Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee Pt. 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If it's true that the duct tape was wrapped around the child's head, then it would have been impossible to avoid her hair. If that's the case, then it is very possible the duct tape may have hair that indicate both pre and postmortem. Further, IMO if the duct tape only has KC's finger prints then it can be concluded that KC was somehow responsible for her death. IF all those speculations are true, then it will be very difficult for the defense to explain why KC would place the duct tape on Caylee's mouth at all. Just my opinion.

Thank you for sharing your opinion and input, I think everyone's point of view is valuable.

I do see some holes in that theory. I'm not an expert on the subject but I have a strong suspicion that since hair does not have blood flowing through it, it's not possible to tell if it was stuck to the hair either pre or postmortem.

The presence of the duct tape whether it was placed there pre or postmortem does not prove intent because COD can not be determined.

I have a difficult time imagining someone planning a murder and thinking, "ah duct tape, perfect". I can however think of a few scenarios where an act of stupidity using duct tape could contribute to someone's death. But we cannot prove that either.

I absolutely agree that if Casey's fingerprints are on the duct tape, we don't know that for sure yet but I have a feeling we soon will, that Casey was either responsible or present when the child's life was lost. Even without fingerprint evidence there is other strong evidence to suggest that to be true.

The thing I have a problem with is the statement they have iron clad evidence that it was intentional. Looking at things logically, which is the only way that I've looked at this case from the beginning, I lack the understanding for how they could have such evidence. Perhaps they do, I've been wrong before, but I'm certainly interested to learn what they have which they consider to be absolute proof.

ETA: I've been thinking about this some more, about what would be absolute evidence. The only thing I could come up with is eye witness. Hmmm
Wudge, on the last locked thread you commented that prosecutors are not nice people. I beg to differ. I personally know one who is extremely nice. We are fairly good friends, her daughter and mine are good friends, she is a volunteer treasurer for school, leader of the Brownie troop, and invited me to join her church!
Unfortunately in this day and age, 'just the facts' doesn't seem to sell newspapers and magazines, or raise ratings. This case (as others before it, like the Ramseys, and Laci Peterson) has touched a nerve throughout the country, and media personnel recognize the chance to improve their own reputations by being a part of the circus, instead of backing off and waiting for the trial, and/or holding out for factual, proven information.

I personally hold in higher regard the (admittedly few) publications who haven't jumped on the sensationalizing bandwagon, and as much as I clamor for truthful information in regards to this case, I'd much rather see the local and national media pull back a bit, let the family (and, also, the nation at large, who've been transfixed by this story and this precious little girl) grieve, and regroup to cover the looming trial in a way that would honor Caylee's memory instead of always looking for their next scandalous headline, regardless of how true it is or isn't.
The media has had plenty of help sensationalizing this case from the Anthony;s and Casey;s defense team.
Im finding kind of a disturbing implication in many of these posts:
If you dont beleive Caylee's death was an 'accident' or that Casey is flat out innocent,being railroaded by LE you are a dupe of 'Media Sensationalism' or the Prosecution or are somehow not respecting Casey's right to a fair trial.
Fair enough.
I dont see how anyone could look at what we do know about Casey's actions before and after and reach any other conclusion then that she murdered Caylee.
If her defense actually has anything that would mitigate that Ill be happy to change my mind but I doubt they do.
Different opinions are what make a horse race I guess.
OK-Just snuck over to another blog and found an interesting but horrible theory. What if there are fingerprints on the duct tape-BUT-not KC's prints but Caylee's prints-indicating struggle! OH GOD - it makes me cry to type that!:mad:
Wudge, on the last locked thread you commented that prosecutors are not nice people. I beg to differ. I personally know one who is extremely nice. We are fairly good friends, her daughter and mine are good friends, she is a volunteer treasurer for school, leader of the Brownie troop, and invited me to join her church!

I agree. And personally I believe people shouldn't generalize like that by putting people of particular occupations into a "nice" category or a "not nice" category. There are some nice prosecutors out there, just like I'm sure there are some "not so nice" ones. Same goes for defense attorney's.

The prosecutors in this case obviously believe they have a strong case against KC, and they will put forth their argument, and the defense will put forth their argument that she is innocent. It has nothing to do with whether or not they are nice or not so nice people.

