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  1. trusttheping

    2011.06.14 TRIAL Day Eighteen (Afternoon Session) one asked what the tattoo translation was......ARG
  2. trusttheping

    Why Have George and Cindy Requested a Video Visitation With Casey?

    What is CA goes to the visit, gets even more wacko, perhaps states ICA is a murderer. or ICA says it was GA fault, or ICA says it happen during the fight no one speaks of, blames CA. CA and ICA are yelling at each other. The video gets released to the public, would that have any bearing on a...
  3. trusttheping

    LIST Questions and Answers #9 LIST ONLY

    This is OT, not sure where to put it. I have been following this since the start. Since the trial is coming up, I was wondering how many threads have been started, also how many post? How much do you think it will grow once trial starts. Also, big hugs and thank you to Tricia for have this...
  4. trusttheping

    Where will the jury come from?

    The questionaire does not state it is to be private. This person just had questions about it. I saw from reading this thread there are some the the questionaries being received in the Orlando area also. I think a mass mailing may have gone out to several areas in Flordia. It may just be...
  5. trusttheping

    Where will the jury come from?

    Deltona - A friend of mine just received the juror qualification qestionnaire form. He has been living their for 5 years, never received this form before. He has ten days to sumbit it via mail or submit it on line. Deltona is 42 square miles, poplulation of 85,000, approx. 30 miles from Orlando.
  6. trusttheping

    Who bought KathiB's website name? JB/the defense team?

    What a piece of work. And still his tabs on the site do not work.:floorlaugh:
  7. trusttheping

    Who is the Mystery Man who came for Chili ?

    :twocents:I still think MH is the chili man. As he and ICA were in constant contact, perhaps he flew out to help her and to look for Caylee? Maybe he made the call to OCSO from Orlando, did the chili meal with wire tap. Based off the wire tap, he would then be flown out to testify at the...
  8. trusttheping

    Who will do opening statment Baez or Mason?

    I been eagerly waiting for trial:great:, which got me to thinking:waitasec:. Who do you think will do the opening statement for ICA. Would they actually switch and have Mason do it? Also, how long do you think it will take for them to complete the statment? Are objections allowed should they...
  9. trusttheping

    2008.11 Events Surrounding the Casey Anthony Case

    WOW, Great job on the time line. I've been following this since day one, all I can say is WOW what a great group of sleuthers!
  10. trusttheping

    Overwhelming Evidence for Jury - As of Feb 2011

    31 days not reporting the cell phone pings George driving home car, Cindy cleaning out car carefree when out on bail - not looking for nor speaking Caylee's name lying over and over and over I want to know what was the ID they took out of the wallet, and what was purchased at Penny's. The...
  11. trusttheping

    Cindy's BoA Checking Account

    Race track is a gas station in the state of fl
  12. trusttheping

    2010.11.02 Doc Release

    Hurry Hurry, I'm getting giddy.........Bank Records? Possbile JC Penny stmt?.....
  13. trusttheping

    2010.10.08 - MISTY's St. Johns Co. FELONY SENTENCING @1:30PM (secret witness?)

    :blowkiss: thank you everyone for the updates. It was like reading the end of a mystery novel. All I can say right now is WOW. Time to clock out and go home!:dance: Have a great weekend
  14. trusttheping

    2010.08.31 "NEW" Photos CBS

    Okay so four of the pictures are of Casey only. Why? And now we are blurring out the friends. Wonder what brought that on? Is Cindy working with JB bringing up these pictures to show how happy KC was? WTH is the purpose of this. Is there any law on the books to stop profiting from this...
  15. trusttheping

    George and Cindy Anthony have new lawyers

    Okay, process of elimination. They don't seem to handle divorce, bankruptcy - just in case to get rid of those pesky bills that keep piling up. Real estate law, hmmm can they declare the house as something to keep it from foreclosure again? I don't know, would not surprise me. On the other...
  16. trusttheping

    Jose Baez Both Homes in Foreclosure

    Thanks, your right. It just seems strange this was kept so quiet. hmmmmm
  17. trusttheping

    Jose Baez Both Homes in Foreclosure

    Remember back when Stickland was still on the case and Baez had to go to the review committe? Did we ever finalize what it was about. If I recall it seems this foreclosure is dated March 2010. Could this have been a reason. A lot of questions were coming up on his finances then. :waitasec:
  18. trusttheping

    Let's Get Situated For the Hearing on 7/15/10

    Let's be proactive! Everyone go to the site, enter a comment and state not Casey fanatic, Caylee Justice Seeker!
  19. trusttheping

    2010.07.01- Motion for Emergency Hearing

    Normally I read the entire thread before responding or just keep banging my head on my desk. Is it just me or does it seem odd to say the "all parts of the world", shocked JB did not go for broke and just say the all parts of the universe. Ok, snarky on my part. Second, has any of his motions...

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