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DNA Solves
  1. EchointheDark

    The Anthony $$$ Train: Will You Fuel It?

    ICA has no job skills or way to support herself. She is no doubt already in negotiations with one of the skin mags for a $million or so. I predict by this time next month we can know WAAAAAY more about her than we already do. And then she'll have another baby. Yippee. What a great country...
  2. EchointheDark

    Is one of the reasons Casey is "unpopular" (per Baez) because she is pretty?will re o

    Her utter conceit pizzed me off... she's not THAT pretty as to justify the catwalk strut and smirks and sunglasses and all ... the public curiosity, the press, it wasn't about KC. It was NEVER about KC. For me it was about beautiful little Caylee. Where was SHE? I didn't care about KC except...
  3. EchointheDark

    If someone gave Casey a dead Caylee

    You, my dear, need to write a book... what an exquisite turn of phrase.
  4. EchointheDark

    2008.07.15 Caylee allegedly called Casey

    Another fakey voice time is when the detectives are absolutely GRILLING her about no job lying about everything etc and one berates her for "why did we waste this time coming up here" to Universal (not his exact words), and she pops out with a sing-songey little-girl macabre creepy voice...
  5. EchointheDark

    The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

    The yellow box in front with the blue letters looks like Bisquick.
  6. EchointheDark

    Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

    I would maybe buy it for $.25 at a yard sale-- so when I read 2 or 3 sentences of Ant-speak, I won't feel bad throwing it out.
  7. EchointheDark

    Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

    I used to be a landlord. You'd be surprised. People will look at, apply for, and fully expect to be granted $1000 rental homes when they have no job but "plan to get a job" or whatever.... they could care less what the rent is cuz they don't plan to PAY it. I have no problem at all seeing ZG...
  8. EchointheDark

    2009.05.19*REVISIT* Gonzalez's attys have amended complaint by accusing Cindy Anthony

    And will that ever be a good read! Hope it comes soon, cuz I cannot figure out this nutcase... There will be a slew of superficial skimmings of the case, by this one and that one, but oh, for a detailed, professional, accurate, correct, analysis...
  9. EchointheDark

    CA's Blogger comments on LKL

    Good post! One of the many facets of this case that keep me drawn in, is the utterly dense impenetratable layer of denial in this family- (my own family was pretty damn good at denial, but the A's - WOW! - are Olympians at denial). As such, their "filter" of the truth is set at "denial...
  10. EchointheDark

    CA's Blogger comments on LKL

    Don't care if they're double chocolate chunk cookies; I ain't eatin' anything comes out of CA's hands... wouldn't put anything past the A's.... But I do agree that they should be seriously making nice... that is, IF they want to "save" KC. Maybe the reverse is true, that they really believe...
  11. EchointheDark

    Just one more day, mom...

    Another example (paraphrasing here) ... my hands were literally tied... when she was being interviewed by LE (this is on a tape NG keeps playing). She must not know what "literally" means, as opposed to "figuratively". And that thing about "in my gut I know Caylee's all right"- grrrr...
  12. EchointheDark

    Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

    No, the one person in the world who was too small to kick her back & make it hurt.
  13. EchointheDark

    Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

    OMG how did I never think of this-- SA, HERE'S THE MOTIVE!!!!!!!
  14. EchointheDark

    Specifically: Why were these questions not asked of Casey?

    I totally agree. All she had to do was go "un-huh" and nod a lot. What beautious voluminous lies she would have spouted if left to run her yap for the cute cops...
  15. EchointheDark

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    Hi and welcome-- this has been a huge topic of speculation. There's miles of thread(ing... or whatever these little bits of convo are called). That is one of the many mysteries of this case. It's how this specific ZG got hauled into this mess. It's the key fact that the civil suit hinges on...
  16. EchointheDark

    No outcry to find the killer/Zanny

    Yes, indeedy, KC is SOoooo important, that any and all nefarious organizations and individuals who have not hithertofor been named as zanni substitutes, shall now and forevermore be considered to be thus, especially the Cuban government.
  17. EchointheDark

    Cindy was going to commit Suicide?? CLOSED FOR REVIEW CHECK BACK LATER

    I wish that last, oh, January 2008, I'd sat down to write a book, and written each and every move and word of all these characters, especially the Imaginanny-- I'd have that book done, published, so we'd all know how it ends, whether KC gets LWOP or DP, whether G&C get charged etc etc. I'd have...
  18. EchointheDark


    If I had 2 words for this girl, the first one would be "Pilates" and the second one would be "lawyer".

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