DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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He hasn't been reported as seen or heard from since the day after the murders, although I guess LE said they knew where he was (can't confirm that with a link). So, no, he has offered no explanations at all to any the lies he told or to my if the odd coincidences that popping up that paint him in a suspicious light. . And I imagine he may never. (To be fair, LE or his lawyer could be telling him to zip it.)

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JW is in a nightmare......you couldn't write this stuff, but, JMO, this guy was hired into a nightmare. If I were in his shoes.... I would get a lawyer....yesterday! I would do exactly what he has done in light of what happened. The mind works in mysterious ways when threatened and in fear.....JMO, but I don't see his statements as "lies". I see his statements as embellishments and confusion under incredible stress and horror.
I think JW was involved. Maybe he gave DW half of the $20K shown in the photo. I don't have a nice, neat theory boxed up and ready to share.

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I suggest that thinking about Bondgirl's questions rather than challenging what she might be formulating as a theory-in-progress is the better way to participate in an exercise that can bring a group of independent sleuths together to tackle a puzzle. Questions in and of themselves are great tools. We could try to answer them and then go from there. JMO
Agree. All that torture was done by time that last call was made before the fire. Mr S wouldn't have been able to talk at that point after it was confirmed by jw that the money was on the way.

I don't know. I think DW would wait until it actually arrived and he was able to see for himself it was delivered. Why kill SS before that?
I don't know. I think DW would wait until it actually arrived and he was able to see for himself it was delivered. Why kill SS before that?

I wonder if Mr S had a gps on the vehicle jw had and was showing dw , JW's movement and locations to make him feel at ease that things is going smoothly so don't kill us.
I wonder if Mr S had a gps on the vehicle jw had and was showing dw , JW's movement and locations to make him feel at ease that things is going smoothly so don't kill us.

JW was driving his own BMW so I doubt SS had a gps on it. But who knows?
I don't know. I think DW would wait until it actually arrived and he was able to see for himself it was delivered. Why kill SS before that?
IF we entertain that the texts were not between SS and JW, but JW and DW, then DW knew 10 minutes from the home, the money was on its way, knew when pkg. had been dropped in car (or knew because he personally received it). Let's say SS did not try to call JW at 11:54 a.m.; DW sent a signal, using SS cell, which caused JW to leave Lowe's.

We must not give in to the illusion text msgs. and VMs and in person phone calls give us. From the time DW broke in, SS was no longer in control of his cell phone, or AS hers, or VF hers. None were in control of the content of VM's, texts, in person communications.

Nor does a call from SS phone mean SS made it. Not anymore than a call from JW to SS phone is meant for SS.

Theoretical. My own opinion has swayed back and forth until it no longer has its bearings.
IF we entertain that the texts were not between SS and JW, but JW and DW, then DW knew 10 minutes from the home, the money was on its way, knew when pkg. had been dropped in car (or knew because he personally received it). Let's say SS did not try to call JW at 11:54 a.m.; DW sent a signal, using SS cell, which caused JW to leave Lowe's.

We must not give in to the illusion text msgs. and VMs and in person phone calls give us. From the time DW broke in, SS was no longer in control of his cell phone, or AS hers, or VF hers. None were in control of the content of VM's, texts, in person communications.

Nor does a call from SS phone mean SS made it. Not anymore than a call from JW to SS phone is meant for SS.

Theoretical. My own opinion has swayed back and forth until it no longer has its bearings.

I understand what you are saying. But we do know that SS did have a few of the conversations himself. He must have spoken personally to the bank manager and to his accountant. And to his sister. And perhaps to Vera's husband, but we don't know for sure.

So because he did talk to some people himself, it makes me more open to the possibility that he did indeed talk to ,or text, JW.

I just cannot believe that JW would be driving to his bosses, knowing there was a home invasion going on, that he himself was a part of--and he would stop to text a pic to his gf of the $ he was stealing. I just cannot see him doing that.

I could be totally wrong. And maybe I should start to tenderize my hat? IDK
And why would DW care when or if JW left Lowes? What difference would it make?
And if his attorney is inexperienced with capital cases, it might give his appeal legs. JMO. I can't understand hiring someone who doesn't specialize in felony murder! I agree with PP that he and his family would be better off with the public defenders.

