AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #19

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Sorry about that, it was a further explanation of one of my previous posts, I am still trying to get the hang of the ebb and flow of doing this. My belief is that it was not a random house choice, but an impulsive, rage fueled encounter in which the perp/perps followed him home and the situation escalated beyond original intent.

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So, as you said, like it could have been fueled by money?
Respectfully BBM.

The same question could be asked about Holly Bobo. And until she was kidnapped, the answer was 'nothing.' Right? I have no theory on this case (I rarely do - just follow in hopes for justice), but I think at this point any theory is possible.
Holly was not abducted for meth. She was kidnapped by a creep that used meth to rape her and kill her to not leave a witness. People have been hinting about Jaymes parents being killed due to meth and I just don't get that theory.
Why is it so baffling that LE asked anyone who knew of issues people may have had with the family? They were hoping to be pointed toward a possible motive and suspect in a seemingly motiveless crime. I did not take it as an indication that the family did have problems...just the reverse, in that LE had no obvious leads.

I don't find it baffling that LE asked for people who knew of OTHER people who had problems with the Closses to come forward. I do think it's baffling that LE would ask people who directly had issues with the Closses to come forward themselves.
I don't yet understand why some folks on here keep mentioning meth problems in the area. What would meth (which is a country wide epidemic), have anything to do with a double murder of an employed middle class couple? Are you suggesting they were some how involved with meth? I really find that a stretch from what we've been told about them. Can those of you who have the "meth" theories please explain? TIA


Absolutely not. I don't see any evidence, what so ever , that the Closses were engaged in any kind of criminal activity. What I am saying is that it is entirely possible that the Closses were the victims of a violent, random home invasion. Since the possibility certainly exists, it seems reasonable to look at random home invasion cases in general. So I did. And I saw an overwhelming pattern of drug use by offenders. The number 1 drug problem in Barron County is meth. It is a problem startling enough to prompt several local news articles on the issue, and Fitzgerald himself has held numerous town halls on the subject.

Incidentally, I don't have a theory regarding this case. But if I did, after all this time with local LE and the FBI not having the first clue who might have done #1 theory would lean toward random home invasion.

Holly was not abducted for meth. She was kidnapped by a creep that used meth to rape her and kill her to not leave a witness. People have been hinting about Jaymes parents being killed due to meth and I just don't get that theory.

I have to say I agree. I'm open to this theory, but I can't work out how it would fit in with their dynamic. I hope someone is able to explain this one for us.
Things have gone too quiet. They need to release some little bit of information just to get Jayme's name and photo back on the news.
Agree. At this point, I would have Dateline or some other show, personalize Jayme. Maybe showing her school, talking to her family or showing her room. The could retrace her steps that day. Anything. ..Perhaps, we have normalized these crimes so much that they are no longer newsworthy. Maybe the family just needs someone to lead them.
I have to say I agree. I'm open to this theory, but I can't work out how it would fit in with their dynamic. I hope someone is able to explain this one for us.

No one is suggesting that the Closses had any drug involvement what so ever. Innocent people are the victims of drug fueled crime all the time. Rape, theft, robbery, murder, you name it.
Agree. At this point, I would have Dateline or some other show, personalize Jayme. Maybe showing her school, talking to her family or showing her room. The could retrace her steps that day. Anything. ..Perhaps, we have normalized these crimes so much that they are no longer newsworthy. Maybe the family just needs someone to lead them.

Sad thing is that they can be normalized with awful crimes happening daily.
I don't yet understand why some folks on here keep mentioning meth problems in the area. What would meth (which is a country wide epidemic), have anything to do with a double murder of an employed middle class couple? Are you suggesting they were some how involved with meth? I really find that a stretch from what we've been told about them. Can those of you who have the "meth" theories please explain? TIA
Hi Memphis, I didn't get much sleep last night but I'll try to be coherent. I haven't formed an opinion on this yet but some of it makes sense.
>Meth is a national problem but some areas are being hit harder then others. Barron is one those areas. The Sheriff states this in the linked article. The article further states "Some meth-fueled crimes can be shocking and dangerous." and gives examples. Meth monster returns to Chippewa Valley and is extending its reach
>The violent behavior caused by meth can be triggered in a second and against anyone simply because they happen to be in proximity. The violence doesn't have a motive and there is no explanation for it other then it's the effect of the drug. Meth related crimes can be hard solve because they don't leave the usual clues that are helpful in an investigation. This could fit with why the case is not solved yet.
>There was a female (can't give the name as she isn't a POI) arrested on meth related charges .04 miles from the Closs home the day after this all happened. I don't think the female had anything to do with it but generally users are involved with other users. A few examples of what may have gone wrong: She made someone mad by using their meth, made a bad deal, shorted someone, etc etc and they retaliated but they got the wrong house. Or it could have simply been a fellow user high on meth and they happened to be nearby and were triggered. Meth behavior is seriously unexplainable. There are other possibilities as well.
So... serious meth problem+explosive violent behavior+meth involved arrest so close to the home...could= what happened at the Closs home. I don't think anyone who has mentioned meth thinks the Closs family had anything to do with meth. I think some of us have researched meth related violent crime which gives a better understanding of how it could fit in this case but would be to lengthy to go into here. There have been several other articles linked in previous threads as well. Hope this helps a little. At this point anything is possible.
IMO This begs the question: Have these killers (if more than one involved) previously struck? Have there been similar incidents that somehow match up with their evidence? Would they even let us know?

