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  1. T

    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    Does anyone know is Casey going to Lowell for her couple of days 'real' time? I hate that they get time off for good behavior when she was in a guest jail. It will be interesting if she gets put in general pop at least for a day or two of her other days in real jail. ~Tai
  2. T

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Ohhh there's Yuri heading in :)
  3. T

    You know it has to do with the Casey Anthony case when....

    When speaking to my son about things that need to get done or how to do things, I'm often told that I am not a chemist.... Which cracks me up every time
  4. T

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    I hope this doesn't cause a mistrial, Ashton may lose his job over it if it does. So much money out the window and time. Contempt, yes they were both in contempt for sure. ~Tai
  5. T

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    I know I'm late on saying this but the ONE point I believe that Baez has right is the error in the computer report about the the chloroform being looking up 84 times. I believe that the rows got mixed up in the one report and that Myspace had been typed in the url bar 84 times not the how to...
  6. T

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    OMG all he's doing is saying how awful the prosecution is. He's not giving any clear statements at all to help his case. I'm just flabbergasted that his team would allow him to make closing statements.
  7. T

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    I didn't read through but just watching the video from today and it sounds like Judge Perry is coming down with a head cold.. Could be why he seems a tad testy today :) ~Tai
  8. T

    What will be the sentence for ICA?

    I chose Life. One for many of the reasons stated above. Death is actually too 'good' for Casey in my opinion. She will get appeal after appeal which will put her on center stage over and over. She will be treated as 'special' in jail and like someone else said, she will have a gravy life, no...
  9. T

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    OMG Really? So lets tell the 'Expert' the 'whole story' and have her give a generalization. Really? this disgusts me that the judge is allowing this. Terrible law.. Taibah
  10. T

    *MERGED THREADS*GUILTY or NOT GUILTY? (Florida jury instructions added)

    I have to say I believe she's guilty of Felony murder but not premeditated. Though I know she looked up chloroform on the computer and the trunk had high concentration of it, the leap to say that it was used on Caylee was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. At least in my eyes. So for me...
  11. T

    2011.06.14 TRIAL Day Eighteen (Afternoon Session)

    Didn't LDB say about the tattoo in her opening and say that it meant a beautiful Life? Just wondering, but then she has to prove that. Dunno maybe the tat guy isn't qualified to say what it means?
  12. T

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    I don't believe there would be a mistrial for someone breaking the Judges orders about not posting pictures of the remains. The Jury is sequestered so they won't see them and even if they did they have seen them in evidence. The request is out of respect for the family and for the victim...
  13. T

    What is ICA Doing At Defense Table?

    If that macbook has access to the internet Casey should not be able to be using it. I don't believe the guards have a 'good look' position at least from what I have seen to be able to determine if she is playing online or not. Her communications are monitored for a reason..she is in jail. I...
  14. T

    2011.05.24 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day One Evening Edition

    I'm glad that George did not allow the bus tossing...yet. He still is on the Defense witness list or subject to being recalled. The issues that JB brought up today are not 'gone away' next time George is on the stand at Baez calling him up there he will be questioned about the events JB...
  15. T

    2011.05.16 Jury Selection Thread DAY SEVEN (Afternoon Edition)

    OMG I keep having to stop listening to this woman, please don't let her be on the jury. All I see is hung jury because she waffles and talks and doesn't understand and doesn't want to go back to her real life. Is she done yet?
  16. T

    2011.05.14 - Jury Selection DAY SIX (Afternoon Session)

    I would think this guy may still think she's guilty but wants to get on the jury. How many seated jurors or potential have been voir dired and ready to go sort of deal?
  17. T

    2011.05.11 Jury Selection Day Three

    Ohhhh Judge is mad! That guy is just being stupid "I didn't know it was wrong" Nice message to the rest of the potential jurors! 450$ bucks is awesome.
  18. T

    2011.05.09 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day One)

    Couple of questions if someone can help me out. I was wondering if there is an online radio feed that I might use. I wouldn't be able to get away with streaming video here but could stream audio. Also with ICA crying, one thing I noticed at the last hearing is that it was like CM started...

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