I'm not even sure his public defenders are experienced with capital cases but agree they should be vetted before employment. If wint loses his case with a public defender he might try and appeal he wasn't allowed his own choice. Either way he has rights to appeal and will when he's convicted.

What worries me more these days is ICE and lack of communication with local law enforcement. Ice has been releasing hard core criminals and the systems losing track. They're being released because their own countries wont take them back for deportation.

Which is just another side issue.

The best I can see any lawyer doing for wint is to keep him off death row or keep it from going capitol.
I am not seeing where Amerit is common among the racing community. Can you share links?

I did a simple Google search. they function as mobile garages.

I don't have a link, but that's why I can't stop thinking about it.

I read somewhere that JW had recently driven SS and PS to a race. (In NC or FL if I am remembering correctly, I'll look for a link after work tonight).But it doesn't say what the car they raced was driven in.

That's why I'm bringing it up. The lack of link around that gives me pause as I wonder if it is still yet to be released.

The kart was certainly not driven to the races itself. So how did it get there?

JMO, but I still think there could be a link between JW and the Amerit truck and I hope it's addressed through SW release or LE at some point.
JW is in a nightmare......you couldn't write this stuff, but, JMO, this guy was hired into a nightmare. If I were in his shoes.... I would get a lawyer....yesterday! I would do exactly what he has done in light of what happened. The mind works in mysterious ways when threatened and in fear.....JMO, but I don't see his statements as "lies". I see his statements as embellishments and confusion under incredible stress and horror.

I have no hard evidence that JW is directly involved with the murders. If he is not, there would have been no such stress and horror at the time he delivered the money. Instead, by virtue of the texted photos of the money, I infer that he was at ease with what he was doing. I can see remembering details later on which have significance that were not apparent at the time. I don't believe stress would cause so-called "embellishments". Truth and facts are a stable entity. Embellishment in the face of this terrible crime, to me, is a character flaw. I don't harbor any sympathy for this guy. Just tell the truth already and tell it the first time you are asked. IMO.
I was hesitant to say the same thing. It's impossible that his family would hire a bad lawyer to give him a better chance at appeal, right? DW doesn't seem that bright to scheme, and his dad seems legit in wanting to bring those involved to justice. Is hiring a dunce lawyer actually a strategy?

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Nope. First of all I doubt his father has anything to do with supporting him in this case. And having a less than great lawyer hurst your chances on appeal. You have to "preserve" the issues at trial in order to raise them on appeal and that takes a certain level of skill.
I think DW is lucky to have this <modsnip>in his corner. I once had lunch with a retired defense lawyer who told me, that among all defendants, any defense lawyer worth her salt would most want to represent the Uni-bomber. Why? Because at the time he was so very unpopular and vilified far and wide. What a test of one's lawyering chops that case would be and it embodied the foundational ideals behind our American system of law: EVERY ONE is innocent until proven guilty. EVERYONE deserves due process, equal to every one else.
Unlike Russian in the old days, we have an adversarial system of justice

Yeah, I know there have been serious convictions where the person is found innocent even decades later. I am sad for that. However, there are many more instances where even if the legal standard for conviction was "beyond ANY doubt" the defendants would be judged guilty. I believe that many of these lawyers who are always talking about how our system is constitutionally mandated are far less interested in that aspect than in their own personal challenge to win acquittal. Who cares about a test of "one's lawyering" when you have DW's DNA on a pizza crust? Since this is not a court of law, I have no trouble convicting him right now. Maybe I am just weird that way. And I guarantee that I would not have to represent the Uni-Bomber or DW to be "worth my salt".

Maybe the <modsnip> is just bringing his inimitable skill-set to this case, same as we are, but from a position on the other side of the aisle.
He thought he was giving therapy to NBA players.
He thinks he is giving good counsel to DW via the press.
I doubt he has anything to lose or win here, just indulging himself as we all are, but on a more spacious platform.
Sometimes the best defense is the most outrageous.
Columbian neckties?
VAST conspiracy to plant "mountains of evidence" in the first half hour of finding a double homicide and succeeding at same?

