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  1. B

    Witness tampering alleged

    Manatee , I love your avatar ! I would say those two are soul (less) mates !
  2. B

    Witness tampering alleged

    Just a question...We know that casey was paid around $200,000 for the photos / videos in 2008. Supposedly baez only got 90 some odd thousand from her and the rest went into her "trust fund". Do we know if that money is still available to casey ? If it is , then she would have had money to use...
  3. B

    *MERGED THREADS*GUILTY or NOT GUILTY? (Florida jury instructions added)

    I hope she gets life without parole in general population...that will make me feel that Caylee finally got justice.
  4. B

    2009.04.13 Unreleased Evidence: What Are You Waiting to See?

    I remember reading / seeing that Mallory's mother was involved with the A's foundation in some way. She may still be. So it is not just Mallory that is connected to the A family.
  5. B

    2009.04.13 Unreleased Evidence: What Are You Waiting to See?

    I agree with this 100% ! Of course , I for one will not ever buy or go see anything that profits the A's or JB or any other CMA team player. I sincerely hope that none of us who have followed this case will. JMO One really bad thing that will come of a family finding out that Caylee was...
  6. B

    Rons Impending Plea

    I just hope that RC cannot in any way shape or form pretend anymore that he is an undercover cop of some sort. I hope his days of playing important guy/victim is over. IMO , he liked young girls because he could mold them into his personal sex and drug slaves. If the court system had stopped...
  7. B

    Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

    IMO Cindy said the car smelled like death because it did. Do I think she has either been approached about changing "why" she said what she said or thought this up on her own ? Yes Do I think it is just another thing the defense is trying...another gimmick? Yes But ... didn't Cindy tell the...
  8. B

    2010.07.06 Hank Jr.(Tommy) TRAFFICKING SENTENCING HEARING CONTINUED 08/06/2010

    I doubt seriously that any jail employee will harm Tommy. Why would they take a chance on ruining their career/pension ? He is in jail because HE broke the law..actually many laws. It is his fault. His alone. If it is hot in there or the food is bad .. tough ! If he turns Bubba on ... also...
  9. B

    2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

    IMO I completely agree with what you said.
  10. B

    2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

    Good point ! I hope it dried up and stays that way. I don't know if JB is still teaching anywhere , but at one time I read his students were also assigned to work on the case. I think that is totally wrong. JMO
  11. B

    If I Could Ask Cindy, George & Lee a Few Questions

    I sure agree with you about ABC Not my fave network anymore And I agree... the people of FL have been played to the hilt byt the A family.
  12. B

    OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

    Maybe someone said something about his project that hurt his feelings ? Maybe he went off into a wooded area to cry and pout , got lost or fell and was hurt. No jacket . Cool weather. That could quickly take its toll on a small child. I do hope they are still searching the wooded areas near...
  13. B

    Grandma Hollars speaks

    What a fantastic show tonight ! Levi , many thanks ! I enjoyed Ms Hollars and the group discussing Haleigh and I was enthralled with Susan Milano. Women who are in a relationship with abusive men need to hear that woman talk ! I will definitely start listening to her on Blog Talk.
  14. B

    Grandma Hollars speaks

    Thanks for the interviews tonight Levi
  15. B

    2010.04.24 The Laundry Revisited and GGM Sykes Visit.

    I so agree with your comment. I think the only reason she was on NG was to give her opinion of MC's condition. GMA does not want it to appear RC would leave his kids with a druggie. Neither does NG LOL
  16. B

    2010.05.01 Lindsy has filed for divorce

    It will be interesting to see if ToC fights the divorce. This may be something she has already discussed with him somehow. I'd think that once divorced she should be able to get some sort of child support from the state of florida. Time will tell how this all plays out. Will she still visit...
  17. B

    2010.04.30 Defense responds to JS order stepping down

    I hope the Bar does respond to it. The motion is just another bit of drama from the defense. It is time for the defense to actually do their job. Time for them to quit whining.
  18. B

    2010.04.22 - Chelsea's Comments On Nancy Grace

    I wondered that myself. IMO , NG wanted Hollers discredited because Hollers had said Ron should not have left the children with Misty that day. Had Ron's great grandma said anything other than Misty was fine when she saw her I'd have been amazed...I knew they would want to do damage control...
  19. B

    Support Thread: Judge Strickland

    The Judge and the People for the State of Florida who are speaking for Caylee have been the only ones in the court room I have respected so far. I can understand why the Judge has stepped down , being the honest man he seems to be. He would not want to cast a shadow on the case. It's a shame...

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