And to add my two cents on the theory of how Caylee was killed...I think KC intentionally killed Caylee. If it was an accident, she would have called 911 or her parents immediately. She wouldn't have concealed the death, avoided her parents, and continued to lie, steal and live the party life with a smile on her face.
The media has had plenty of help sensationalizing this case from the Anthony;s and Casey;s defense team.
Im finding kind of a disturbing implication in many of these posts:
If you dont beleive Caylee's death was an 'accident' or that Casey is flat out innocent,being railroaded by LE you are a dupe of 'Media Sensationalism' or the Prosecution or are somehow not respecting Casey's right to a fair trial.
Fair enough. I dont see how anyone could look at what we do know about Casey's actions before and after and reach any other conclusion then that she murdered Caylee. If her defense actually has anything that would mitigate that Ill be happy to change my mind but I doubt they do.
Different opinions are what make a horse race I guess.

Right there with ya! :blowkiss:

It's a trend I have noticed many of the places I poke around for relevant information about the case. I also fail to comprehend how so many fairly rational people can add together a group of Apples and get an Orange for an answer. :waitasec:

I do understand that it is hard for some people to accept that a Mother could do something so heinous to such a precious child. However, denying that Evil exists doesn't make it any less Evil. I may not grasp her motivations, but her actions speak loud and clearly to me.

They spell out one word and one word only;


My humble 1.9 cents on the issue..
Right there with ya! :blowkiss:

It's a trend I have noticed many of the places I poke around for relevant information about the case. I also fail to comprehend how so many fairly rational people can add together a group of Apples and get an Orange for an answer. :waitasec:

I do understand that it is hard for some people to accept that a Mother could do something so heinous to such a precious child. However, denying that Evil exists doesn't make it any less Evil. I may not grasp her motivations, but her actions speak loud and clearly to me.

They spell out one word and one word only;


My humble 1.9 cents on the issue..

I split that group of posters into two sub-groups:

1. those that really come up with oranges
2. and those that play Devil's Advocate to stretch our brains, and remind us by law, it isn't an apple until it's been proven to tempt Eve & Lady Justice, both

I'd love a glimpse into what those in the second group above really believe about this case in private when the teaching hat comes off.
i split that group of posters into two sub-groups:

1. Those that really come up with oranges
2. And those that play devil's advocate to stretch our brains, and remind us by law, it isn't an apple until it's been proven to tempt eve & lady justice, both

i'd love a glimpse into what those in the second group above really believe about this case in private when the teaching hat comes off.
I split that group of posters into two sub-groups:

1. those that really come up with oranges
2. and those that play Devil's Advocate to stretch our brains, and remind us by law, it isn't an apple until it's been proven to tempt Eve & Lady Justice, both

I'd love a glimpse into what those in the second group above really believe about this case in private when the teaching hat comes off.

Agreed, I did forget an important sub-group. ;)

I also would love to hear some quiet observations from some of our more reserved members after trial.

We promise not to bite.


*whistles* :rolleyes:
Agreed, I did forget an important sub-group. ;)

I also would love to hear some quiet observations from some of our more reserved members after trial.

We promise not to bite.


*whistles* :rolleyes:

Speak for yourself! My fangs grow at this time of night and I get thirsty.

I would love to hear those observations, as well. And I'm keeping a list.
Speak for yourself! My fangs grow at this time of night and I get thirsty.

I would love to hear those observations, as well. And I'm keeping a list.

So, you turkeys are not conflicted in any way huh?:rolleyes:
So, you turkeys are not conflicted in any way huh?:rolleyes:

Kiddo was way more fun that turkey. I don't want a wattle. And I haven't been called Kiddo in... uhm... decades?

But, ok, I will play your game. I'll be your Huckleberry.

Yes, I am conflicted about some aspects of the case, and I am reserving judgement on those aspects. But, few of those conflicts have to do with KC or duct tape.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But, I can't sleep, so I you want to use me as a chew toy, have at it! :woohoo:
Kiddo was way more fun that turkey. I don't want a wattle. And I haven't been called Kiddo in... uhm... decades?

But, ok, I will play your game. I'll be your Huckleberry.

Yes, I am conflicted about some aspects of the case, and I am reserving judgement on those aspects. But, few of those conflicts have to do with KC or duct tape.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But, I can't sleep, so I you want to use me as a chew toy, have at it! :woohoo:
LOL!!!! Nah - I can't sleep either. Came downstairs and made a big pot of coffee. That always knocks me out.

