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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. april_showers

    Found Deceased OR - Allyson Joy Watterson, 20, North Plains, 22 Dec 2019

    Sheriff: Body of Allyson Watterson found in North Plains So sad.
  2. april_showers

    Kevin Sweat charged with 1ST DEGREE MURDER Taylor & Skyla

    A little late, but I just saw the alert and had to chime in and say how happy I am. Praying that justice will truly be served. I know such an arrest inevitably brings up strong emotion, frustration, anger, etc., but I want to encourage everyone to remain positive. A delayed arrest is still...
  3. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    BBM. I was just thinking the same thing this morning. I think a lot of sociopaths would operate fully in the "take down anything that stands in my way" mode, if not for a self-preservation/fear of being caught instinct. If influenced by the notion that it can be easy to get away with whatever...
  4. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    Agree. When that piece of info first came out, I was thinking perhaps this was a regular practice, but the first time Sky was able to wrestle himself out of the car seat and climb out of the car. But now that LE appears to be concentrating elsewhere, that sadly does not appear to be the case...
  5. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    That one made me spit coffee. For real. =)
  6. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    Ya know, I was trying to think of a "why," and that makes a lot of sense. I'm still really on the fence on this one, but if I start to lean towards this side of things, this theory would be a big reason.
  7. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    BBM. I understand what you're saying But, no, I didn't say any of those things. I was thinking more along the lines of hiding Sky (not wanting the husband to have him) and setting up this whole scenario. And I'm not even sure I beleive that. As I said, I was just playing devil's advocate...
  8. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    I'm really torn on this one too, Surfie. It's so hard to say with limited info, but I'm playing devil's advocate for a minute... If JB is a victim of violent abuse, as she claims, she could be the victim of something bigger. Especially if this abuse escalated over time, the children were used as...
  9. april_showers

    WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

    Yes - it is MSM reporting the same outfit thing... Though of course we don't know where they got that info. Was it officially stated by LE, or someone just noticing the picture and being "observant?" FWIW, I'm not too hung up on the grey vs. green issue. We're talking about two colors that...
  10. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW #2

    I'm with ya here... And I do think it might be common for a shared, prepaid phone to have it's call history deleted often - especially (IMO) if all/some/one of the people sharing might be using it for more nefarious activities. Not implying that's what's happening here, but that's pretty common...
  11. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW #2

    That's a really good point, Tink. Especially with the charges he's up against, why wouldn't he rat them out? With LE saying he's cooperating, I do wonder what he has told them. Also makes me wonder where the multiple questioning of MW comes into play (last report, from her, was that she'd been...
  12. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW #2

    I hear ya, Kat... I really do! But personally, my poor head is going back and forth on this one. Taking SY's statement at face value, I'll accept that Jersey didn't have involvement in baby Lisa's disappearance. But then I look at that path he could have walked, the places and times he was...
  13. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    The thread is moving rather quickly, but now that I'm finally caught up, I wanted to weigh in my 2cents on the dog barking issue. I think the "no, the dogs didn't bark" statement was made by DB back when we were still on the original story that she checked on Lisa at 10:30, was awaken by JI...
  14. april_showers

    MSM Coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/1/11

    I think its the same guy too.
  15. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    I always get a kick out of those CSI shows, where they enhance pixels, or my favorite, ROTATE a single-camera image. Wha??
  16. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    Agree with you & MK. FBI most probably doesn't have a better image of the blob than we do. They may very well likely, however, have a better context of what that blob is, who is holding it, and why they are there. IMO, blob video won't be a smoking gun at trial or anything... but, could be...
  17. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    Disclaimer: I'm not judging based on appearances. But, what a creepy looking mugshot!
  18. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    Totally agree. For those googling, there have been countless heinous crimes affiliated with this group. FWIW - my take on the Juggalo thing in this case (and I don't want to start talking in circles from previous discussions or forums) is a bit different. IMO - this isn't like the Alyssa...
  19. april_showers

    "Jersey" and MW

    Being a thief... like perhaps stealing (and reselling) things like GPS's? Purely speculation, but I wonder what else was being listed on craigslist from that household? Not implying that the whole house of 8 or so are bad seeds, but we have at least 1 confirmed criminal. With criminals usually...
  20. april_showers

    Missing cell phones

    100% agree. She practically places him at the scene, IMO. She essentially says she knows nothing of the Irwin family, the "kidnapping," etc - except for that time her ex drove her through their neighborhood? As I alluded to above, I think she is carefully placing her statements. I'd do the same...

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