"Indulging himself". I call it a sick game in his own head. Hoping to beat the system. What I have begun to understand these past few years is that unfortunately, our system requires the participation of individuals without a soul. When I think of all the cases like this one: Newsome/Christopher, Wichita Massacre, Petit Family to name a few, I just know the defense attorneys KNEW the perps were guilty as sin. They can spout about the constitution all they want but I believe that is secondary to the game they are playing with society and their own ego. A game I would never participate in regardless of fortune, fame OR the constitution.
I see no issue at all with the fact that JW took a picture of some but not all of the money. His purpose was to show a whole lotta money, not to make some kind of formal accounting. He dashed off a picture to try to impress his girlfriend. Nothing to see here. I think at this point we've gone round and round about JWand there just isn't anything there. As for rumors of SS' business practices, those existed well before the murders and could be the reason JW thought there was something not kosher about the money and lied. I do not think SS' business practices had anything to do with the murders. I think DW was an angry psychopath bearing a grudge and brought in some others to help.
The more I look into Amerit, the more curious I become. Because one cannot 'rent' one of these trucks as a one time deal. You need to make a large deal with a big corporate contract for servicing a fleet of big rigs or company work trucks.

I don't understand why someone who had such a responsible job, as driving and working from such an expensive rig, would even know DW, let alone help him run from a murder case? Or even help him 'turn himself in' -if we want to give them benefit of the doubt. Would you want your employer to know that you drove a high profile murder suspect to jail in your work vehicle?

ITA! It is super-weird and curious, especially since the company says it wasn't used in a crime. I mean, it was used in a crime, maybe not the crime of murder, but it was involved in moving a fugitive around and in it were found stolen goods (allegedly). I guess it had to have involved a company employee since the truck wasn't stolen (if supposedly wasn't involved in a crime).
Could this be the "red lined bag" referred to in all of the documents thus far? Not that it proves guilt but maybe helps put pieces together more visually.

Ok I just looked at the evidence list from the search of JW car from the court docs: Read down to the lined page- where it says "herschel black backpack" http://www.scribd.com/doc/267776483/Search-Warrant-for-BMW

And see the picture of the "herschel black backpack red lined" that I pulled up just to see if possibly this is the "red lined bag" (on a random hunch)
(the bag on the left is what I'm referring to)

JW is in a nightmare......you couldn't write this stuff, but, JMO, this guy was hired into a nightmare. If I were in his shoes.... I would get a lawyer....yesterday! I would do exactly what he has done in light of what happened. The mind works in mysterious ways when threatened and in fear.....JMO, but I don't see his statements as "lies". I see his statements as embellishments and confusion under incredible stress and horror.

I disagree. The truth about what you did only a few hours before is not confusing or complicated. LE wasn't asking him what he did 2 months ago. These were easy questions.

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Stoic - 'a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings.'
Sociopath - '...extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.'

So, for who ever noticed that - thank you... Stoic was a horrible choice to use...

Also, I was thinking about JW's odd text/call to AS about the fire... Maybe he had been told she was sick and/or at the hospital as well. Because the 'are you okay, if so, get home,' is just off... IMO.
IF we entertain that the texts were not between SS and JW, but JW and DW, then DW knew 10 minutes from the home, the money was on its way, knew when pkg. had been dropped in car (or knew because he personally received it). Let's say SS did not try to call JW at 11:54 a.m.; DW sent a signal, using SS cell, which caused JW to leave Lowe's.

We must not give in to the illusion text msgs. and VMs and in person phone calls give us. From the time DW broke in, SS was no longer in control of his cell phone, or AS hers, or VF hers. None were in control of the content of VM's, texts, in person communications.

Nor does a call from SS phone mean SS made it. Not anymore than a call from JW to SS phone is meant for SS.

Theoretical. My own opinion has swayed back and forth until it no longer has its bearings.

So do we think JW could have gone from Lowes to the S house and been at the house around 1pm before the fire.

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