Brian Williams Lied About Being Shot Down in Iraq?

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It was not much of an apology or stating that I lied. It was a mis-spoke, mis-remembered, half-*advertiser censored* kind of saying it to just to get off the hook, kind of a thing.
It was also mentioned that Mr. Williams stated then they had to shelter in the woods for a night or two. But he (& the news crew with him) were flown back to the nearest city/town with a hotel/motel. The mis-remembering goes on!
WF, are mis-spoken and mis-remembered even actual words? I don't recall hearing them until 2008 or so. Or am I just mis-recalling?!
Who, what, where and when disappeared from broadcast journalism a LONG time ago. Now we told what to think by the news. I liked Brian Williams but I detest lying. I liked Brian Williams, not so much now.
Did Brian Williams also exaggerate his Hurricane Katrina reports? NBC anchor claimed he saw a 'body floating by' in the French Quarter - which was spared flooding

Williams' 2006 claim that he saw a dead body float past his hotel window during Hurricane Katrina is drawing fresh skepticism

The NBC News anchor was forced to apologize on Wednesday after he lied about being on a helicopter in Iraq in 2003 that was hit by enemy fire

He blamed that mistake on the 'fog of memory over 12 years'

William's Katrina claim is now being questioned and is also likely to be false as the French Quarter was never flooded following the hurricane

The anchor is also in trouble over claims that he caught dysentery from drinking floodwaters

His reporting from New Orleans received countless plaudits and helped earn NBC a Peabody Award

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Geez.....I don't see how he can ever regain credibility with every story he ever reported on now being questioned. What a mess!

From above link:

In the wake of the scandal over William's war story apology, attention is now turning to comments he made about what exactly he witnessed in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina.

'When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down, when you see bodies that you last saw in Banda Aceh, Indonesia and swore to yourself that you would never see in your country...I beat that storm. I was there before it arrived.

'I rode it out with people who later died in the Superdome,' he said in an interview in 2006, just a year after the hurricane.

According to the New Orleans Advocate, Williams claim isn't accurate as the French Quarter of the city – one of the highest parts of the city – was never flooded.
NBC News anchor Brian Williams' comments about dead bodies, Hurricane Katrina starting to gain attention, draw scrutiny

“When you look out of your hotel window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down, when you see bodies that you last saw in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and swore to yourself that you would never see in your country,” Williams said in a 2006 interview.

But the French Quarter, the original high ground of New Orleans, was not impacted by the floodwaters that overwhelmed the vast majority of the city.

Dr. Brobson Lutz, a former city health director who manned an EMS trailer that was set up in the 900 block of Dumaine Street, a block from his house in the French Quarter, said he was a fan of Williams but dubious of his claims.

“We were never wet. It was never wet,” he remarked of the conditions in the city’s most historic neighborhood.

As for dysentery, “I saw a lot of people with cuts and bruises and such, but I don’t recall a single, solitary case of gastroenteritis during Katrina or in the whole month afterward,” Lutz said.
Hi sstarr....there's already a thread on this over in the celebrity section....thanks!
Pilot of Brian Williams flight: All that hit us was dust

Brian Williams then began to give account that the aircraft he was traveling on received this ground fire.
This is not true.
Brian Williams reported on the David Letterman show that the “captain” of his aircraft had received a Purple Heart for a wound to the ear. I was the pilot in command of the aircraft carrying Brian Williams. I do not have a Purple Heart, and my ears are just fine.
Pilot of Brian Williams flight: All that hit us was dust

Brian Williams then began to give account that the aircraft he was traveling on received this ground fire.
This is not true.
Brian Williams reported on the David Letterman show that the “captain” of his aircraft had received a Purple Heart for a wound to the ear. I was the pilot in command of the aircraft carrying Brian Williams. I do not have a Purple Heart, and my ears are just fine.
This is not something that you "misremember". This is just flat out lying. I'm pretty forgetful, but I would know if I'd been fired upon for Pete's sake. :shame:

Yeah, this would not be a case of "misremembering" (spell check's freaking out over that word). This would be a case of hallucinating to the nth degree, as in "I'll NOT have what he's having!"
Like we should all know, do not trust what the talking heads are saying. It's not the news anymore, it's their version of what happened and if that doesn't work make it up to fit their desired outcome. jmo idk
someone needs to sort out who was the actual pilot of the helicopter he was in that day, because CNNs story from yesterday has a pilot confirming most of what Williams claimed, except for the RPG part, that was the helicopter right in front of them that got hit by an RPG. so did CNN get fooled or is the page six story wrong? or am i missing something?
Can BW regain credibility after this fiasco? I don't ever remember such a "pile-on" - Everybody and their dog is weighing in on this mess and scrutinizing his work thru the years. Is BW done?
Misremembering the past is not a good attribute in one who would deliver "news" in the present.

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