwyn Topham, has been talking to experts about what might have caused the crash. The airline said it could not give any reason why the plane crashed and added that it was too early to speculate on possible causes. The unverified...
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    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1 A flight recorder from the plane has been recovered, according to the French Interior Minister.
  20. F

    Germanwings Airbus crash 24 March #1 First images of the crash site, which looks very like the terrain in the image that Dr. Know? posted

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