Sting Operation?!

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Interesting theory. Especially adding to it Leonards "don't be surprised LE has the body" just a day or 2 before the find.
Could TES have found something that pointed to an individual on Team Anthony? Rather than parts of Caylee's corpse? Like, could one of those PI's slashing garbage bags (gawd) dropped something in the woods and a searcher found it?
Tim would have no say in it if the OCSO and the FBI were to tell him what to do. Would he? I don't see him going against them no matter what.

Tim said himself he called off the search because of the fear that she were in the water and could be pushed further down into the muck and mud. They lost a 4 wheeler that completely submerged in the exact area where she was found.
I find it odd that not only would Tim make such a declaration of her not being found, but that he didn't go back full force to search that particular area once the water did recede.

Bolded by me.

Did they ever find the lost 4 wheeler?
Its never been confirmed or denied either way. However, the amount of money she took from great-grandpa was darn near the exact amount one would have cost - I remember that from thread discussions way back when. Plus she gave the store she bought it from (yes it did exist - it was an AT&T store) but we never heard anything else about it. You can bet LE followed up that lead with the store - and, now come to think of it - I do believe those phones have a GPS device in them. H&ll, for all we know LE tracked that phone down all by their lonesome and have had it for quite some time.

I don't think there ever was a Blackjack. KC needed to come up with a mysterious lost phone (last seen on her desk at Universal, isn't that what she said?) to justify her not having the sim card, and not having Z's stored number.
Sometimes I don't come across that way at all so I have been told. LOL Thanks!

I changed my very first post and the title of this thread. I don't want people to feel I am in any way going against T. Miller, OCSO, or the FBI here!! I realized after reading what people were saying it perhaps could be taken that way.

So let's go with...they didn't find the body...but they had definite suspicions that she could be there. IS that better?!

SS, I certainly didn't think you felt that way, I know its just trying to get to the bottom of all the new news.. I wouldn't dout for one second if the whole dang neighborhood knew something, that is just the way this case has played out..
I think we all know that you wouldn't go against the good guys!:blowkiss:
OK - thought about this. Maybe the thread title should be changed - I don't think it was a "sting".

LE wanted to find Caylee. PERIOD. and they hadn't. However, IF they had the Blackjack - you can bet they got INFO!!! Regardless, they (LE & FBI) had EARS and EYES out there. They don't just go about their merry way investigating a crime of this magnitude. I think they believed Caylee WAS, indeed, FINDABLE and were just waiting to the time to come.

Maybe just a little ole "beat cop" saw DC and JH out there in Nov - after all Nov 16 was a Sunday and it was VERY EARLY so they would have been noticeable and LE was all over that area with the protestors and looky-loos and all. So, he goes in and tells one of the investigators he saw "that guy that's been hanging around the A's house" out off Suburban early Sunday morning. LE is busy busy busy - but finally the investigator/dectective he tells gets around to checking out tips - maybe around the time the media lets it slip that JB hasn't paid his $900 to pick them up - and he goes and checks them out and finds RK's August tips - so he casually calls RK and asks some general questions. RK then gets curious about why all of a sudden LE is calling him and next time he's in the area - GAME OVER.

But a "sting" - no - I don't think that's the right word.
I redid the main post on this thread:
OK...Crazy theory time:

What IF...the FBI and OCSO set up a sting to be led to Caylee's remains?!

Could they have a surveillance tape of DC and JH conducting their search?! Sure they could. Then they also have JH's tape to back it up.

ETA: You know my admiration and respect for the OCSO in this particular case. I am not saying anything against them, the FBI, or TES. This is only a theory that I want to explore further. Let's say they did not find anything when it was searched earlier...but say they had strong suspicions. Why not put some things out there that would cause someone to act to find Caylee?

There is just too much that has gone on in this case that no one can explain. It is the most bizarre case of a missing child that I can recall ever taking place. I have no doubt that the main focus was to find Caylee and to bring her justice.
I still can't forget the night that TM told NG on September 3, 2008 (NG Sept. 3rd transcript) that he thought Caylee's remains were within a 3 mile radius of where they were sitting out front of the A's house.

Now we know she was found 1/3 of a mile from the A's.

Did he follow up with the MR's calls and find something maybe floating in the water and knew Caylee was probably there and kept and eye out to see if anyone came to check the area out since most murderers are known to go back to the murder site? ie, GA, CA or LA?

Did they know on Sept. 3rd Caylee was probably there?

TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Well, I actually got a call this morning, Nancy, from the sheriff himself, and he said, Would you please do me a favor? And I said, Whatever I can do. And he said, Please continue this search. He said, We feel as though your organization is the only organization that`s capable of finding little Caylee`s body, if she is out there. He said the sheriff department is bringing in many airboats for us, many horses for us. He said, We know you`ve spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this, and he said, We want to go ahead and give you $5,000 to help you support this search.

