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DNA Solves
  1. F

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    I think this jury was totally convinced that if Casey went free, their stories would be worth more than if she was found guilty. This jury was bought...and lo and behold who gets into the mix right away?...ABC News. Let's see, ABC news paid Casey for licensing, right? And didn't they pay for...
  2. F

    Does JB Believe the Story he is Telling? *MERGED*

    I don't think JB wanted to go with this ridiculous story. I think it's all Casey's idea, another huge she thought for sure would get her off. I think that's why there was that power struggle/lover's spat between her and JB during jury selection. She refused to sit by him, pouting...
  3. F

    Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

    To George & Cindy- I am so sorry for what you are going through. Both of you are doing such a good job of testifying. I pray you continue with the courage, and the grace that you've been showing so far during the trial. Please don't let JB get to you. Just remember that Caylee is watching over...
  4. F

    TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

    where does it say that? i've read it twice, and still don't see where it said she "got all snippy about donations and keeping jobs.:" i feel sorry for her, no matter what she says, everyone wants to put words in her mouth.
  5. F

    TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #41

    Why isn't LE leaning more on that family? or are they? MB's mom could be covering for the sex offender (is it the mom's brother?), and MB could have been told to not say HD came over that day. If given a choice between believing MB's mom or BD, I'd believe BD first. At least BD wasn't...
  6. F

    2010.03.17 NG: George denies affair, Woman tells NE about supposed affair.

    FYI...we get our NE's on Thursdays at Walmart. I buy them on Thursday mornings, meaning they are already stocked (probably Wednesday night). But our grocery stores don't get them till Fridays. If you can't wait till Friday, go to Walmart tomorrow.
  7. F

    2009.06.16 George and Cindy on CBS Early show

    i'm beginning to think cindy's wanting everyone to look for a "live" caylee, was because she knew she was dead...and didn't want anyone to find her. she went on with the "caylee's alive" so much, trying to get people to stop looking for her. she didn't want search teams to come across...
  8. F

    LIST ONLY Deposition Questions Morgan should ask CA and GA LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION

    When Caylee's remains were found, why did you ask for immunity? immunity from what???
  9. F

    Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

    When CA got so out of control that she blurted out Zaneida's birthdate, that's when the attorneys came down on her harder. It seemed to me they wanted to get it over with, before CA could say anything else to hurt ZG. (If CA had also learned ZG's social security number from having her...
  10. F

    2008.09.05 - Richard Grund Interview with OCSO

    Maybe she didn't want to plant hairs, but wanted to get some. She's in the bathroom, and can get hairs of jesse's off a brush or comb, without him knowing she's doing it. remember all the extra hairs they (was it henry lee? think that's his name) supposedly found in the trunk. what is it...
  11. F

    2009.04.02 Nancy Grace

    where can i find nejame's statement again, about why he was quitting representing them?
  12. F

    2009.04.02 Nancy Grace

    and they do that until the body was finally found, then they suddenly want immunity. all of what you said fits perfectly!
  13. F

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    So caylee's finally found, then news reports of possibility fingerprints could still be on duct tape. then the house is searched again, and they suddenly want full immunity. and lee gets a lawyer. what if they were granted immunity for testimony, but it turned out they had a hand in...
  14. F

    Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

    KC used the "zone" as a pet cemetery, right? maybe she really thinks stephen king's book "pet cemetery" is true. kids buried their pets there, because the pets would sometimes come back from the dead. He also wrote a book called "the dead ZONE". i thought of that book as soon as i heard she...
  15. F

    Will the Anthonys Now Believe that Casey Did It?

    i don't know how they can contain themselves. if it was my daughter and granddaughter, after hearing confirmation today that the remains were MY granddaughter, i'd be at that jail in a new york second, demanding to speak to my daughter.
  16. F

    Anthony Family "suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings"

    This is my first post, so forgive me if this has been brought up before...but if the Anthony family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the finding of the body....i'm MORE suspicious of CA's question at the jail. she asked casey if she thought caylee was close, or was she HIDING...

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