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  1. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial #3 *VERDICT - GUILTY*

    How he enjoys being an advocate for killing your kid!
  2. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial #2

    I'm still catching up, but so many things are bothering me. I can't even remember them all, so I want to throw a couple out there. Not sure if this was ever discussed in the past, but we know that this was an infant car seat, from RH's own admission. This was the one they had since he was born...
  3. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    Interesting because LH said something along those lines at Cooper's funeral.
  4. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    All he can think about is the jail cell!? I CAN'T EVEN!!!!
  5. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    Normally I would agree for a spouse to be supportive of the other naturally. Both of these problems were his own doing! He was failing at work, because...he wasn't even working! He showed up when he wanted, he left when he wanted, he sexted with multiple people every day, and then chatted with...
  6. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    IMO the issue is that she didn't have a conversation about what they wanted or what Cooper would have wanted, she totally deferred to RH. Even from jail, she was letting him call the shots. She came back with great detail of what RH wanted and why. It was for a type of tree to be planted. I am...
  7. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    Since she was the more rational one, I feel like she should have been running the finances. Now we have learned that in so many aspects, she put herself in great peril by letting RH be the "head of their household". It seems their relationship was very driven by religion and tradition, in that...
  8. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    LH seemed to me to be totally under JRH's spell. She followed his lead, even with finances when he was reckless with that as well. She was submissive and doting on him no matter what he did. IMO she only divorced him when she really had no other choice because it became obvious he would be...
  9. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    IMO his only shock is when he learns he is charged and going to a cell. My now fiance, boyfriend at the time, hit a tree and was injured while skiing. He had a partial collapsed lung and a broken pelvis. As soon as they found him, he begged that the person who called me be calm. He was more...
  10. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    Will they be allowed to take the transcript back to the deliberation room?
  11. Violet1820

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial

    Hi all, I've been watching the trial and reading WS all along, but finally decided to comment. :) I can't help but think he is acting utterly inconvenienced in this video. I think it is really going to hurt him that this will be so fresh in the jury's mind. The transcript would have been...
  12. Violet1820

    Questions and Hopefully Answers in the Cooper Harris Case

    PHONE CALLS/ TEXTS, IMs, etc. "His attorney, Maddox Kilgore, said Harris texted his wife at 3:16 p.m. that day and said, "When are you going to get my buddy?" Police said they saw no texts between Harris and his wife that day."...
  13. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

    "He said Harris was the kind of guy who couldn't stand to "have a hair out of place." He said he was late to his own wedding because he had to pull over to get hairspray." So...
  14. Violet1820

    Questions and Hopefully Answers in the Cooper Harris Case

    Was RH saying that Cooper was chocking at the scene ever mentioned in the hearing? Maybe I missed it. If not, I find it so odd they did not mention it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Violet1820

    RH Social Media

    The person from twitter is still going strong and posted an hour ago saying something along the lines to RH did he disclose that he was married. If you are trying to find this be sure you select "all" tweets as the default is "top" tweets and you will not find it that way. Thank you to...
  16. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

    Did I totally miss it or did anyone reference RH stating he heard Cooper chocking at the scene during the hearing? Sorry if this was discussed, but it is totally bugging me. TYIA Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

    It would be rather odd if he could remember to tell his wife to pick Cooper up but not remember to physically drop him off. If only he had been forgotten at daycare and not in the car. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

    I wonder how many spots were open by the time he got there, especially without a parking spot on both sides next to it.
  19. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

    I don't even want to go there, but I highly doubt he was using real pictures of any kind for his fantasy life. I don't think the real thing would get him too far, and he would not want to be recognized.
  20. Violet1820

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

    Here is a link to an online poll. My how the results have changed since this all started.

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