Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #44

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It shocks me that they don't. Not one poster who doesn't find that behavior compelling has been able to cite one case or give one example of an innocent person behaving this way in such circumstances.

But posters have been able to show example after example of guilty murderers acting quite similarly. Over and over.

I truly believe that for some it is partially as a result of hatred toward Shanann, due to judging of her parenting, and/or anger and suspicion of her because she transcends traditional gender norms at times, or dislike of her for being publicly snarky to her introverted husband, or disgust with her cheery portrayal of her life and marriage and family as happy, or disgust with her MLM involvement and/0r the fevered whispering of those who are close to CW who appear to loathe SW and are spreading rumors about her character that confirm the biases that those who she rubbed the wrong way, developed.

What concerns me is that we actually already have a lot of evidence and logic supporting his guilt, IMO.

And yet some are nevertheless steadfast in believing there's reasonable doubt, even to the point of being convinced that a simple status conference scheduling change is going to result in the state giving up and accepting a plea that absolves this dude from guilt of killing his kids, because there's just got to be evidence so compelling to show what a villain and horrible person SW is, that even though none of it is likely remotely close to relevant to who killed the kids, well come on. A woman like that just MUST be a murderer.

I'm worried about who is going to end up on that jury.


I worry about that too. I don't think there's any way in H*ll that the entire jury will believe that hogwash. I'm less worried about an acquittal than a mistrial. My heart aches thinking of SW's family and friends enduring a trial. The thought of them having to go through it again is absolutely horrifying.
"I've never mentioned or suggested there is a conspiracy" with a DA. He's a politician. He filed FIVE murder charges even though there are only three victims. It is what it is. He wanted publicity and he got it. JMO

Only three victims? What about little Niko? He died a gruesome death as well, suffocating in the womb.
You know it's probably not ridiculous to some who may have had their biases confirmed by the whisperings of someone who loathes Shanann and who is close to CW.

"First hand" negative info can be powerful. Especially when it supports negative feelings we may already have about something or someone.

I think something may be overlooked, however. Do loved ones of accused murderers ever defend their loved one no matter what? Can they sometimes be irrational in their denial of the allegations? Do they ever come up with things that simply aren't true, even if they feel they are, because they're desperate to believe their loved one is innocent?

How is history perceived by someone who may be biased? Can dysfunction ever play a part in people's feelings toward one another? What is the history of the accused? What is their context? What life experiences and what people helped shape who they are and does any of that play into the allegations and statements and beliefs of ardent defenders of someone accused of murder?

Jason Young's mom described her drunken, cheating, cruel and sociopathic son as "an imp." She returned presents her dead daughter-in-law's family sent to their granddaughter and refused to let them see the little girl. After they lost their daughter.

Scott Peterson's mom told her "golden boy" to "deny everything" when talking to investigators. His parents described their quiet, smiling but serious son as "Mr. Perfect". They insisted satanists had abducted their daughter in law.
Jackie Peterson criticized her daughter in law, feeling she was too much of a perfectionist and not good enough for her son. She was upset that the couple had moved closer to Laci's parents and farther from her.

She and her husband cruelly battled the Rocha family over Laci's china, her rocking chair, photos and clothes and her wedding dress.

Chris Coleman's parents refused to believe there was any chance their son killed his family. His father blamed his dead daughter in law for Chris's affair saying she didn't do her duty as a wife. He critiqued her as being not good enough for his son when they met her - wearing little short shorts and being too worldly.

Coleman's parents cruelly fought Sherri's family for custody of the dead bodies of Sherri and her two sons, despite the fact that their "innocent" son had been convicted of murdering all three.

I think the motivations and contexts of statements made by loved ones of defendants should be seriously considered when determining the significance of statements they may make.

But that doesn't always happen.

So much truth and so much to consider in this post.
I bet your friend's eyes didn't crinkle up with glee and humor the day after she found her baby dead. Like this:
Absolutely not! Not even 15 years later when she told me about her beloved son. CW, meanwhile, does this while knowing that the children he supposedly loved were dead. DEAD! His actions make absolutely no sense, unless he was happy and relieved they were dead. IMO
Well, if CW had angry, harassing texts from SW to him and/or his AP, why would he assume no one believe him, that she was the aggressor?

Wouldn't he feel confident that he had some evidence of her anger, and that, along with forensics from the crime scene, would make it possible to call 911?

Exactly. And even if there were angry text to him or the AP so? Not surprising a wife would be angry over this. That doesn't prove she would harm her children. Being angry at her husband and his mistress doesn't automatically mean a wife would harm her children. If there are ongoing threats from SW about harming her children or something of that nature along with forensic proof, then ok. I, for one, don't believe any of that exists no matter what those "close" to CW may be saying about SW. They have an agenda in doing so. They, of course, want to save their family members life/reputation if possible.
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Well, if CW had angry, harassing texts from SW to him and/or his AP, why would he assume no one believe him, that she was the aggressor?

Wouldn't he feel confident that he had some evidence of her anger, and that, along with forensics from the crime scene, would make it possible to call 911?
EXCELLENT point, Kaydid23. You can't really have it both ways. Either there is evidence she could do he had nothing to fear in coming clean to the authorities and trying to save his kids, or there isn't. Because she didn't do it. Hence, he had plenty to fear and no reason to call 911.
If he had an email/voicemail or a text, that showed she was the guilty party, why would he panic, and assume no one would believe his story?

Maybe the text, email, voicemail wasn't to him and he didn't know about it.
This started from a post regarding what evidence there could be that SW killed the girls. I said an email, text, voicemail, etc, could be evidence and it went from there. I wouldn't be surprised to learn of a goodbye letter. I was just throwing out a thought - nothing more.
Who would the digital "goodbye letter" be emailed or texted to? What do you imagine this letter says?
SW possibly wrote/sent a goodbye email, text, voicemail prior to the murders.
“Possibly” is not evidence.

“Might have” is not evidence.

“Could have” is not evidence.

There is no known factual basis for any of these things. We have plenty on the other side though.
The fBI was not called in immediately, they were called in when CW lied to LE about his family missing.
A suspect lying to police is something local police can and should handle without the FBI's help. From my own experience, I also know local police often don't immediately get involved unless it is feared the missing children are in danger. Something was said by either NU or CW to lead them to believe the children were in danger and that's why the FBI were called.

Tuesday, Aug. 14

7 a.m. — A Frederick police detective, upon learning that neither Shanann Watts nor the girls had returned home, requests that a press release about their status as missing be sent out and seeks assistance from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and ultimately the FBI.

Timeline: Key dates in investigation of deaths of Shanann Watts, 2 daughters in Colorado
edit to add link.
A suspect lying to police is something local police can and should handle without the FBI's help. From my own experience, I also know local police often don't immediately get involved unless it is feared the missing children are in danger. Something was said by either NU or CW to lead them to believe the children were in danger and that's why the FBI were called.

Tuesday, Aug. 14

7 a.m. — A Frederick police detective, upon learning that neither Shanann Watts nor the girls had returned home, requests that a press release about their status as missing be sent out and seeks assistance from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and ultimately the FBI.

Timeline: Key dates in investigation of deaths of Shanann Watts, 2 daughters in Colorado
edit to add link.
Do you think it could be that the entire house was locked, her keys and purse were in the house, and the camera across the street showed CW loading up his truck with big bags at 5:30 am? And no one leaving the house after SW arrived home? This was all known within hours. Just throwing it out there.
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