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  1. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

    Yes...hope so as well. My feelings today (at the end of full 2 days)...not looking good considering the facts of "this" case. Honestly, it is complete lunacy. Yes, I know...the jury doesn't know all we know, but even with what they do know...what/who is holding things up?? I would prefer a hung...
  2. S

    Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

    I agree 1000%, I would sooner hang the jury then let her off with anything less than Murder 1. I know many see this as a win for the defense, but you get a do over...this jury will feel like fools if they give her less.
  3. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

    I agree, sort of. This is a no brainer. She killed him, so that's half the battle, it's really a matter of believing State or sleezey Defense. That it has taken this long makes me wonder what the heck is going on.
  4. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

    Good Lord, I am praying. I listened to Chris Hughes and while it was so amazingly sweet, it was incredibly sad/horrific. Hard to believe how Jodi's strange behavior was apparent early on and Travis was the one looking past it :( Makes me so sad. Nevermind learning about the disgusting lengths...
  5. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

    Chris Hughes speaking on behalf of Travis, giving honest background to this story. It was so difficult to listen to only because there is SO much evidence that was always a stalker and he really cared for her. She is and always was very twisted. So sad. If this jury comes back with anything less...
  6. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Wow..thanks. This is interesting. Can't believe some of them either...the Melendez brothers, 4 days? Phil Spector. Well, it makes me feel better for the moment but I can't get around the fact that jurors know she did it and that's half the battle right there. It's a matter of believing the...
  7. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    I don't know...I wonder if there is a hold out? Nurmi was allowed to complicate the process by adding yet another they never argued in the trial. That alone speaks volumes of how sleezy her defense team is.
  8. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    The defense was allowed to complicate the charges even AFTER they claimed self defense. But Judge had bend over backwards for the slimey defense. The thought of the manslaughter "heat of passion" thing...good Lord. That's like 10 years I think, less time served. This jury will feel like complete...
  9. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    This makes me sick. Why wasn't that part of the email included in the trial?? It seems the State's hands were consistently tied throughout this trial. Give me a break! And still no verdict? This is so simple, we all know she killed him. It's a question of believing whether or not she was abused...
  10. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    That isn't true. They wanted 2nd Degree with 22 years (less time served). Big difference. I saw the legal document someone posted...the defense went so far as to say they wanted to "spare" the family of spewing all the sorid details of Travis & that pig's sex life etc. This came from Nurmi (the...
  11. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    That's why I stopped watching HLN. I watched the last half of the trial live streamed. You don't get all these "opinions". That aside, I am a nervous wreck waiting!
  12. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    They have no one does. This should be simple, they know she killed him already. Hope they agree that she planned this is all.
  13. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    They are including the 55 minutes from Friday. Still too long if you ask me.
  14. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Agree completely. I want a swift verdict just show that evil thing that the jury don't buy her poison.
  15. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Well, in my opinion, considering the evidence in this trial...if they don't come back with a verdict today, things aren't going well. Really, it should be a matter of hours. I wish they knew everything we know about this evil monster, but what they do know is plenty. Seriously...she is like...
  16. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    It is complete BS that she is allowed to do any of the things she has been doing from jail. I am assuming any decent attorney would demand she discontinue this sort of behavior but then again, look at her attorneys. So disprespectful to "real life" survivors of domestic abuse much less the...
  17. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Agree...Juan did have a 15 min verdict of a female. I saw a 20/20 a long time ago of a trial in which Juan prosecuted and convicted a male husband who killed his wife in their backyard (witnessed by neighbor)..he too got the death peanlty. His defense was something to do with sleepwalking...
  18. S

    General questions here

    I wish Juan reminded jurors in closing the fact that this murderer in her fog managed to clean up and LOCKED the door to his I hope they recall it from the trial.
  19. S

    General questions here

    I want to know too, there was a closed hearing in chambers in the days after she completed her "testimony". I thought it had to do with ALV approached Travis' sister for some odd reason. I am hoping transcripts are released once the trial is over.
  20. S

    General questions here

    I agree 100% with you, Nurmi thinks the jury is stupid and I am praying they aren't! This has been the sleeziest defense...but they (including the judge) let Jodi steer it. Jodi is poison, she ruins lives. Let's hope today goes down like all the careers of witnesses that testified on her behalf...

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