And he did a huge plea to the community to get involved in this search, come out and help. And I think we are going to end up and have that search for this little girl that we was hoping we could have, with every resource in the world and a thousand people or more. So I`m optimistic. You know, I would like — you asked me a question last night, Nancy, do I believe that Caylee`s dead? And I want to answer that. You know, I had some respect for this family at that time. And no, I do not believe that Caylee is alive. I believe Caylee is within three miles of where we are sitting right now, a three-mile radius. And we will cover every…
The fence. Can some of the locals or searchers give me details on that fence?! It has bothered me from the first time I heard it was put up.

Could the OCSO or the FBI been the ones to put up the fence to prevent people from disturbing that area?
I don't think it was ever reported, but they did buy the man a new one to replace it.

Thanks SS!

I don't know why, but that kind of sounds strange to me? It looks like a 4 wheeler would stick out like a sore thumb once the water receded?
Does anyone have a map with both the A house and the rental that LA had handy? I looked this up a while back and IIRC the crime scene (I just can't call it the dump site) was in-between the two houses.
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Sometimes I don't come across that way at all so I have been told. LOL Thanks!

I changed my very first post and the title of this thread. I don't want people to feel I am in any way going against T. Miller, OCSO, or the FBI here!! I realized after reading what people were saying it perhaps could be taken that way.

SS, surely no one thought you were bashing LE or any Law agency. I didn't take it that way at all. I complain about LE constantly and get flack -I complain because it just plain old hurts to see this case so befuddled and I like when LE works smoothly and victoriously. Just because someone is critical of LE's progress or lack of it doesn't mean they are against LE. Few if any feel that way no matter what they/we say.
WOW, I can only check posts during lunch and I can now say - I've not lost my mind"!!!
After reading thru this thread - My daughter gets so upset when I run some of my ideas across her. She thinks I'm obsessed. Well, maybe I am, but, I'm right there with lots of others LOL I have no doubt that there was lots of surveillance and I have no doubt, with all of the twists and turns with this case, that there is much much more to come. I thought that they found the BlackJack (or whatever the phone was) with the clothes that were found at Blanchard Park? I am still trying to find the news blip. But, have to go or will get fired LOL And, there has to be more to the role that MM has. He has always caused big red flags for me. Call it women's intuition or whatever, there is something there.
The fence. Can some of the locals or searchers give me details on that fence?! It has bothered me from the first time I heard it was put up.

Could the OCSO or the FBI been the ones to put up the fence to prevent people from disturbing that area?

Good question SS. I was wondering the same thing. I do remember reading somewhere that the fence was put up due to upcoming development of the property....building more houses I guess.

Which leads me to another thought. Could this have been a chosen place knowing the land was about to be developed and make it even harder to ever find anything?
Sometimes I don't come across that way at all so I have been told. LOL Thanks!

I changed my very first post and the title of this thread. I don't want people to feel I am in any way going against T. Miller, OCSO, or the FBI here!! I realized after reading what people were saying it perhaps could be taken that way.

So let's go with...they didn't find the body...but they had definite suspicions that she could be there. IS that better?!
I didn't take it that way either - just the opposite as a matter of fact. I think LE has been operating under the radar for quite a while and your light blub moment was what I was getting at when I thought about that announcement of Caylee being "not findable".

You and I both (I think) really understand and appreciate and admire LE & the FBI in what they are capable to doing - especially under the radar.

This case is truly "better than fiction" and has most definitely NOT FOLLOWED regular investigative techniques.

It will be very itneresting to hear RK on the Today show tomorrow morning - however, I don't think we'll the the WHOLE story.
If the land owner was out of state...WHY did he all of the sudden put up a huge chain link fence? Where was the fence? Where is the fence now? When was it put up?

SS I don't know about the fence. I have heard it was up at least a yr ago & I have heard it was recent, after a search. The only explanation I can offer, if it is recent, is TES MUST obtain the land owners permission to search. The owner might have given it & at some point decided to put a fence up to keep people out who were not LE or TES. There were a lot of people, not organized with a group, who went out & did their own searches. If anyone had gotten hurt on his property he could be sued.
I have no way to know if this is how it happened, just a thought.
Say this was a plausible idea. There's no doubt that LE was watching and listening all along for the A's, the neighbors... someone to drop clues or lead to a discovery. But don't you think if this was the case,then once the remains were finally discovered, they would canvased more than just the area on Suburban, but also the majority of spots shown in the video?
As I stated on the other thread - I will never believe that LE or the FBI would ever be involved in a 'sting' operation involving a small child's body or ANY human being's body.
In one of the helicopter shots, it shows a blue "tent" set up across the street behind the fabricated classrooms (mobile homes) at the school...was this part of the investigation or a coincidence? We don't know where else LE canvassed or searched, imo.

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