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DNA Solves
  1. G

    Forensic Astrology - Sandra Cantu

    Calif. Sunday school teacher booked in child death TRACY, Calif. - A Sunday school teacher was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and killing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu, whose body was found in a...
  2. G

    TX - Hanna Mack, 6, raped & murdered, Navarro Mills, 10 Sept 2007

    I got sick to my stomach when I first heard of this. That beautiful little girl reminded me of Sammantha Runnion. Such little cherubs. Where in the heck has our world gone? What is it with these low scum of humanity, what makes them even dream of such horror? There are no words to describe...
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    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    I will do the same. I am at a loss for words that this case is still not being publisized the way it should have been 11 months ago. I post on another forum and every time another case comes along - I link to this case as well. Many of those cases have at least had some activity. This one...
  4. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    I was also excited to see thsat there was a bump on this story. As I have been away from home for 3-1/2 weeks - and a computer - I came here first in hopes that something may have transpired during that time. All I can add is that I certainly hope that whomever is responsible is watching over...
  5. G

    Women dies after competing in water drinking contest

    Thank you Amraann. I did misread your post and I apologize for that. After I reread it and your recent post - I now see your meaning as well. :o I guess that was what I was trying to say also....may have been because of my only having one kidney. Yes it is interesting that most of us...
  6. G

    Women dies after competing in water drinking contest

    Amraann - I realize that it is the reccommended daily amount...I only posted it because I for one couldn't consume that amount, possibly because of my lack of one kidney. I don't know other than I was in a lot of pain and misery. Just my personal experience.
  7. G

    Fox airs vulgar shirt during playoff game!

    Sheesh - and I remember when they wouldn't show Elvis below the waist and Lainy Kazan had to have a "hanky" inserted in the V of her gown because she was showing too much cleavage!!! :eek: But I do agree that we have become a society of very few morals sad to say not to mention embarrassing...
  8. G

    Young Girl Facing Charges After Wetting Pants

    You guys cracked me up...LOL I have never had kids and believe me a sneeze will do it for me too. As a young girl I never had any "holding" power and still don't. I have had two bladder surgeries where my bladder was "put in a sling" of sorts and --- nope! When I gotta go - I gotta go. I...
  9. G

    Women dies after competing in water drinking contest

    Many years ago when I was on a weight-loss program and under the care of a dietician, they wanted me to drink 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day. After about 3 days of this and my head was aching so badly - and my lower back was causing me horrible pain that I was laying on a heating pad...I called...
  10. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Quote: Just an FYI for the impatient, obsessive-compulsive, and ADD among you. Yup - that's me!! :crazy: Thanks for the link TomsGirl
  11. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    I'm holdin' Tom'sGirl - :innocent: I am rather new to all of this stuff so just wanted to ask a question to put my mind at ease. Didn't mean to cause a raucus... :o Thanks for the explanation KK
  12. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Is it normal for Steve's site to go down? I am actually getting a "suspended" notice. Is it possible that someone has the "power" to get his site locked? Excuse me if I am over reacting...just don't trust some people and their abilities to "keep us quiet." :( I hope I am just over reacting.
  13. G

    The death of Princess Diana

    Oh I think he is going to talk. How can anyone live with themselves knowing that such a beautiful lady and others were killed in an accident. Wouldn't you think the fact that he painted his car within hours shows he knew something about the occupants in the car. IMO "Not my job" isn't...
  14. G

    President Gerald Ford passes away

    While I am a Democrat - I too always liked President and Mrs. Ford. They seemed to have a good understanding of what "we the People" were all about. They didn't hide their faults such as Mrs. Ford's addiction and because of her the Betty Ford Center has become world renowned. RIP Mr. President.
  15. G

    Woman with 2 wombs, 3 babies

    Montana16 - THAT is exactly the reason I am so glad I was never able to get!!! :crazy: At the time it was pretty devastating but in later years we adopted two children. My situation is my "extras" were all internal and nothing known until they decided to do a hysterectomy...
  16. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Thank you Bobbiesangel for setting me straight. Must be this time of the year. I am running like everyone else and I just pop in and out and obviously haven't read as thoroughly as I should. We were without power for four days and I am way behind in all of my holiday stuff but still trying to...
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    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Floh sometimes if mine plays this game with me - I copy and paste the link into my browser and it will work. Have you tried that? Just a suggestion. My computer is goofing off today too so maybe its the season....
  18. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    You are probably right Tom's Girl...I was never very good at patience but I am smart enough to know that they have to get it right too. Sure wouldn't want something to go down and have everything fall apart at this point. I only watched the video one time but wasn't something mentioned that...
  19. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Thank you Shadow205 - While watching the video I saw how much that beautiful baby did look like Dennis Potts. How can someone who is so ugly on the inside father and harm such a beautiful little baby who never stood a chance aginst him? I wonder if it came down to "If I can't have you no one...
  20. G

    CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

    Yes I am. Bobbiesangel you also deserve a hug for all that you have gone through with this case as well. For standing by an being a friend to Dayna as well as holding your son through all of the suspicion. I can't even imagine being accused of something I didn't do, especially as heinous as...

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