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DNA Solves
  1. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    Can someone help me with this? It's been bugging the crap outta me ever since the audio from the LE interviews were released and I heard it again here on NG. When KC mentions her mom taking Caylee to see CA's mom and dad at the nursing home, she says: (this isn't verbatim) my mom took her...
  2. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    Yes there is. It's called Double Double Trouble or something like that, and in it the character in it has a nanny named Zanny. Zanny the Nanny. I'll find something else on it. hold on It's called "Double Trouble Squared" You can read about it here: Double Trouble Squared
  3. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    So, let's go with what this doctor chick said. She would wait until they got on their lunch hour or something like that and then she would call call call call. Well, I guess alot of people didn't answer their phone when they saw KC's number huh? I was thinking about the "Flurry" of calls...
  4. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    On another note, I stopped today to think about GA and CA and I want to admit that I wouldn't wish this on someone I hated. As a parent, this has to be the worst possible thing to have to be a part of, and I didn't feel "sorry" for them. More like, I hope for their sake some kind of closure is...
  5. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    Is anyone else shocked that there is no ZG call or no call on the day she talked to her daughter?
  6. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace - 9/18/08 - Thursday

    Ahahahaaa NG: "Are you surprised that Casey didn't launch her own investigation and take 31 days before calling police??" HAHAHA Oh Lord, NG is furious! OK who emailed the "31 days thing?? Come on, step up and take credit!!
  7. EvaInCA

    Casey Calls 911 On Protesters

  8. EvaInCA

    George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

    Maybe the A's are using the Homeland Security thing and acting like the protesters are "making terrorist threats" ?? It's a stretch for me to try and even think that, but with the A's ANYTHING is possible, huh?
  9. EvaInCA

    George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

    :doh::doh::doh: I blew soda LITERALLY out my nose on that one! :thumb::thumb::thumb: Your avatar should be trademarked! As Seen in Jail ahahaaaa Where I live too. It's called "Neighborhood Justice" We just had a guy who was driving thru the Navy Housing about a block from my house...
  10. EvaInCA

    Anthonys open door to lynch mob

    Thank you monoxide, I'm feeling the same way. So it's okay for the Anthony's to come outside with a bat? Also, on one news site it says the protestors were gone when deputies arrrived. On another it says that deputies witnessed the events? If someone was pounding on my door at one in the...
  11. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

    OMG! I thought LP was really trying to NOT to say STEW but whoa! Here's Kobe, let's knock it out of the water. NG is gonna blow at hearing about the phone records!!!
  12. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace 9-17 Show Description + Discussion.

    What is LP saying? I mean I know he's gone off the cuff and said he thinks someone else helped KC but is this the "SHOCK" he was talking about??
  13. EvaInCA

    W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

    I have tremendous respect for you Tricia. I have read other forums and read hearsay but you, I mean, you are HANDS ON. I'm sorry about your laptop. I hope the pc gods shine their light on you. Eva
  14. EvaInCA

    Detective Melich flying to CA to meet with the Padilla's. Confirmed!!!

    Hmmmm, maybe the Marine is at Camp Pendleton. Or if it is San Diego the only place I can think of is Miramar, or 32nd St. Naval Station. I used to work at 32nd St. Naval Base, and it had a game room and we had Marines and Navy guys in their all the time. It was right in front of one of the...
  15. EvaInCA

    Casey Turning Herself In on NEW Charges #2

    that she turned herself in. It makes it sound as if KC is somehow co-operating with LE. She hasn't in the past and she still isn't. According to the document on the OSCO website on 9/15 the document released from them states: CAYLEE ANTHONY UPDATE #13 September 15, 2008...
  16. EvaInCA

    Casey Turning Herself In on NEW Charges

    Okay am I right about what I have gleaned from the newest info? I swear I was here this morning until 5 AM my time, and I had to get some sleep, I wake up and BAM! 1. There are no bond amounts listed for the new charges. Her hold is ID HOLD. 2. She didn't turn herself in. She was...
  17. EvaInCA

    Identified! FL - Marion Co., Human torso found in river, Sep'08 - Everett Jackson

    Your friend was DW here in San Diego? I read about that. It's still unsolved right? I'm sorry for your loss. It's sad, when nobody knows nothing, and for the family and friends have to go through it. What part of SD were you from?
  18. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace.. 09.10.08 8PM

    I've also read a few articles and it sound like he is a very wonderful person, Lor, and I'm glad that he helped you. Maybe the Anthony's don't deserve him. I'm glad you shared your story. I would have had a hard time thinking past his current clients.
  19. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace.. 09.10.08 8PM

    NeJame mentioned "BLOGS" not once, not twice, but 3 times.... I don't need any other references the only thing that could be better than that would be if he slipped and said: "Sleuthers" ahahaha I have tried calling NG more than once, sometimes I call at 2 PM or 3PM and redial and...
  20. EvaInCA

    Nancy Grace.. 09.10.08 8PM

    YES!! The lawyer on top, about the motion and the child neglect... A pre-emptive STRIKE that will fail. Sanchez was is name!! He said that the protocol to follow is Indictment then she can hire experts to test the evidence. She hasn't been indicted YET for anything but the child...

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