Ok - we go back to kiddo!!!! :D

I love Huckleberry. Old Sam Clemons was from the same bloodline that produced me and my cousins - we are wascally wabbits sometimes.

I figure with Casey's changing looks now that the prosecution will have trouble getting a unanimous guilty verdict. They will surely have something to combat that. Figure they will have her dressed up in a Sunday school dress looking about 12 yrs old!!! :D
Speak for yourself! My fangs grow at this time of night and I get thirsty.

I would love to hear those observations, as well. And I'm keeping a list.

Notice I left "much" open to interpretation. ;)

It's infinitely more fun when they are shocked and surprised.

In order to keep me from being flogged by our dear J Bean for being way off topic; I do wonder how the defense is going to try and assert that Caylee's death wasn't intentional? It won't take an Aeronautic Engineer to be able to add Casey's computer searches on murder and home baked weaponry last March, to Caylee's disappearance in June and her subsequently discovered skletonized corpse, double bagged like trash.

Also, is it just me or has anyone else wondered why in the name of Batman's Protective Undergarments she Googled the word "SHOVEL"?!?

Who does that?!? It's safe to assume she knew what one was, even if she had never actually dared to get sweaty using one in the past. So what did she think would magically happen when she typed that one little noun?

Sadly, thoughts like these are what gallop through my mind at 3 a.m. :bang:
OK Guys-I think I got overlooked. What do you think of this other blogs theory that perhaps it was Caylees prints found on the duct tape? I doubt that Caylee was ever fingerprinted-but I bet they could have gotten a set from her bedroom. If so, this would def show the poor angel struggled. Oh God - that hurts to type that!!:mad:
Notice I left "much" open to interpretation. ;)

It's infinitely more fun when they are shocked and surprised.

In order to keep from being flogged by our dear J Bean for being way off topic; I do wonder how the defense is going to try and deny that Caylee's death wasn't intentional? It won't take an Aeronautic Engineer to be able to add Casey's computer searches on murder and home baked weaponry last March, to Caylee's disappearance in June and her subsequently discovered skletonized corpse, double bagged like trash.

Also, is it just me or has anyone else wondered why in the name of Batman's Protective Undergarments she Googled the word "SHOVEL"?!?

Who does that?!? It's safe to assume she knew what one was, even if she had never actually dared to get sweaty using one in the past. So what did she think would magically happen when she typed that one little noun?

Sadly, thoughts like these are what gallop through my mind at 3 a.m. :bang:

Enquiring minds have discovered that the searches happened at the same time a boyfriend had a chloroform picture thingy on his computer - something about 'persuade her with chloroform'... Probably ran a search to see what it was and a woman's defence site, a few tools of suggestion.
LOL!!!! Nah - I can't sleep either. Came downstairs and made a big pot of coffee. That always knocks me out.

Ok - we go back to kiddo!!!! :D

I love Huckleberry. Old Sam Clemons was from the same bloodline that produced me and my cousins - we are wascally wabbits sometimes.

I figure with Casey's changing looks now that the prosecution will have trouble getting a unanimous guilty verdict. They will surely have something to combat that. Figure they will have her dressed up in a Sunday school dress looking about 12 yrs old!!! :D

That is a bloodline to be proud of. Explains the cussedness.

I'd like to believe that juries nowadays are beyond falling for the Sunday School sweetness ploy, but if that is what leads to a verdict that is not unanimous, society's in much, much bigger trouble than we thought.

I mean, if someone comes up with an 'orange' based on the evidence, I'll have to choke down the bile and accept that (not likely too gracefully, mind you.) But, if they come up with 'orange' based on a navy blue sailor pinafore dress and frilly-bottomed little girl panties... well...

Can I use my fangs?
Enquiring minds have discovered that the searches happened at the same time a boyfriend had a chloroform picture thingy on his computer - something about 'persuade her with chloroform'... Probably ran a search to see what it was and a woman's defence site, a few tools of suggestion.

Not sure if you have gotten a chance to see this before:

Skip ahead to Page 49 in the .Pdf ;)

She also searched for the words: Acetone, Peroxide, Shovel, Self-Defense, Neck Breaking, and Household Weapons. Innocent curiosity about an unknown is one thing, but this little Tart was on a mission, in my opinion. The photo on her Man Toy's profile may have been an "AHA!" moment in her twisted universe.

Add that to her search of missing children's websites, and fake names and you have her new home. :behindbar

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