This horrible situation makes me remember Libby And Abby. Still unsolved, Since Feb. 14, 2017. Elizabeth and Lyric. Still unsolved, Since Friday, July 13, 2012. The Smart family, previously mentioned in the other threads. And so many others.

All of our trains of thinking wish for the miracle that sometimes appears. Though we do slip sometimes, and look at the statistics. Those that tell us that the evil darkness is infecting our world. IMO I do like staying positive. If I can.

The Short Family murders -2002

The Short Family Murders
G-Snap, great post. I also think that what you described above is a very plausible scenario.
IMO, it's very possible that the parents were aware of the killer, who almost certainly is an adult male, having an unhealthy interest in and/or an inappropriate relationship with, JC. There may have been something that either came to light or occurred that Sunday that brought the situation to a critical head. Analyzing JC's digital footprints along w/ those of Denise and James may provide LE with a lot of helpful information.

Re: Denise appearing to have barricaded herself in the bathroom, a question for the parents here: can any of you think of a scenario where you would lock yourself into a bathroom with a gunman loose in the house without first making sure you had your daughter there with you so you could shield/protect her? If Denise barricaded herself in the bathroom and JC was outside, that is IMO a troubling aspect to this case...because again IMO, if the perp was a total stranger unknown to the family, there is no way Denise would have done that.

I don't see this as having been a random crime at all. JMO.
I think Denise and James were the targeted and intended victims. JMO.
I think Jayme was the motive. JMO.

ok, but we don't know for sure that mom had barricaded herself in the bathroom, and we don't know if she might have done so with Jayme. Its possible that she did go into the bathroom with Jayme to barricade herself and maybe then perp(s) got in there and grabbed Jayme as mom was making the 911 call? Maybe the confusion in the background the police hear is Jayme being dragged out, and screaming? No one talking to LE b/c maybe mom was shot already and unable?
The one thing I have a hard time reconciling to the random home invasion theory is that we have no evidence of anything being taken from the house (apart from Jayme). Of course, we also have no evidence that anything wasn't taken from the house either, but I would think LE would have indicated by now if they thought this was a robbery.

On the other hand, I can't help but consider the Holly Bobo case. A beautiful young woman gone from this world...kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered, for the sole purpose of some deranged meth heads "having some fun". It truly boggles the mind.
The Closs's IMO, are about as squeaky clean as I have seen. There is just nothing bad coming out about them. Nada, nothing. Usually there is some sort of high risk behavior seen. I'm just not seeing it here.

That said. Because of the meth problem in the area, I can see this being a drug fueled crime.

I'm still not committed to any theory. But I feel confident in saying that this family didn't knowingly have a hand in their own demise.
Holly was not abducted for meth. She was kidnapped by a creep that used meth to rape her and kill her to not leave a witness. People have been hinting about Jaymes parents being killed due to meth and I just don't get that theory.

I think most have said the killer could be a meth head. They have been known to carry out some horrific murders even against strangers.

I dont get the impression they are saying James and Denise were doing drugs of any kind but their killer may certainly be a fueled meth addict.

Jmo though
I have to say I agree. I'm open to this theory, but I can't work out how it would fit in with their dynamic. I hope someone is able to explain this one for us.
There were several cases here where a meth user broke into homes with and without the occupants being there. One ran when people started screaming and was found right outside the window in the bushes naked because he tore his clothes off. Two murders where there was no association what so ever to the victims. Meth is a drug like no other because of the parts of the brain it effects. If there is no rhyme or reason meth might explain it. JMO
There were several cases here where a meth user broke into homes with and without the occupants being there. One ran when people started screaming and was found right outside the window in the bushes naked because he tore his clothes off. Two murders where there was no association what so ever to the victims. Meth is a drug like no other because of the parts of the brain it effects. If there is no rhyme or reason meth might explain it. JMO

The evil we read about here is hard to comprehend.

I was understanding it wrong... that people were theorizing that the Closs family could be connected to Meth in some way. Rather than a crime happening to them as result of some random meth heads. Which makes more sense. I had forgotten about Holly Bobo :(
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